


A family that truly cares can survive anything. The Stones come from a long line of witches. they run a family store selling holistic products. when their magic is exposed will it cause them to spilt or stay Fierce...

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hitting the Fan
Love is a powerful thing. It can bring someone back from the brink and give them the strength they need to live. I knew love was strong, but in my case, I had no clue how powerful it could be. I kept to myself for a reason. I am a full-fledged, magic posessing witch. My family can trace their lineage back to Salem, and the healer blamed for starting the Salem witch trials. After the trials, she survived what was supposed to kill her. No one saw her as she ran into the night. She made it to New Jersey where she made a life. Tituba had many children, four or five to be exact. Three girls and two boys. All made it to adulthood with only the eldest daughter showing signs of magic, so I thought. That daughter was my great great grandmother. My mom kept her magic hidden, she had it and it was just as strong as my ancestor. My sisters and I showed the signs of having powers. We all could do something different. I could call a storm, go invisible, or other things. My sisters were more of the normal witches. They could see, hear and speak to the dead. One could also talk to animals. We made our money from the shop my ancestor started. My mom wanted to change the name so to calm her nerves we were in the process of changing it to something more suitable. While we weighed in on the new name for our store, something happened. Someone had seen my sister using her power. We no longer lived in the times that our ancestor had come from, but the risk of exposure was motivation to find out more. “ Oh really?! You had to do it right there?!” said Onasia. She was tall, chocolate brown and angry. She didn’t want to be exposed as a witch. In the old days they killed women like them. How could her sister be so careless. “All I did was help that poor cat! It didn’t deserve to die! Not like that.” said Femi as she walked into the storefront. We all heard them, who couldn’t? I walked out of the back, put my hands on my hips and cleared my throat. “You two, knock it off with all the noise ! What is going on?” I said. “Star, Onasia used her power and someone saw her. They filmed it! She just exposed us!” shouted Femi as she turned away from Onasia. “Who was it that filmed her?” I asked. “Frankie White. You know the cute guy that lives at the end of the block.” said Onasia. I shook my head. Frankie had a crush on me but I never gave him the time of day. I had been through enough and wasn’t willing to put myself back out there like that. Frankie wasn’t the type to believe what he saw. I knew about his video collection. He would film stuff then try to recreate it. If he couldn't do it, it was labeled as real, or something he had to research more on it. ******************* Frank had been updating his channel with his latest finds when he opened up the video from today. He knew the Stone family very well. He had went to school with Star and Onasia. They were all gorgeous, but there was something about Star. She was always so sweet to him and she was also his best friend. He sat down and watched the video. "What in the entire f**k is this? Is that Femi? How is she, what? " said Frankie to no one in particular. He had to make sure this video would never see the light of YouTube. he quickly saved it to a purple flash drive and put it into his lock box.

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