Honing my Powers

1094 Words
It took me several years to sort out how to travel with my ability to travel to other places in a blink of an eye. I found that like my magic ability it was hidden and had to be dug up and practiced. I started in small places jumps from one tree to another part of the forest. There were times when I would oops myself to a whole new country. I would stay until I could get myself back. Big jumps like that though required some serious blood-drinking after. I had to wonder how I managed to get it. Unlike other Vampires I could walk in sunlight, where the others literally would die. Another bonus I was granted. Speaking of other vampires let's chat about my two "siblings". Alec was tall like me, however, differed with the look of black hair and dark dark eyes. He was also violent, would rather rip things to shreds or kill anything or anyone. I was not fond of him but he came in handy as always having meals on hand. Tatiana was another sibling, she was brown-haired and green eyes, a tiny little thing. She could have been miss took for small teenager. She was carefree and trusted everyone. She was later to be killed by Veliko. A word about Velito, he was a wizard also turned by Lilth. No one knows when he was turned or what the reason was. Rumor has it he made a deal with Lilth to keep his wife alive he needed to live longer. How it happened or if it happened is anyone's guess. He has black hair and eyes as orange as the fires in hell. Either way, I was beginning to make my way into this new world of death and darkness. I found out bits about myself I would have never known. Like I love to watch and play in violence. I get giddy and happy. I found I like men over women. Men's bodies get me excited. It took me a few centuries to discover this sadly. Once I did I never went back! Oops! Rambling again, let me get back to Alec, he had a dungeon full of people waiting to be eaten. Always. I made a point once I found out about this. I used it to my advantage by popping in every so often. He had no magic abilities save killing and torture. Those seemed to make me believe he was human before. We got to be decent with each other using each other for help as each had strengths. We will come back to Alec in a bit. I accidentally appeared one time in a massive castle. I roamed the halls looking for someone. I found a stunningly handsome man with black hair and silver eyes. I would come to know him as Shaman. He was the sentinel of the Lyican country. His base was around the very castle I had found. Shaman and I chatted a long while. He helped me find my sister. She had been mated to an alpha of a small pack of lyicans/werewolves. I was so happy to see that she was happy. They had many babies or pups as they are called in their community. Having found her made my heart super happy. I still had family alive! It was another bright spot in my life. Shaman also helped me hone my magical powers and that of my turned ones too. I was gaining ground in many areas. Learning to use the magic was a huge help to me. The power to disappear and reappear became my go-to. I built confidence knowing that I could get out of situations or fight through things that I knew I could win. Oh! Speaking of fighting. I was working on my magic in the forest by myself one day when Lilth showed up. She asked me to learn fighting in all skills and all ways. Being in my nature to be curious I agreed. Why not? I was gonna live a long time and being a daywalker with the power to go anywhere I did just that. Any and all fighting became my new agenda. I learned fast and easy, gaining knowledge was not a slow down anymore. I could do it without hindrance. I watched the history of humans change rapidly. Things like magic disappeared as if never happened. Supernatural creatures literally could not be seen by their eyes anymore. I watched as they adjusted the text and timelines to fit whatever agenda they were to be. It was insane to watch how easily it played out. Vampires, werewolves, demons, and other supernaturals slipped off their radar even though they could live next to them and never know. There were some I noticed that could still see them. Most were the evil sort of human that shouldn't know about that power. Except, a few, and super rare was the good-hearted ones who could still see and tap into the powers that be. Those happened every few hundred years. They would rock the world around them. Making people ask questions. I loved finding those people. I made some of them my servants. They would live a long while and I enjoyed their company when I found them. That last bit is much like the two servants I have now. They are wonderful, studious men who I adore to bits. Mind you they are not my soulmate but they tickle my heart so deeply I will mourn when their time comes. I began to realize that every 500 years I would gain new power. One that did not exist before. As I gained them I found the older I got the more I was able to adjust and use them quicker. Alec and Tatiana began making more vampires while I detested the idea. They had found the trick while eating humans. I shivered every time I thought of creating more. If it had been meant to happen Lilth would have made more herself. Well, at least that is what I thought before she and I had our next chat. ************ Greetings Readers! I apologize as this chapter and the one after it was deleted and I had to restore by retyping in and saving several thousand times before it actually went through. To say I was frustrated was an understatement. I hope everyone is enjoying this blooming story of our favorite vampire. Please comment and let me know what you think so far. Much Thanks and Hugs, M. Merrill ***************
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