The Challenge

1031 Words

'Huh? Seriously now? Do I really have to face him?', Shiro asked himself in his mind. All of them were staring at Naron and at the same time they were looking towards Shiro too. They just wanted to see what would be happening next since in their eyes it looked to be fun. "...", Shiro didn't reply for a while due to which Naron started taunting Shiro. "Are you so weak that you can't even face me?", he started to laugh loudly. "...", Shiro yet again just stood there quiet because he didn't want to cause any commotion. Even Sario didn't want Shiro to accept the duel since he knew that the moment Shiro stepped in to a duel, it would no longer be a normal duel and instead might turn into a one sided battle. "When I challenge my son, he would accept it and would at least face me even if he

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