Lost Mate

1053 Words
This will be a sad bit, I recommend getting tissues handy. Things were different now that Alec had gone off the deep end and with Tatiana missing we there was nothing to hold Alec and me together. Distance between us became huge. I was learning to fight on multiple levels. It was during this time I ran across the most delicious smell that had ever crossed my nose. Stopping my run through the woods I followed the scent, it was the smell of strawberries and chocolate. Tracking the smell it led me to a cottage on the edge of town, a werewolf family. Watching with great interest I found a teenaged boy likely not even old enough to use his wolf. He had strawberry blonde hair and deep brown eyes. My urge to go to him was like a force of will. I held back, he was not ready. The area looked safe enough. I marked it so I could come back here at a later time. I would not disturb them I would wait. Come back later. I went back a couple of years later to see the house in shambles. The roof was caved from a fire, while the vines from the flowers began to take over the structure that was falling. I used my nose to smell any traces. I found two skeletons some distance from the house. They were charred which meant someone had pulled them from the house during it burning or after. I could smell nothing but death and forest. I rose, the following fate this time. Sometimes it worked in my favor sometimes it did not. I wandered for hours, nothing could be found of him. I went back to my castle afraid. Should I have taken him that day? Repeating the question over and over in my head. I was brooding, I was never a broody person. This was more like Alec, I wondered then. Was it his men who had done that to the home? Standing, and appearing in his main room, I found him eating. His back was to me, holding his meal in a good grip. I could barely make out there was a person hidden in his arms. "Alec a question when you are finished." As I waited for him to finish his meal. I looked around the room to see it more cluttered. Spoils of domination, I supposed he had collected. I heard the thud, glancing back to see Alec wiping his mouth smearing the blood with the back of his hand. "I have always enjoyed the taste of wolf." He purred. My eyes fell to the body at his feet. The same strawberry blonde hair, inhaling I caught the same scent of strawberries and chocolate wafted my nose. I slowly walked forward, bending down, the brown eyes of my mate hazing over. His beautiful face in a mid scream, my heart tore in two. "I have another wolf if you wish," Alec chuckled above me. I scooped up the man who would have been mine, in my arms. His limp body, draped over a deep rumbling growl escaped my throat. "This was my mate you asshole!" I hissed. I was back at my home, the one that Lilith made me at. I walked through the woods, my heart in pieces as I followed the path to my mother's grave. I laid him down on top, of hers, as I picked up the shovel. Digging was no effort like it had been, it was over before my eyes were empty of tears. I knelt next to him, using my fingers to close his eyes. "I am sorry I failed you," My head hung low. "Momma please watch over my mate, let him know I was sorry for not taking him when I should have." I cried more. How could this happen? I was a f*****g vampire! I should have been able to save him. I went through all the events in my head, the one that kept coming up was Alec's words. "I have another wolf if you wish." I repeated it in my head as I appeared back in his main room. I was snarling, I wanted to rip him piece by piece. It was the chanting, that stalled me. "Ah, the weak one has returned. How poetic that I kept you from your mate as you kept me from mine." He sing songed. "As you are magic I have asked these witches to ban you from my home forever!" He paused not stepping over the lines of the circles that had been drawn where I appeared. "I did not keep you from your mate, Shaman bound my powers! I could do nothing but hope she would come!" I shouted. My cool was gone, anger hot and white boiled inside of me. "Sure," Alec rolled his eyes as he sauntered back to his chair much like a throne. "I never believed you. Now she is dead!" He bared his fangs at me. "Dead?" I was taken aback. "Yes! Someone killed her! Velito had married her and she was marked by him!" The walls were shaking with his anger. Dust was falling from the walls and ceiling. "I did not know." My shoulders slumped a little. I was sorry it had not worked out for him. Though my chest was filled with pain and hate from losing my mate. The beautiful innocent boy I had wanted desperately to get to know. "Doesn't matter now!" Alec shouted rage having taken him over completely. "I have taken your mate from you. We now are no longer bound together. Consider us nothing!" I stared at him. He had become completely dark with his rage. "I will not forgive this. We shall meet again one day and one of us will not walk away." My words solemn and deadly all at once. "So be it!" Alec snarled back. "Get him out of my sight!" I disappeared, there would come a day I would act my vengeance on Alec. He would know how wrong he was. Taking my mate because he thought I had done the same. It was a chance thing, yet it created a rift. One that would forever make me the man I was. Be close to no one. Trust only me.
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