
The Billionaire's Gem

one-night stand
poor to rich

Desperate to get easy money cause she's been running low and her bills are piling high, Josephine Claire Roces accepted a deal from a friend: join a jewelry auction and be an accessory to a heist.

In the auction, she's allowed to do everything, aside from meeting and getting caught by the billionaire - Gustav Lawrence Winston. But that’s exactly what happened. And more. The billionaire took interest in her jewelry and demanded she give him the heirloom on her neck.

How their meeting ends with a hot make out session is beyond her understanding. She was just glad to leave after doing her part and not getting caught.

She thought they'll never meet again. But she was wrong

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Chapter 1
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Reluctant Accessory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “You won’t regret doing this. It may be bad in people’s eyes but who cares? We got to live.” Claire eyed her guest, both of them sitting in the sofa of her mini living room. She accepted Chrissa’s invitation to get in touch, hoping to borrow some cash or ask if she can help her land a job. And this is what she gets. She’s not being judgemental of how easy the woman got rich, but it seemed she’s right. The job isn’t something she can be proud of. “Com’on, Claire! You know you need this. And I won’t offer this to you if I am not confident that you can nail this gig. Why, you’re secretly bad ass yourself.” Chrissa’s brow wiggled at her teasingly, as she smiles. Claire found herself grinning. She admits she’s never been the good girl type. She had her fair shares of misdeeds and mischief. She’s proud of those moments where she ends up in a couple of fights and misunderstandings insisting what she believes in. Tripping back some memory lane, she has to agree she lived a pretty decent life over the past 25 years. Is that about to change? Her gaze went back to her guest. Chrissa who’s far from the simple girl she used to know, now looks like a b***h boss as she looked around her dull, almost empty condo. With her full glass skin make up and glittery silver dress to her high heels shoes, she looks so out of place. She hid her embarrassment and wounded ego. There’s no room for those emotions in her shabby life right now. “I care for you, you know that, right? I don’t want you involve in this but this is the only way I can help you. And to be honest, you badly need some changes in your life, Claire. I mean, look at this place…” she trailed, stopping her gaze at the glass of water in the table in front of them. That pissed her somehow, but she held it in. She crossed her arms, scrunched her nose, contemplating at her friends’ words. “I don’t know, Chrissa. I mean, I can lie and argue, make up stories since I do write fiction… but stealing? Seriously? I can’t even steal your glittery pen back in highschool.” “You know what they say, there’s always a first time.” She shook her head. “No. I don’t think I am fit for the role,” she said while glancing at the pile of white envelopes in her table. The sense of urgency of those deadlines pushes her to say yes to Chrissa’s offer. Right away. But can she actually do it? Her guest sighed. “You don’t have to steal per se. Just get the info we need. You don’t have to take the original stuff. Copy it. Take a picture. We’ll take care of the rest.” “Why me though? I don’t have much experience with what you guys are doing.” “Exactly! You have never been in this kind of job. We need a fresh face. You’re innocent eyes, pretty face, and sexy body will easily get you away from suspicion.” She pursed her lips. “Let me think about it. I… I appreciate you coming out and telling me the nature of your job, and I swear I won’t breathe a word about this. Even If I decline, trust me. Your secret will be safe with me.” Chrissa stood up from the single sofa, obviously dissappointed. She elegantly pick up her Channel shoulder bag. “You have to decide by tomorrow Wednesday as we have to brief you of the plan and everything. I’m afraid I can’t give you more time, Claire as the auction’s happening by saturday. You know my number, call me once you made your decision.” After saying that, she leave, her pointed heels clicking on the floor. The door barely closed when her phone ring, making her heart jump. She can almost tell that it’s another bill to pay. And oh boy, she was right. Throat drying, she grab the glass of water she offered to Chrissa earlier and drink it before looking at the still ringing phone. She closed her eyes upon seeing the caller and with heavy heart, swipe the screen to answer the call. She wanted so bad to avoid the owner of the condo but she know better. “Hello, Mrs. Leung!” she cheerfully said to one of the martir housewife she knows in the area. “Uh… Hey, morning, Claire. Ahm, I’m not gonna beat around the bush. I need that payment, honey. I’m sorry, I know. I know you told me about how your finances are tight and all but I have to collect somehow, don’t I?”  There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before Claire forced to laugh a bit. “I understand, Mrs. Leung,” she said, hearing the apologetic voice of the old woman as his husbands voice nags in the background. She silently cursed the old man. It’s not as if they’re dying because she can’t pay at the moment. They’re more privileged than they can imagine, owning a number of condominiums and have them rented out to other people. But then again, business is business. Even with the old and crappy condo like where she’s residing. “You do know that I like you, right? If it’s just me, I won’t pressure you all the more. I’d rather cheer on you as you look for that new job. I really believe you will get another decent job soon. But my husband…” “Thank you, Mrs. Leung. You’re so kind I wish your husband is the same.” She heard the stifled laugh of the old woman before apologizing in behalf of her husband. She chuckled. “Can you, give me at least this week, please? I… had a job offer from a friend earlier and I’m seriously not in the situation where I have to be picky so... I’ll take it and pay you my due as soon as I get my paycheck.”  She hears the old woman relay the message to her stingy husband. There was a rustling sound and another voice greeted her.  "I promise I will pay you by the end of the week,” she said knowing it was the husband. “You better pay as you promised this time, young lady. Or I’ll call the police,” said Mr. Leung and abruptly ended the call. Claire slumped on the couch, her feet in one of the arm rest, her cellphone slipping from her hand. Funny how a single call can drain her energy. She stared at the pastel colored ceiling. Her mind wandering. Where did everything started to go wrong?  She sighed. It’s not always hard like this. After her parents death when she was eighteen, with no known relatives around, she got a trust fund that supported her for a couple years until she finished college. It got drained but luckily, she got her job in the publishing house before it went totally empty. So basically, the years that follow was living by paycheck to paycheck. She managed to have some savings but it’s been three months since she lost her job because the pub house shut down. She only got part time from here and there and it barely managed to pay her bills. She’s running low real time. She can still buy food but her bills… Damn her bills!  Fuck adulthood!  She grab her cellphone and texted Chrissa. Her fingers typing in with unnecessary force, her heart thumping as she hit send. I accept.  The reply came almost after a few seconds. Great! I’ll pick you up tomorrow before nine. She planned to take a bath earlier and go job hunting again after talking to Chrissa. But now that she accepted a dangerous yet high paying job, guess she can stay in her condo for a little longer. She dragged her feet as she head to the kitchen to get another drink. Her stomach is growling but all she can put in for now is water. She doesn’t feel like eating. She has to be frugal as much as she can.  She went to her unkempt bed and sit. Her back on the beds’ headrest, she drag her feet and fold her knees to her chest, combing her shoulder length jet black hair as her mind seemed to spin of the various scenarios she’ll be facing.  There’s no going back, Claire.  She tried and did her best getting a decent job for the past three months. Jobs that are in line with her past experience. Only job experience. But she got nothing but rejection after rejection to her applications. So who cares if she do bad stuff here and there? If she don’t, she’ll be dead anyway. So screw the decent job.  I have to live first.  Her eyes went to the calendar hanging in the wall. Saturday is too close. Will the three day briefing make her act successful? Anyway, if anything goes wrong, she’ll only have to be in jail as an accessory to a heist for a couple of months, maybe years.  No big deal.

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