Keep going Forward

1039 Words
The Viking and I ended up having issues. I didn't have breasts and he liked them. I caught him motorboating one of his servants. I was like nope sorry, not dealing with all this, and walked away. I like bad boys but bad boys most often had a thing for women, not men. Even my caliber of male I brought to the table wasn't enough to stop a determined bad boy from the jiggle of a good pair of breasts. So I moved on, I played with a few tasty morsels and as we know vocalized my thoughts of who I thought was tasty and who wasn't. I learned that we get to play the field but attachments needed to be chosen carefully. One's like Shaman we're friends, lines like that were not crossed. I began to understand how people's minds worked and what I could and couldn't get away with on someone. I continued to train many different fighting techniques and styles. I also met Elder Braun and Mortou. I caught wind of magic one day while I was learning the sword. Following the scent of magic led me to An open field where I found Elder Braun with a very young Mortou. He wasn't the seven-foot giant of a man but, a smaller thinner version. "Braun," I acknowledged as I stepped into their area. The young Mortou snarled at me, "easy there yummy little one," I cooed. "Athens," Braun nodded to me. "I found this young one. Cursed recently by Veltio." Braun shook his head. His eyes sad as he looked at the kid. "What did he do?" I asked As the young Mortou growled at me. "Tried to get into the place to save one of the dragons he was going to kill," Braun's sadness washed over me. So many dragons were gone because of Velito. "Well, at least he tried." I gave a nod to the growling boy. I watched as he turned into a bear charging me. I blinked out and behind him. I did this a few times. "I see he has anger issues." I chuckled. "I am working on that," Braun huffed at me. "Well, work harder. or he will end up killing someone," I spoke with a bit of an edge. Everyone knew I detested the idea of an innocent dying for a stupid reason. "I am watching him," Braun barked back at me. "You heard about Lyica's downfall?" I asked Braun. "Yes, why I am not longer there." He rolled his eyes at me. "What are you doing with him," I jerked my head toward the young Mortou who was still snarling. "Helping him out," Braun shrugged as he cross-crossed his arms over his chest. "Well just make sure the little cub doesn't kill anything he shouldn't." I huffed. "I will do my best," He nodded as he turned his cute butt away. "Come on Mortou let's go find some dinner." His bright orangish-red hair disappearing into the distance among the trees. I went back to learning and training and other bits to do with the council and vampires. I don't have a time frame as a time to me is all relative. I had things to do day and night but for weeks, months, and years nope. Didn't give a damn about it. The next time I saw Mortou was without Braun. He was the massive man he is now, just learning magic then. I had found the scent of magic and followed it to his location like I had done the time before. "What do you want Vampire," he growled. "Just seeing who is failing at magic," I chuckled leaning against the tree. "I am not failing!" He snapped at me. "Oh but you are," I snickered. "Would you like to learn the proper way?" I queried. "How would you know?" He huffed. "I have been around A few thousand years longer than you. So you would be surprised." I pushed myself off the tree to see if he wanted to learn. "Fine," Mortou threw his hands up in frustration. "I think you would do better with a different teacher." I sighed. Grabbing his wrist I blinked straight to Shaman's cave. There I could call him and see if he would help this one. "Where did you take me!" Mortou roared. "I have a friend here that may be able to help your magic as long as you ask nicely cub," I sauntered out to the mouth of the cave. "Shaman!" I hollered out. I grabbed Mortou's wrist sending a shiver of delight at the size of him and his massive frame. "I like women," Mortou gruffed as he saw my wiggle. "Too bad, what I could do with a man like you," I side-eyed him smacking my lips together. "I am sure I have a mate out there." Mortou far away look was hopeful. "What have you brought me now," I heard Shaman sigh. "A cursed one," I sighed. "He wants to learn magic." I pulled Mortou so Shaman could get a good look at his seven-foot frame, the dark hair was long and curly. His face is more masculine and rugged now than his youth. "Why do you want to learn?" Shaman turned his silver gaze on Mortou. "If I am to live in this world with what the monster has done to me, I would like a way to protect myself." Mortou eyed Shaman. "What are you?" He asked. "Just a very old wolf, with his own curse," Shaman sighed glancing up at the darkening sky. "I see, will you teach me?" I noticed the nervous look in the young bear cub's eye. "Yes, I will teach you," Shaman nodded, a huge sigh leaving his body. "Follow my bear cub, you have a lot to learn." Waving him into the woods with him. With one of my guardian tasks done, I headed back to my training. I knew I would be seeing more of Mortou as I had felt that connection brew. Similar to Shaman but yet different in its aspect. I was curious to see how the paths of our future would go. I had no clue we would end up fighting Veltio together.
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