

kickass heroine
office/work place

Cassy Jones, the daughter of the biggest designers' company is a rude ass b*tch who has respect for no one. Her only goal is to retrieve her father's company that is being managed by her aunt who try her best to make her own daughter the CEO instead. On this revenge journey, she met Copper and Hades, the two most talented agents of the heavens who have worked together as colleagues and friends for centuries without disturbing or obstructing one another's work.

Copper have fallen in love with Cassy and is not letting Hades have his way this particular time, there is no way he is going to stamp the woman he loves as 'expired' (dead) even if he has to fight heavens with his life and turn against all rules set to put the world in place, the woman he loves must be saved, never will she be stamped as "expired", not on his watch.

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Peem! peem!! Peem!!! The machine beeped and the line drew thinner and starts to get straight indicating that the drop in heart rate and blood pressure, danger is near. The 50 year old cancer patient on the hospital bed opened his mouth with all his might to say his last words and farewell to his family who were already drenched in their own tears, their father and husband was slipping off right before their eyes but what could a mere mortal do?. The guardian angel appeared visible to him and gave him a warm smile while holding his hands and giving him a nod, it is really over, he will be crossing over Jordan today. The angel smiled warmly before stepping aside with teary eyes for Hades to do his job and Hades moved closer and took his hand into his, turned his palm to face him and gently stamped “Expired” on his palm, his time is over, at that very minute the machine beeped the last and the line went straight, he was dead. **** Copper, a guardian angel who has existed for centuries as one of the agents on earth is an angel that keep his assigned human safe and help them prepare their exit from the world in a warm way, they get to see him only when given grace or few hours to their death, he has been helping every human he is assigned to for centuries and is one of the most talented angels with good reputation. Hades is another agent whose duty is to stamp humans whose death has come as expired and be registered as a dead human. He has been diligent about his work and worked alongside Copper for centuries even though they bickered a lot but they still don’t hinder each other’s work. They have respect for their works and help themselves gain point without fight. "Ice cream?" Hades asked with a smile as they both exit the hospital while Copper smiled, it was his habit, anytime he lose a human, he would always go for ice cream because it soothes his aching heart. He doesn’t like to part with the humans he guides but there is no forever for any mortal. They strolled into their favorite Catharsis bar and sat in their usual spot but since they were not strangers and the bar owner knew they only come once in a while, he already knows their order and doesn’t bother to ask. "I’m sorry for always putting you through the trouble of going out to get ice cream for me" Copper apologized and smiled faintly "It’s okay sir" Karen bowed and smiled before heading back with the tray. "Brachhetto d’Acqui for you" Frank smiled dropping the wine in front of Hades "Thank you" Hades smiled back to express his happiness Frank is the owner of the Catharsis bar while Karen is the oldest worker at the bar, they both attend to Hades and Copper every time they come by. "Do you know this wine is made from Italy? It was made from Piedmont which is being referred to as the home of grape. I first had this wine in 1994 when I went to Italy for a job, arrgh! the families of that man were so persistent about extending his life, they even took him out of the country making me travel a long way but then after finally getting the job done I saw a small bar doing a display of new wines and I went to enjoy myself that had been relieved of a great deal of stress and here I am today always taking this wine after all operations" Hade blabbered while Copper listened as he scooped his ice cream "Oh I see" Copper hummed with his mouth full of ice cream "But why do you always take ice cream?" Hades questioned before sipping his wine "Well I do feel empty after letting the humans I guided go, it feels like we’ve became family and I lost a dear one" he answered while staring in space "Some don’t even treat you well, they curse you, make you do extra works and do a hard job in protecting them, what a waste of time and emotion" Hades scoffed "Well it’s never a waste of time to me, I have been created in a way that I have to protect them, it’s my job and I can’t do anything about it, just like how you can’t do anything but stamp them expired" Copper explained "Well you are right" Hades sighed. ****** “Gucci”, “Givenchy”, “Louis Vuitton”, oh my God there are new stocks of Saint Laurent the voice screamed as she run around the clothes store while taking everything she mentioned "My lady I think this is enough" Becky muttered with her hands filled with heaps of clothes "Don’t you think this baby is cute?" The voice said again picking up a black Chelsea wyatt boots and kissed it ignoring the person talking beside her "I want this too" she said and flings it to the next maid standing near "Wow I’m finally done" the voice screamed as the exited the mall with up to four bags in the every maid’s hands counting the bags they were up to 100 bags and they were quickly stuck up into the trunk of the cars while she walked into her own car whose door was already opened, she sat comfortably and the driver closed the door and jogged to the driver’s seat before zooming off. Cassy Jones is the only daughter of Elizabeth and Edward Jones who is the founder of the great JONES AND BURG company that design shoes all over the world. Funny how the daughter doesn’t buy her company’s product because she claimed she’s only adding to the company if she does and their designs are whack. She is an orphan whose parent died when she was ten, she was raised by her father’s younger sister who has taken over the family business and is now the chairwoman of the company. She is the chatty type, daring and fearless. She has a very nice and beautiful body figured, a pointed nose, pale skin and brown eyes with long eyelashes, an epitome of beauty. **** Maids marched in with bags in their hands and ascend the stairs to go arrange them in Cassy’s closet. She marched in after them to find her father’s younger sister and her husband in the sitting room "To whom do we owe this sudden visit?" she scoffed and landed in a nearby sofa "Well since you refused to come home, we decided to come check on you" Mandy replied "Cut me the bullsh*t, I’m fine as you can see" she answered coldly "Won’t you be coming to the company’s 25th anniversary?" Mandy questioned "Well I don’t like anything about that company, have fun, it’s none of my business" Cassy stated before leaving for her room "That insolent brat" Mandy gritted her teeth before grabbing her handbag "Hand this over to her" she said giving the invitation card to one of her maid before stomping out with her husband. **** "Why is the weekly report not ready yet?" Hades shouted as he searched through his email "I actually haven’t finished it" Rein replied biting his lips "What is going on in that coconut head of yours? Do you want my points deducted?" Hades screamed once again and Rein disappeared to his desk "I don’t even make you work on weekends, take you out for dinner to relieve your stress and make you comfortable but here I am still waiting for my monthly report when it should be sitting in my mail already, do you want me to report you to the…." His rants got cut short as his computer beeped a newly arrived email and Rein looked at him from his desk waiting for his response "Don’t report me to the higher ups, your report for this month is bulky, that’s why it took this long" he said meekly and Hades eyed him "Well I guess I’ll have so many points this week" Hades smirked and Rein laughed "I didn’t permit you to laugh" Hades lashed and the smile disappeared He submitted his report, closed his computer before picking up his Bluetooth speaker and connects it to his phone Byultaoreune, fire oh, fire oh oh oh oh blared out from it as Hades stood up and jumped round the office while dancing hard to the music, BTS is his favorite band and he has all their songs for different mood. Seeing his point improve for this month shows he’s on fire and he’s ready to burn more "So obsessed with points" Rein muttered shaking his head before opening the excel document he was previously working on. Rein is Hades’ assistant who has helped him through centuries; he has always followed hades and takes account of all stamps he used and how many humans he had stamped. He has been a loyal friend, assistant and helper all through his stay with him although they bicker a very lot but Hades knows how competent he is and never make him suffer or lack anything. He is so chatty and annoying but knows how to calm Hades down anytime he’s angry or worked up, he’s also a clever one who gives him advice.  

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