Chapter 14

1043 Words
Ontario, Canada. Souline's pov: I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my stomach with gratification. "Those blueberry pancakes and coffee were delicious!" I exclaimed as Alliana began to clear the table. "Thank you," Alliana said with a smile. "No problem, and has the client ever told you their name?" I asked. "Now that you mention it, I don't recall them ever telling me their name," Alliana said. "Right," I responded. "Well, let's just hope it's not anyone strange," Alliana said as she began to wipe down the table. "I'm going to my section and organize it," I said, getting up and stretching. "All right," said Alliana. When I got to my table, I noticed the shambles. I started throwing out my trash, unused files, and other unimportant items. I stored my pens, paperclips, envelopes, stapler, and other desk supplies in their respective drawers. "Clean and organized," I said as I wiped the dust from my desk. I threw it away and washed my hands. Someone unexpectedly knocked on the door. I quickly fixed myself and went to see if Alliana was ready. "Our client is here; are you ready?" I asked. "Yes, let them in," Alliana affirmed. I nodded, went to the door, and opened it. My jaw dropped. When I opened the door, two females were both enthusiastic and strange. "Hey!" one of them exclaimed as they threw themselves into my arms, making my face flush. They smelled like old cigars and expired cologne, which was revolting. "Um," I finally said, trying to be professional, "are you the two clients from earlier on the phone?" "Yes, ma'am, my name is Celeste, and this is my sister, Celine," Celeste said as she entered with Celine. I returned to reality and shut the door. Alliana arrived, her face expressionless as it always is when it comes to clients, but I could tell she was confused. "Are you our clients?" Alliana asked. "Yes, ma'am," Celine said as she sat on the couch. "Didn't we talk to a man?" Alliana asked, looking at me. "I had the same thought," I said. "That had to be our brother! We didn't know how to ask for assistance, so we asked our brother to make the call because he's more professional!" Celeste clarified. "Right," Alliana murmured, "do you mind introducing yourselves?" "My name is Celeste, and this is my sister Celine, and we need your help with a case," Celeste explained. "Nice to meet you, what's up?" Alliana asked. "Well, not too long ago, Celine and I were arrested and placed on probation for attempted murder," Celeste explained. "Why did you try to commit murder?" I asked. "Well, because this is a sensitive subject for both Celine and me, we were both sexually assaulted by the same man," Celeste explained. My heart shattered when Celeste revealed that she and Celine had been sexually assaulted. I looked at Alliana, who had come and sat down next to them. "I'm deeply sorry for what has happened to both of you, to the depths of my heart and soul," Alliana said. "No woman should ever have to go through this," I said. "Thank you so much; it means so much to us," Celine said. "Is the man in jail?" Alliana asked. "No way, the detective and court systems are sexist and broken. The judge didn't even believe us, despite the evidence we presented," Celeste explained. "The man is literally free and is most likely still assaulting women," Celine explained. "Agreed," I replied. "Well, I believe you'd like us to help you get justice and put the man in prison, correct?" Alliana asked. "Yes, ma'am, and we also want the detective and the judge fired," Celine said. "Of course, I can help with this because it's a sensitive topic, and I've also done those cases before," Alliana said, "but the hard part is trying to get a judge and a detective fired for not believing the victims." "How so?" Celeste asked, her brow furrowed. "First and foremost, we require your proof and evidence," Alliana stated. "We have them," Celeste said. I took out my notepad and started a new page. "Do you remember what the detective said to you when you showed him the evidence?" I asked. "He said it could be anyone's fingerprint, and it didn't match the man's print," Celeste explained. "Did he even advise you to take a SA forensic exam?" Alliana asked. "Yes, we did, and the man's DNA was printed on our clothes, bodies, and purses," Celine explained. "Do you have a copy?" Alliana asked. "s**t, we forgot it in our house, but we can bring it in next time," Celeste said. "Please do," I said. "Gotcha!" Celine said. "We will help you seek justice. For the time being, I'm going to ask my friend, Giovanni, to redo your investigation and see if he notices anything new," said Alliana. "Is he a good detective?" Celine asked. "He's well-known and intelligent; he'll get the job done quickly," I explained. "Okay," Alliana said as she stood up. "When can we return?" Celeste asked. "I'll let you know when, and please let me know if there is any other news," Alliana said. "Alright, guys, thank you so much for your help; we really appreciate it," Celeste said as they both stood up. "Anytime," Alliana said. I opened the door. "See you guys soon!" Celine said as they walked away. "Likewise!" exclaimed Alliana. I shut the door and turned to face Alliana. "Would you like me to call Gio?" I asked. "I'll call him," Alliana said. "Those were probably the last clients for today," I said. "I'm going to put the other clients on hold until we finish them," Alliana explained. "So you're not answering any of the other calls?" I asked. "Correct," Alliana said. "Well, I'm going home quickly and then shopping; what are you going to do?" I asked while gathering my belongings. "I'm going to call Gio, then I'm going to take the day off," Alliana said. "Rest well," I said before wrapping my arms around her. "You too," Alliana said before smirking and hugging me again. I walked out of her house, closing the door behind me. I had a strange feeling before getting into my car.
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