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Moon I was at school and spent some time with Skylar after lunch. A whole week passed since the escalation with Sun and dad but I didn’t confront Dean about it yet. I saw him a few times but never had the perfect timing because I knew that it wasn’t going to be a short conversation without problems. I knew that I was going to lose it and beat him up so I needed to catch him alone and not with his class. He always left so fast after the last period that I almost believed that he was afraid of me but he didn’t even know yet what was waiting for him. Skylar and I were talking about her birthday that already passed. She couldn't celebrate it because of a few problems. Luckily these problems didn’t have anything to do with Liam. They didn’t see him since the last time and that was comforting me a lot. So she asked me if I would help her to organize her party and I agreed. Actually I was going to be eighteen soon so I thought about celebrating it together. She liked that idea. There were going to be a lots of birthdays to celebrate. We walked around the school building and when we ended up in the backyard and that’s where I saw Dean.. he was standing there with one of his friends who were just as disgusting as him.. even a blind person could’ve seen that he was nothing but trouble.. My blood started boiling immediately and I knew that the time finally came.. I thought now or never. My hands started shaking when I thought of how much Sun changed because of him in such a short time. This shouldn’t be possible. Someone shouldn’t have such a huge influence on somebody... “Skylar excuse me, I'll be back. You can go back in I'll be right behind you.” I said trying to play off that I was actually close to lose my s**t bur it wasn’t a problem since she was a very easy going person. I knew we were going to fight and I didn't wanted her to see that or be near me. The sky darkened. I walked towards him with fast steps... I couldn't control myself. The closer I got the more I felt the tension in my fists.. and the closer I got the more handsome he got.. of course he could brainwash my sister.. it annoyed me so hard because it seemed like god took some extra time while creating him. His friends left before they saw me. They had a really great timing and I almost wanted to thank them for leaving him alone but I also wanted everybody to know what a douchebag he was.. “DEAN!”I screamed. He turned around with a raised eyebrow. He seemed positively surprised when he saw me.. Then he smiled. “Moon!” he said excited and I knew that he was playing. That was annoying me... I hated that bastard. His smile told me that this was going to be fun. “We need to talk..” I said trying to keep calm. I wanted to handle this as nice as I could.. “Sure. About what?” he asked like he really didn’t know what I was talking about. Of course he knew what I was talking about. He only wanted me to say it so I said it. “About Sun.” he laughed and looked away like he wouldn’t care about s**t. He really wasn’t caring about s**t. »What do you want?« he asked totally annoyed. “I think we both know what I want.” I said and he shook his head... “I want you to stay away from her.” I added but he rolled his eyes. “I don't know what you've done to her... but you need to stop.” I continued totally pissed and he laughed again. “I didn’t do nothing. Stop trying. We both know that I won't stay away from her.« he said like it was already obvious and I couldn’t understand it.. how confident he was.. made me almost explode.. did he even realize that he was talking to her brother and that I was going to kill him? He was aware of it and he didn’t give a f**k. Knowing that made me sick. I knew exactly what type of guy he was.. what type of f*****g asshole he was.. “You're not good for her. Sun is not one of these girls you’re usually hanging with.. she’s young and innocent.. don’t play with her. Just leave her alone. Get yourself someone else to mess around with.” I said looking straight into his eyes. I’ve never been more serious. I wanted to rip his head off but it was too early for that. “What if I won't?” he asked me raising a brow again. That hoe.. “There's no 'what if..' you are never going to talk to her, think about her, see her or touch her again.” my voice got deeper. First he just kept looking at me with his furrowed eyebrows but then he smirked like a villain with a plan.. I started shaking. He took a step towards me and got serious again. “You know exactly that my thoughts are running wild when I think of her.. I’ll see her again.. I’ll talk to her again.. and I will touch her again, just like I did it before.. I don't think that you want the details.” He was messing with me.. he had to be messing with me.. what did he mean with he touched her? In what way? How often and when? A million thoughts went through my head and his words kept repeating themselves.. I knew very well why he wanted her.. what he wanted her for.. especially the fact that he had the balls to say it.. that made me go crazy.. Dean I loved seeing him angry. It was really funny and i wanted to see how far I could go. I was going to make him crazy. Especially the way he looked after what I said was priceless. I wanted more. If I could make him so angry that he would lose his control I would be the one who would win. Not only a fight. Sun as well.. Moon »Shut the f**k up.