Gaining my Stride

1183 Words
It took about 200 years for me to sort the magic bits. Once I found a way to manage it, things took off from there. Alec and I became partners so to speak, he would feed me and I would use my magic for him in various ways. "Athens I need your magic." I heard in my head as I was about to nibble on one of my guests I kept in the dungeon. "Seriously you have to ask me while I am in the middle of dinner," I sighed. My fangs out and raised just about at my meals skin. "It is rather urgent," Alec huffed. "Fine, let me a snack and I will be right there." I sank my fangs into the man's neck as I heard him whimper. While feeding I blinked us from my spot to Alec's house. "You called," groaning in delight as I let the body fall from my lips. Crumbling onto the ground in a heap of flesh. "I need you to find my new servant," Alec spoke quietly. "She ran this morning as I laid down to sleep." I eyed the dark and yummy-looking man. If I didn't know his personality better I would have liked him more. "Why did she run?" Wiping the blood residue from my mouth while stepping over the pile of human flesh I had left. "She is resistant to everything I do. I punished her and now she ran." There was no growl in his words only pain. He was brooding and quiet, Something different in the way he acted. Neither one of us was very old. Maybe 500 years about then. "I will do a seeking spell. Do you have something from her?" "Here, it was from her punishment last night." Alec handed me a lock of hair. It had not been ripped out it had been, cut off and tied like a present. The hair in my hand I got to work on the spell. The hair began to burn, Alec reached out grabbing it to stop it. Even with himself burned on his hand he did not let it go. "What does this mean?" "She found another witch to cover her tracks," I huffed. "Someone of pure magic." I was indeed surprised. She had not wanted to be found. Why. "What else can we do?" Alec looked out the window the hair still tightly gripped in his hand. "Search the old fashion way." I shrugged. I had nothing else I could do. "If she managed to have a spell cast it is likely her scent is covered as well. "She didn't want me.." Alec's forlorn words dropped into the room. "What do you mean?" I stepped closer to see a man who had his heart broke. "I asked her to become one of us, so she would stay with me forever." Alec looked out the window there was a tear down his cheek as if it was raining blood. "You gave her the day to think about it and she ran." I surmised. "Yes," Alec whipped around grabbing the scruff of my shirt he pushed me into the wall. "I want you to look everywhere for her!" He growled. "You are a daywalker!" "Now, don't get me excited throwing me around like this." Shoving him back. "I did not lose your pet," pausing a moment to eye him. "I will see about finding her if you stock my dungeon with goodies," I growled pushing him back into the other wall. "But don't get aggressive with me!" I bared my fangs at him. Alec and I had a long-drawn-out stare. Neither backing down as we gauged what the other might do. "Fine!" Alec threw his hands up. "Just help me find her please!." He ground out going back to the window. "I will see what I can do." Turning on my heel I left the room. I needed another snack, and his dungeon was always full. ********** I went to several towns over the next few days. All within range of Alec's sleeping place. I found nothing. "My lord," An old man's voice called to me shakey and unsure. "Yes," looking down at the frail old man. "The lady you are looking for left three days ago with a wizard." His aged eyes almost white showing that he may be blind. "How do you know who I seek old man?" I raised a surprised brow. "You seek the woman just as powerful as yourself. Just as different too." His weak voice answered. "Which way did they go?" I asked. This old man intrigued me greatly. "To Lyica" He spoke with strength saying it. "What boon would you like in return old man?" I was impressed. This man was not normal nor could I figure him out. "No boon, just keep her safe from the dark one." He turned, rubbing his arms as if he was cold. "Who is the dark one?" I asked after him. "That you will have to figure out young vampire," the old man chuckled. I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. I did not have time for these games. Opening them I found the man was gone. I looked back and forth. Nothing. I went to Lyica next, calling on Shaman. "Do you know the girl I seek?" I asked him. "I am sorry, I cannot tell you the answer." He shrugged looking out in the distance towards the grand Lyican castle. "Why not?" I was tapping my foot, I needed this. Alec was going to be off the charts if I didn't get his pet back. "An oath I made to the Royal family." He turned to me, Goddess was he yummy. "That doesn't help me with an upset broodmate." I grumped. Folding my hands over my chest. "Who told you she was here?" Shaman mimicked my stance. "Some weird blind old man," rolling my eyes. "Sounds like another ancient messing around with the timelines." Shaman chuckled. "An ancient?" My brows raised automatically at the word. "Yes, they see how all timelines can go, if they don't they adjust the path." Shaman shrugged as it didn't matter to him. "Why would he help me?" There was no answer I could think of. "What were his actual words?" Shaman asked with all seriousness. "No boon, just keep her safe from the dark one he said" I shrugged while repeating his words. "The dark one?" Shaman turned thinking long about it. "There are several who will be dark. For now, I will offer this, go to her and ask who she chooses. If she wants to stay you cannot take her." Shaman's words sounded right to me. "Done, who is she?" I felt excitement bubble in my chest. "Amelia, one of the twin Lyican princesses." Shaman left me with that. Alec had stolen a princess! This was insane. How was I to get her back? Into the castle I went, I found both princesses in a sitting room covered in nothing but wild colors. "Princess Amelia?" I spoke startling both of them.
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