Making up as You go

1058 Words
Nobody said the world was easy. Having a group of vampires in the same room while discussing issues is a bit trying. They wanna be right. It would be the same as telling a group of toddlers to not touch the red crayon. They would all wanna do it. That said there were always so many yummy males in the room you knew I was gonna flirt. If it led to me getting that yummy biscuit I was totally gonna get it. "Hey beefcake, you want to play naked tango?" I purred to the biggest of the Viking men in the room. He turned quickly, "I would never!" He scoffed rolling his eyes at me. I snickered, give him a few more years he will come to give me a whirl. I smacked his ass and sauntered away. That is the way it would go, for several hundred years before he finally came calling and calling he did when I got a hold of all that golden yum. "Hey get that tasty body of yours back to this bed," I patted the side that still fresh with his scent. "I need to check in with my children." he huffed sliding his dress slacks over the roundest ass I had seen in a while. I could still see faint bite marks littered there. "Fine," I groan standing up from the bed, I let my body stretch relishing the feel after a good orgasm session. The big guy could go for hours. I walked to the clothes left out and dressed. I felt his hand wrap around my neck, as he pulled me roughly to his waiting lips in a kiss that said, "I am not done." I shivered a little using some of my strength to pull him closer. "Rawr," I giggled as I disappeared. I knew I would be back later for another round of the nordic looking flavor for this century. At least I was getting some goods. I blinked back to my castle checking in with things to make sure things were going well. The horses were coming along, as were some of the kids at the house with my servants. I decided I had some time so I headed up to see Shaman. He always let me come in and chat or would show me something new I could do with my magic. I found him sitting by a waterfall. The water looked cool and inviting. Shaman on the other hand did not look nice. He seemed sullen and lost deep in thought. "What's going on sexy?" I plopped down across from him. My knees knocking his some gaining his attention. "Athens, I don't have the time today, I have a dilemma, I need to fix." Shaman's once vibrate smile is gone from his face and eyes. "Maybe I can help?" I slowed my normal banter as I could see this was important. "Myra will die if we cannot get her from here. The fates have told me. The great Lyican kingdom will be gone from this world." Shaman lowered his ever eyes placing his head in his hands in defeat. "I can take her out if you need that, but you have to break the bond on me to do it." I offered as a suggestion. Shaman lifted his head, I saw the twinkle of an idea forming in his head. "You are not head of the council to vampires?" He asked his eyes glancing at me. intently. "I am," I confirmed. "There is no one older than me." I shrugged. "Perfect, your power, how far can you disappear and reappear?" He queried. "Anywhere." I shrugged. "Given I can get there in and on this plane of time." "Perfect. There is a land across the world, it is wild full of life with different beings. I would send her there. Leto says she will find happiness there." He stood. His hand fell to my shoulder as a wave of pictures burst forth. I watched the land he spoke of it was indeed wild and very much called to my own sense feral ideals. "I can find that place." I agreed. "Perfect, I will have her spirited to that cave just above the palace. From there you can only pick up and drop off." His words held magic in them. "When Myra's blood comes back you will bring her and her champion to me." It was another binding, I could feel it this time and its meaning. "Done," I agreed. Holding out my hand to solidify it. Plans were made, and I skipped Viking playtime to take Myra to this new place. We walked and hunted together, for a few months until her true mate picked up her scent. He was of that country, an animal shifter and doer of ancient magic. The kind I grew up with. I went to Shaman and told him what happened. He only nodded then began to wander his land as wars slowed and people changed. Shaman had more time to work with me on my magic. We created such a bond that like most sincerely troubled wolves I could call out to him for help. I did this a few times as the ancient Lyican bloodlines slowly morphed to werewolves alone. Granted werewolves changed in their format but you could only see slight differences. Pack wolves, rogues, and the southern wolf that seemed to be a strong as ancient Lyicans were. Shaman taught me the scent of different supernaturals as well as other bits tapping into that old power. Shaman was the one saving Lilith that I held great respect for. I never tried to flirt with him. He was someone I looked up to and wanted to learn from. He was older than me and like me, there was no way to kill him I found out. Velito had tried many times until Leto had shown to Shaman letting him know he was here forever and there was nothing that would hurt or hinder him. I couldn't imagine what that would feel like in my head to be told that. It was wild to even think that something like that could happen. What had he done to deserve such an offer? Here I thought I had a life, he was much much more in this than I.
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