Blood Lust

1025 Words
Let's talk a moment about blood lust and vampires. Vampires in blood lust on any given day are a bad bad thing. We kind of go feral for lack of a better word. Blood can be flipped by any of these options; massive death with destruction, a huge amount of blood mixed with terror, or really really hit fabulous s*x. I have always ended with the latter sadly and it's ALWAYS the best partners that get eaten because I can't control the hunger. Fae blood is like a siren song to us when it has a mix of fear in it. Lord knows why it works but it does. During wars, a lot of young vampires would go blood lust and those were the ones I would kill. If they couldn't stay away until they had some sort of control they needed to die. They were weak-minded and should not have the vampiric gift. Younger vampires will click blood lust for all of those reasons, I had managed to build a tolerance to all but the Fae blood with fear. There was not a damn thing I could do about that. It was ingrained in all of us to devour them like potato chips or cheesy puffs. Mind you the cheesy puffs are a better description as you know those cheesy yum yums make it super messy. With the council in place, I had made to let the last of the Fae have their place that was bound with magic we could not cross. It was a precaution for young vampires to not get the munchies and older ones as well. It was working well until a storm blew the tree over with a ward that held the magic together. A young vampire managed to slaughter several of their elders before he was killed. With that, they went into hiding. Even the council and I did not know where they went. Fast forward to the age of douche bag Velito and he was known to sacrifice magic beings to keep his almost dead wife barely alive. He found their hideout. Managing to wipe them all clean. In a way, it was good for vampires yet, it threw the good and bad off balance. I could only imagine he must have collected DNA from one of his many skills to use for his lab. It wasn't until that day at the Northern Sky pack that I realized they had used Fae's fear-induced blood on me. I was damn glad when Hawk's beast popped up telling me to get my ass outta there. I blinked into the place I had been saving for some time. I had been debating letting Hawk's beast have it but today I needed it. It was a human s*x trafficking spot, I had watched them on occasion, torture the girls or guys whichever they wanted at the time, or who had been bad. I knew I needed to clear it. So when the blood lust hit, I found the men eating dinner. I tore through that cafeteria like a bloody whirlwind. The screams and scent of blood made my feral monster come out. I ripped people's heads off drinking from them like fountains as I danced and paraded through the room. I found the man responsible for taking "his turn" with the girls and some of the young boys. I ripped his pants down and threw him over a table. I was bloody with a raging boner. I buried it deep in him as I ripped out his throat. It was his punishment for the things I had seen. I continued down the hallways letting the blood spatter and the screams echo the room. This was my favorite tune. My jam if you will. I found a group of guys and suits, you could see the money. I opened that room like a box of chocolates. I could feel my sanity coming back then. It was the scent of human justice that stopped me when I peered into the eyes of a man who looked in mine with no fear. He was human, at least he smelled that way. "Who are you?" I growled. "A cop, I was gaining info to release them." He croaked out as my hand was still around his throat. "You're not afraid of me why?" I bared my fangs and it wasn't like I was in a gorgeous moment. I was covered in layers of different people's blood. "I have tried to take my life many times. In fact, I welcome death should it come." He spoke rubbing his neck. "Why save the ones here?" I raised a bloody brow. "It's the right thing to do, should I get killed a bonus for me." He shrugged. "Go release the children. I will be done eating these worthless souls soon." I turned my attention back to my big meal of the day. I probably should have gotten the human's name but honestly, I didn't care. I continued to make a huge meal. I found the last tasty morsels in the rooms above. They were the owners come to watch the sale about to take place. They thought I was satan as I barged into the room, the woman screamed as most do. I silenced her first as I didn't want the annoyance. The others were like picking grapes off the vine. Looking around the room I heard a commotion down at the ground level. Looking down I saw the man helping the children and women free. A man from the side fence drew a gun. I blinked down there snapping his neck as I felt a food (okay well blood) coma coming on. I nodded to the strange cop and watched him help the prisoners to the cop cars and vehicles coming in the distance. I would have to find this fellow. His no fear of me had me intrigued. I was curious about what would cause a man, a human man to loose all fear of the mortal bonds that most get so wrapped up in. I would have to come back later and sort him out.
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