Cacodemon aka Hawk

1074 Words
Let's have a word about Cacodemon. I know that dark sexy piece of yumtastic hasn't spoken or cracked his dark bloody history. So let me shed some light on his darkness. Being a child of Lilith like me, he had his issues to deal with. I did not know where he came from, but it was a nasty night, lightning, thunder, and rain so hard you could barely see through it. I had heard from another vampire that a demon unlike any other had leaped into a church and attacked seven of the supernaturals there. It looked like a huge black dog with glowing red eyes. I raced to the church my sister's family was taking shelter from the storm. I was just in time to witness a massive black beast of a dog or bear or mixture thereof bust through the doors that had been secured by a heavy log to keep them closed. It roared, and I shivered with excitement at its rage. A creature I had never seen, watching it kill was a thing of beauty. It scanned the room pausing at me before looking at the rest of the people. Its eyes snapped back to me as it snarled the drool mixed with blood giving me a boner. (Come on now, we are friends right? Friends share the TMI stuffs.) Anyway, the violence and blood had me in a stupid giddy state of arousal. I needed to get out or I would add to the death toll. I skipped into the night hoping to catch a glimpse of the wild beast. It would be another 100 years before we would cross paths and I would watch his rage as blood lust turn me on. This time it was in daylight, a pack of wolves who had been openly hating on Velito was slaughtered before my eyes. They didn't even stand a chance. They tried to fight but with his rage, it was a mere finger wiggle to someone such as him. I was again left heady with so much violence on display. We met on the same hunting fields after that, each time he would eye me with suspicion and I would bow to his unique form of destruction. "What is your name beast?" I had called to his departing back. He paused a moment eyeing me. "Hawk" The growled words reached my ears. I nodded as he turned and left. Years would go by maybe 500 this time, I heard of the black beast but his name was not Hawk it was Cacodemon the soul taker. He was an odd mix I could see something but could not place a finger on what it was. At first, I hunted to him thinking he belonged to Velito. Boy was I wrong. "Go back to your fighting studies," I heard Lilith snap in my head as I watched yet another scene of gruesome blood and chunks of flesh fly while the beast before me killed. "This creature of Velito's needs to die," I huffed back surprised I could hear her words only in my head. "That is my creation, just like you he has a role to play in this world." Her growl rattled me, striking an insane amount of fear to burst in my chest. I bowed my head, "I am sorry, I just do not want to find him gain too much power and kill at will everything." "He is fighting his own battles, and he does not want power he only wants to be left alone." Lilith's words containing less of an edge this time. "Okay then," I nodded turning to leave. I would go back to my fighting task. Of course, I had my taste of yummies along the way but my momma raised me to kiss and not give details. Just say I hate my biting reflex. I always ended up eating the good ones damn the bad luck. The beast and I would cross paths many more times, most on the battlefields of World War 1 and 2. I noticed he too killed demons without care. Young vampires seemed to be his favorite to play with before killing. Stories of Cacodemon would wander through the communities each building horror-filled tales of raged killing and dismemberment. I had to agree he was a sight to behold when it came to bringing death. I never knew of another who was just as passionate about killing as me. They called me Justice, I was ok with that. I killed because it was the right thing to do. Cacodemon, killed for pleasure and money. To me, he has no honor, I did not know at the time he was battling demons far larger than my past. The next time I saw him was the day that Maya pulled the cards for the reading. Her heavy emotions are what called me to her. I did not know that her power or that the Goddesses had blessed her with finding him. So standing in what I assumed was his office as Maya boldly went to show him her vision threw me for the biggest loop of my life. It was my sister, before the only thing I knew I could not win against. I was frozen, I prayed to the Goddesses that they kept her safe. Watching him regain composure and hold still so I could take her away made me grateful. Finding out they were family blew my mind. He was Myra's son, offering her his loyalty was completely terrifying yet exciting. Then watching as he gained his mate, a woman meant to be Velito's. I watched his heart unfold from its shell. He was becoming someone I could get along with at a surprising 180 turn for sure. Moving to the ranch just before our trip to Europe had me on edge again and I did not understand why. I assumed it was because he was near my sister. Even Maya guessed that as well. I had lost so much in my life, I didn't even want him to know about my new human mate. The life I realized is about adjustments and how they affect the lives of others. I managed to affect many. I would always keep some side-eye on him but seeing him with a family gave me hope for the future for the first time in years. The only downside was Velito was still alive.
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