Battle of lost Friends

1047 Words
The fact that Alec and I had a huge upheaval in our lives did not mistake the fact we were still siblings of a sort. I just ignored the that he was alive and did my own thing. I hoped to never run into him if I didn't have to. I was standing looking out the throne room window of my now hidden castle. I had bought the land in a false name that I could change every few years. They would be my new alias. This way I could keep them outlaying land well to myself and stay hidden. Even built a place out near the road to let the other road grow over. That house was where my servants lived. They had barns and raised horses with a garden outback. They would adopt kids and raise them no worse for the wear. Those kids would go on to do great things or in some cases would be supernaturals in need of shelter. As long as they left the castle alone everyone was good. I built up a cash supply that began to fill the Treasury of my castle. Artifacts that the humans wanted to discard because they did not fit their narrative or magical items that I could use at future events. All were stored there. If the humans ever wanted to know the true history of the Earth and their creation on this planet it was mainly hidden in my Treasury. People would be mind blown at what was there. I would wait and see what the future held. Was not like I would die anytime soon. I had yet to find only one weakness, and that weakness was unlike any other of my kind. I had been built to last. "Master those new horses you purchased from Thessinlia have arrived." These horses were noted for being the best. I would wait to pass judgment on them until I saw them. I walked down the steps to the courtyard. There stood four beautiful ebony-colored horses. Two stallions and two mares. I would add their bloodlines to my breeding program. Walking among they snorted and danced. I liked what I saw in their look. The mare at the end had kind eyes and a good expression. She did not dance or snort my way just watched me intently. I instantly liked her. I wanted more horses like her. "Put this mare and my favorite stallion, the one from the Basque people," I ordered my servants. "Are you sure you want to cross those bloodlines?" One of the servants asked. "I do, for the simple fact they except what I am." I raised a brow with a glare to silence any other thoughts from them. I walked back up to my small library there I sat with pencil and paper as I added their names and abilities to my detailed breeding program. I would have the best horses anywhere. *********** Toward evening one of my servants came back in, "my lord we can see the glow of a fire in the distance." He pointed well past where I had placed the big house. "Have the others move down to the barns." The words were automatic. "I am going to go and see what is going on." I headed down to the Treasury room. I grabbed a charming stone that was well versed in water magic. I blinked to the edge of the fire line, there I saw why. In the distance was a village on fire. You could hear the screams and smell the scent of the copper scent of blood on the breeze. I walked closer, I knew the symbol that was on the banners. Alec, had he come to take my lands? I began chanting the incantation of the water spell, water poured all over the lands around me and in front of my feet. A cool breeze coming from behind pushed the flames to part. I found his warriors pillaging the small village. I let the water wash away everything that was wronged. Kept walking the flames that had been nothing by a wall were gone, water and mud were what remained. I found Alec's carriage at the top of the hill. "Are you trying to destroy my territory?" Annoyance heavy on my words. "If at all possible, I was hoping the flames would kill you." Alec ground out, his eyes glowing to show his anger. "The land all around here is mine, there are plenty of other places to fill your blood lust." My anger building. "Move your ass away from mine," I growled. "My blood lust won't be filled until you are gone from this Earth." Alec hiss baring his fangs at me. "I will not deal with your troublesome attitude today." I flicked my wrist, the carriage was picked up and flung several miles from the hill he had been on. The horses perfectly fine where I left them I would take them with me. They were rather too nice looking to be with him. In the distance, I could see Alec get up from the rubble left by the carriage. I knew at some point we would fight, he did not know how to kill me nor would I give him what he needed. This fight would very possibly kill us both. I would hold out until it was an absolute. He was my sibling by birth. I had run across some of the younger vampires he made. Some had a decent bone in their body, others well that was on a questionable idea of decent. Well, my sort of decent anyways. The years passed again, humans had entered the Renaissance period, everything was colorful and crazy. Nostradamus was writing weird lines of poetry, crusades and other acts of war were turning up. Humans were beginning to be just as violent as the rest of the supernatural world. This time however they were not hiding it under the cover of darkness. I enjoyed this greatly. It gave me more to feed upon. Men being accepting of other men were doing well as well. I was enjoying this age. My disappearing and reappearing abilities were becoming stronger and stronger. I found myself in the new wild territory all the time.
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