

age gap
Writing Academy

Who wouldn't want a happily ever after; Rafael Constantine had wished for his in a very long time, but alas, fate still didn't answered his prayers.

Rafael had lived for over a millennium. And as one of the oldest living vampire he admits that he's too old to believe in some kind of fairy tales like mates and beloveds but the Paranormal's that he had met in his lifetime had proven him time and time again that it's all real. Unfortunately though, he's unlikely to met his.

Rafael is in the middle of his personal dilemma when an unknown enemy suddenly strike, creating havoc in the Supernatural World. The Council become frantic when there's no lead of their whereabouts. The bodies are already piling up and they still didn't have an answer.

So, Rafael, as the Head of The Council, doesn't have a choice but to cross state and deal with it personally. Lest, they alarmed the humans of their existence.

And as if the fate had willed it, he finally found his destined one -- in the form of Sebastian Silvester. But he's very far from what he is expecting.. And Rafael is reluctant to accept him. With the unknown enemy lurking behind the shadows, Rafael cannot jeopardize Sébastian's safety. But when he discovered Sébastian's secret, everything became more complicated.

Forced to choose between his feelings and responsibilities, Rafael does not know if the fate even wanted him to have his happily ever after....

( Another boy's love story. Be warned. )

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It's already past midnight and Natalie is still out walking alone in the dark road. Its been a hectic day, there's a lot of costumers in the restaurant she's working so the manager asked her to stay. She's very reluctant, but still, she agreed. She's ready to collapsed on her feet but at least she collected a lot of tips tonight. All her hard work is worth it. And when she remembered Danny and John waiting for her at home she can't help but smile. She just received a call from her husband. And she chuckle when she remembered how cheesy his lines were. They're married for ten years but he's still like they're in their teens. He didn't change. He's still the same as before and she's really lucky to have him as her husband. Then she suddenly stopped on her track and whip her head behind, when she heard a loud crash. She shivered.. There's nothing behind her.. The streets are empty and dark, her only light is coming from a stray street lamp in the side of the street. It's even blinking every other minute, that's why its hard for her to see more clearly. Squinting her eyes, she looked around. But there's nothing out there. Not even a single shadow... Sighing from relief she turn her head ahead and -- "Boom!" Alec bark, making his friends shriek from fear. Some guys even squeal in a 'not' so straight voice making him snicker. "Alek! That's not funny!" Cristina growled as she slap him in the arm. "Eh, but it is! You should have seen your faces! Oh God!" He cackled uncontrollably as he begin to roll on the ground like a fool. Its the final weekend before the start of school, and their group decided to camp out in the beach. Its their last year in highschool and they want to start with a bang. They are all friends since the freshmen year and they wanted to create some good memories before they go off to college next year. Its nearly midnight and the air is a bit chilly than normal, but not even one of them take notice of it as they continue their loud bickering. Unfortunately for them... ____________________________________________________ "So you finally propose eh?" Rafael inquire with raise brows to the man in front of him. Trenton just smirk as he turn his gaze in front where the couples are making their vows. Its like a dream come true and it brought a smile in his face that after five years he and his mate will be experiencing the same as his brother. When Zainn finally reach his 18th birthday, they can officially get married too... The whole pack worked hard to transform the whole place and it turns out incredibly. The whole forest feels like it belongs to a fairy tale. It's so beautiful, Rafael feels like he would cry. Trenton can see his beautiful mate happily chatting with the other pack members and he can see that the others already create a bond with his little mate. Any awkwardness had gone while the others become more open to him. There is truly nothing he can wish for. His wolf has a serene and content expression as they watch their love ones, with a satisfied smile. "So Rafael, when are you going to have your happily ever after?" He fire back to the small boy beside him. Rafael just look at him with a strange face. And for a moment he curse himself for asking a very stupid and insensitive question. "I truly don't know.. And I'm jealous with you guys, to be honest. Finding our true love is very hard and rare sometimes it would even take a century to actually find one. There are even moments that some of us are not accepted by our mates." "Well, I hope that you can find your own. I truly want you to be happy Rafael. You deserve it more than anyone..." Rafael looks at him with thoughtful eyes. "Thank you Trenton.." "Trenton! Come on they're taking pictures!" Zainn hollered as he pull Trenton towards the group.. Rafael just shook his head while he looks at them with a soft smile adorning his face making him look more younger than necessary. He might not say it out loud but the Blackwood Pack became a very big part of him. He saw them as his extended family and he felt happy watching them with smiling faces. But sometimes he envy them. He also wanted to be happy. He also longed for his mate, for his beloved... When will I ever met him or her?? "Master, there is an urgent call for you.." Keif his assistant/driver suddenly exclaim. "Who is it?" "A man called Rex, Sir." He said as he give the phone to Rafael, making Rafael grit his teeth fully knowing what's the call meant. Rafael took the phone, and he nod his head at Trenton saying his silent goodbye to them as he coax his assistant to start walking over the car. Keif open the door, and he hop on without further ado. "Drive.."his word is cold. Bringing the phone onto his ear, his expression become void of emotion. The once happy Rafael is completely gone. "What news do you have for me Rex?" His face turn dark when he listen to the words the man was saying. With a final glance with the happy family who become very important to him his car begin to drift away.. He just hope that it won't be the last time that he would see them again.... ____________________________________________________ Its still six in the morning but the streets are already busy. Police cars, ambulances, and some armored cars were seen while it drove fast the highway and stop near the local beach. A lot of people are already awake as they peer on their windows, some even came down to take a look. The sight they all see is something out from a nightmare. A memory that they will never forget with the rest of their lives. Bodies were hacked by some kind of sharp metal, and it's scattered messily around. Their eyes are gouge from their socket, brains are leaking from their deformed heads. And their hearts are neatly piled up in a far corner forming a perfect circle with a single black candle in the middle with a strange writings around it from the blood of the dead bodies around... A man in black suit is looking at it with dark and solemn expression. He turn around and walk back and hop on his sleek black camaro. Fishing his phone out from his pocket he dialed a number. Beads of sweat begin to roll down his face as he listen intently to the person on the other line and he almost pissed on his pants when he heard him said... "I'm coming..." _______________

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