« I said breathing heavily and I didn't even want to know what he meant earlier because otherwise I was going to burn the world. He bit his lower lip. “Oh, what's that? You can't take the truth? That your little sister is mine?” his smile was so dirty and provocative that I couldn't take it anymore and punched him. He looked at me like I didn’t even touch him.. like his chin was made out of steel.. my blood was boiling... I guess he was used to pain. “She ain't s**t of yours. Just leave her alone!” I repeated and my voice got louder. “Why are you so angry Moon? Or should I say scared? You're scared that I won't stay away from her?”. He was enjoying this all.. he was crazy. I knew that he wanted to make me angry and unfortunately he was succeeding. I walked towards him but he took a step backwards.. “If I would be you.. I would be afraid as well of loosing my cute, innocent sister to someone like me whose.. not really the nicest..” he said shrugging. Then he punched me out of nowhere. That was unexpected but not painful. “And guess what?! I'm the one she called daddy when she disappeared without telling anyone that night...” he said and licked his lips. My stomach dropped and I clenched my shaking jaw.. my whole body was shaking.. my head was spinning. I punched him but that wasn’t enough. For the first time I didn’t know what to do because I lost my mind.. he brought me out of my concept.. my whole system.. I couldn’t keep calm anymore. He couldn’t be serious. He must’ve said that only to make me lose it.. that’s what he wanted.. and nothing else.. he knew my weakness. I had tears of anger in my eyes.. my sister.. and him.. that couldn’t be true. She wasn’t one of these girls. She would’ve never done that. Not with him.. not for him. I knew very well that no matter how much he washed her brain.. she wouldn’t be so stupid to let him use her. They both were the opposite of each other.. We started fighting. He punched me, I punched him. I kicked him and he kicked me. I couldn’t remember the last time I was so angry at something.. or somebody.. “YOU WILL NEVER SEE HER AGAIN! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” I screamed. My voice was really husky and raw. The thunders above our heads made it all even more dramatic.. then I felt the wind.. He laughed.. he wasn’t caring about anything.. he didn’t take it serious. Not a bit.. “Moon.. she will always keep coming back to me, even if I treat her like a whore.. and no, I did not say that she is a whore.” his words.. disgusted me.. my chin was shaking and I wanted to break each of his bones.. I wanted to break his skull with my bare hands.. or shoot him. I never wanted to kill somebody. I never wanted to kill somebody so much before.. “You only want to hurt her.. you just want to use her.. but I swear I’m not going to let that happen.” I wanted to punch him again but he grabbed my wrist in the air and it looked like he ran out of feelings. His straight face was cold.. and serious.. Sun I was so bored. I’ve never been more bored. I had nothing to do. I was tired of watching Netflix, or walking around in the house, reading or being on **. I didn’t know that my life would be so boring if I wouldn’t go to school. But at least I got time and read a lot. I went back to my tiny world but still waited for Dean to text me. We texted all the time. It felt like we spent the whole week together. I stayed awake so I could talk to him.. Sometimes he was really mean and acting like an asshole.. or saying things that made me blush way too much and that I was definitely too innocent for.. but he was still cute and really funny. Sometimes he was even kind. The most of our conversations got stuck in my head and repeated themselves. I loved how he talked to me and how he made me feel. Of course I still felt bad about everything that happen.. barely talked to dad when he was home.. we were too stubborn. None of us said a word but we both were really upset.. sad.. and we both knew it. It’s like we wanted to talk to each other but knew how bad we f****d up. I was going to give us both time.. I knew he needed time to listen to my apology and forgive me.. I stood up and went through my closet because I needed to distract myself. I needed to think of something else because