
1044 Words
I know there are a lot of fans out there, who want the scoop on Mortou just as they did on Shaman. Mortou was a boy becoming a man, he was human with a touch of magic left in him. He was from the Americas. He found his true mate, a royal female dragon who happened on him one day by fate or chance however you wish to look at it. When I met him in the woods he was young and had not fleshed out to be a man. He had uncontrolled rage which in turn caused many deaths while in his bear form. Elder Braun happened on him, choosing to help him gain control of that rage. They spent many years working until he could hold the rage and save it for when he needed to change. I ran across him in the forests without Elder Braun, taking him to Shaman where he spent many years learning the magical arts. By now he was well over 500 years old. He asked if I could take him back to the wilds of America. So I did. That is where he met his second chance mate. The story he gives me is vague yet I know if it's his tale it is a wild and crazy tale I am sure. I have met the woman who is his mate once. She keeps to herself and her cubs. A loner of a sort. She is a full ancient shifter, the kind that rules the lands of his wild America. She is both sweet and gentle yet in the blink of an eye rage consumes her covering her in the blood of her enemies. She has long black hair, light brown eyes, unlike shifters today she is tiny, I would guess near Maya's size, five foot something. She was young when they met, I know since their mating she has changed little. Perfering her mountain top home to the lifestyle of place to place. Every few hundred years she has a cub that she raises and then lets out to the world with much training and knowledge. I am in awe of this woman. Her independent nature and style surprise me with Mortou. They have been together for just over a thousand years. he spends a few years then leaves for a while, then spends time on and off. It is an odd relationship they have but one that seems to work for them. Sorry was side-tracked. I really want to know that woman more but even she cuts me off and kicks me out. I want her gossip. Hahaha. Back to Mortou, Shaman told me of his training and ease with Earth magic, so he helped Mortou hone that use and managed to give him an upper hand in many things. Even his change to bear when it happens sends a shock wave of power out to our planet letting her know he is hunting. In Bear form is when he releases his rage. It allows him the chance to flick that switch and do what he needs to do for that release of pent-up aggression. His magic superseded mine after the first few years with Shaman. His potions, charms, and his raw power are always requested. He does not give it out, without great thought And understanding. When Elder Braun asked him to come and help protect Maya he did so at first because of a favor owed. Now I have seen it's out of love. He may be the stoic and reserved brooding man. He is not that is his layer of protection to the outside world. He shows emotion behind closed doors as those are who he trusts the most. He went with them on the tour of the Americas, he battled multiple wolves protecting Jewel, and Maya too. He treats them as his female cubs. Something even he and his second chance mate could never have. That and he has helped Maya's son Hawk with his wolf Tys as well as teaching him the Earth magic that seemed to come naturally to the young boy. There are many things that werebear does, but all of them are good in their twisted way. He kills, but there is normally there is a thought as to why. The whole line is cursed to have males only, but it seems their mates find a way to still have the babies who change to bears. In all his generations they have always been male bear cubs. Which cannot be explained as of yet. That is why Mortou I think latched on to Maya and Jewel. Why he brought them back to meet his mate during the tour. I was not privy to that meeting or conversation as I was too busy getting Joe and her son Hawk to a safe place while we sorted out the Southern Wolf dilemma. It was a bit stressful but we managed. It brought the whole group closer together and seemed to solidify the attachments. Attachments are something big to Mortou, he wants that feeling of family. I understood that with how I lost my own. We both understand each other well in that aspect. He puts up with my mouth even, for a grumpy old bear it surprises me most times. Shaman seems to think he is another guardian of the timeline, which I tend to agree with. I have seen glimpses of them and they are awful. Wars, death, and demons taking over suggest how awful it would be if both Mortou and I were not here. Even Elder Braun and Ben have helped in their ways keeping us in check with our timeline. The ones without us have different people with the same lines though they are constantly battling the forces of Velito. It is a world of war and death. Something I hope no one ever sees. The Goddesses have their work cut out for them on that timeline for sure. I do not envy anyone in that place at all. ************ Greetings Readers! I apologize, had some technical difficulties with my router after the last monsoon storm that blew through. I am getting all stories back on track. Much Thanks and Love, M. Merrill ************
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