Thirty-Four - Tricks

2092 Words

In all honesty, what I truly wanted was for this Quest to end. My heart did not exactly wish for the demon to stab himself to death with Raphael’s sword, but I figured that if I would be able to outsmart Ornias, it was a step toward fulfilling the mission handed down by the Angel. Heart pounding like a storm inside my chest, I continued to walk away from the Legionnaire. It was true that he was strong, but he was dim. What kind of enemy declares his weaknesses to his foes? I knew that attacking him was useless so I had to think of another way to defeat him. I just wished that my plan would work. The confusion on the faces of Lyana and Magat turned into awe. Even Amias looked amazed at what I’ve done. I stopped in front of them, smiling, and I turned around to face the goat-looking demon.

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