The Council

1059 Words
The elder children showed up. Most of them looking disgusted about where I brought them. They stood in the dungeon of Alec's old home. I had left the bodies I had destroyed ages ago. Skeletons littered the area along with the stench of iron and copper. I looked at the various elders in varying forms. Tiny women to massive behemoth-sized Vikings. Alec and Tatiana had had different types. "I have called you 8 as you are the last of the oldest in line next to me. I want to form a council and me up rules for the younger vampires to follow." I stated leaning against the wall to see their reactions. "What is your reason?" The largest of the men asked. "I have watched vampire after vampire make others, not instructing them of what to do or how to live. They in turn made more. I want there to be a way for them to take responsibility for their actions." In my words, you could hear the dismay heavily. "What does it matter if their others of our kind made." One of the females, taller than the other three. Her golden blonde hair flowing down her back. "I care, with that carelessness humans will hunt us. I cannot afford them to find us now that they kill easily and readily." I lifted myself off the wall. "I am not so much worried about myself. But the rest of you will be hunted and killed." "Humans would not be able to kill us," the tall male puffed. "On the contrary, it would not be them it would be me." I stood ready in case he charged. "Why?" hissed the tall blonde woman. "Any connections to me I would help get rid of the chance for humans to continue to hunt us." My focus on her as I pinned her with my eyes. The room was silent. Each of them looking at the other. They all knew I would kill but the collective look of trying together seemed to be their chance. At least they thought their chance. All right lunged at me, I disappeared from them appearing behind them as I used silver rope to bind the first three females. They screamed and hissed as I plopped them down. Taking the next piece of rope I grabbed the blonde and one of the males. Getting them together left me the three biggest. I would use these three as a message. Slamming my fist into the first one to charge he folded to the ground like a crumpled accordion. The big boy roared, it made me giddy. A big hunk of violent male, wrapped in excitement. I leaped straight at him, the momentum of my jump, and he helped me flip him to the ground. Sitting on top of him I wrapped a charming stone in his hand. He would not move. The last two I would have a little fun with. I could see they had been some sort of team in their human time as they attacked each knew where the other had been. I waited, charging at the same time I disappeared the let second to watch them collide with each other. I giggled as their eyes turned to me. I charged this time throwing the other two stones at them. They stilled like statues. "Now," I sighed. "as it stands I could kill you all and replace you with others who will now to me or you can follow suit." "We will follow," sighed the blonde female. "How do these ropes bind us?" one of the females asked. I could hear her curiosity about it. "It is a spell I learned," I shrugged. "It works on all supernaturals save two," I smirked. "Which two?" She queried. "Myself and Cacodemon," The smile deadly as I watched her expression go completely surprised. "The soul taker," a majority of them breathed. Cacodemon was another sired by Lilith. She gave him the gift of never being able to be killed along with the only one besides herself that could take souls. Certain people she could not kill but those rules did not apply to him. He could kill at random anyone or anything. He had earned the name "Soul taker," after a bloody m******e of supernatural creatures. "I will expect your cooperation in getting the council set up." I snapped my fingers and all of the ropes dissipated. "Of course, and you will be head?" The largest of the males spoke rubbing his wrists. "Of course, I am after all the oldest." I laughed walking out of the room. Alec's home became like our courthouse of a sort. All meetings and dealings would be handled there. Each of the councils fanned out to explain what had transpired and that each of their offspring would need to come in to make a report. If young vampires without a trainer were found they would come to the council And be trained before going back out into the world. If they did not, they were killed. Hundreds filed in over the next few years. Not as many left. They were not conforming to what plans we had. I would not let out monsters wreak havoc on innocents. There were enough villains in the current human population to feed plus with servants you could feed on them. Rules began to form, no children, no pregnant women, and no innocents of age. Those were the main rules followed during, training and dealing with humans and other supernaturals. It was beginning to get some conformity with a hint of respect to it. Vampires seemed to be blending in better. Hunters were less frequent. Things were looking up. Hell, even I found some boy toy time. I liked how organized things were becoming. Fewer messes for me, to deal with. Though in exchange there was the social backstabbing drama that came with people being closer. That I could deal with, though it does get exhausting every few hundred years causing me to take a needed break. Life had come in a relaxed way. This was where I was meant to be. After all the s**t I had been drug through, this was the life I was meant to lead. I was the King, I had people following my word. I liked this, I liked it a lot.
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