otherwise I was going to be sad again and I couldn’t stand being sad. I was a very very positive person who loved everything.. so sadness was able to kill me. I tried random things on and took pictures.. Things that Dean would might like.. nothing too extra.. but also something I probably never done before. I never sent a guy pictures of me. Well I already sent Dean a few snaps but nothing that was revealing too much.. but this time it was a little more.. he was definitely going to like him. And it’s not like I felt like I had to do it so he would like me... he didn’t even ask for it and I never thought that I would be doing something like this.. But at the end I was bored and I loved dressing up. It was no big deal. I didn’t send him nudes or anything so he couldn’t do anything with it even if he wanted to.. Moon “You know that you already lost her and that scares you.” he punched me again so hard from such a good angle that I tripped and almost fell. But there was something weird about.. these weren’t normal punches.. he wasn’t throwing hands normally.. these were studied, exercised and heavy moves.. like those who I’ve learned from my father. He walked towards me. His words made me angry than his fists that landed on my face. “You can't take it because your little sister is growing up and her interests are changing.. she doesn’t like dolls and glitter anymore..” he continued and I knew exactly what he meant. I hated how well I understood him because I was a player too.. I was doing exactly the same things with other girls.. and he was doing it with my sister.. if that wasn’t karma then I don’t know. We both were out of breath. “Sun would never really like someone like you. Keep lying to yourself. I don't know how you made her believe that you're someone else.. but soon she will see what an asshole you are.. but there will be no need to because I’m going to handle this since I don't want hear or see anything about you both again!” I clenched my jaw again and he ran his bloody hand through his hair. “That’s funny.. it’ll never happen because she already knows what an asshole I am and she still loves me. I’m talking to her just the way I’m talking to you. There’s nothing I’m hiding. Good luck with making me look bad.” I took a deep breath even though it was already too late to calm down. Nothing was going to make me calm down or save him because he said that she loves him although he’s such a douchebag.. I really prayed to god that he was messing with me.. Then I wanted to grab him but he dogged and I almost fell again because he already played with my mind. I was overwhelmed and confused. Nothing was able to f**k me up like this.. but when it came to my family.. I was totally losing it. And I didn’t like that. I needed to concentrate. I couldn’t let him think that I would let it be only because of his words.. “When I'm done with Sun.. you won't be able to recognize her. She is my girl.. and she will always be coming back to her daddy..” he smirked again. The blood on his face made him look like a psychopath.. I pulled him down and as I was on top of him I started choking him like I wanted nothing else more than this. No matter what I did, he just wouldn’t stop talking.. he had no respect.. neither for me, nor for her.. and that f****d me up. He wasn’t treating her right. I could’ve accepted it if he would’ve been a good person, with a good behavior, who was treating her and loving her right but his intentions were the opposite. I wanted to kill him and I didn’t care if we were at school.. he was going to die. I couldn’t even talk anymore.. I was totally gone.. He didn’t even try to get out of my grip or push me away.. “You can even kill m-me.. But she'll never forgive you because she l-loves me too much..” he said stuttering under his breath while I was trying to take it away.. I couldn’t believe that he was still talking.. that he was still f*****g my brain.. that he was still f*****g me up.. although he was in my hands.. I wasn’t in charge. He was controlling this all.. “SHE DOESN’T LOVE HER! YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW HER!” I screamed but he looked straight into my eyes.. for a second I thought he smiled.. I could’ve sweared that he smiled. I probably was already paranoid. My grip tightened and he almost turned blue.. I enjoyed it like I’ve never enjoyed anything else before. “Accept it.. you already lost her..” these words could’ve been his last words and he didn’t even care.. he still wanted to make me crazy. He wanted this all more than anything. And in that moment I let him go. For some reason it felt like he was right. Like I really lost her to him. Knowing that and feeling it deep down hurt really bad.. but I just couldn’t accept it. It couldn’t be that easy. I f****d up... I never thought that words could irritate and kill me so much but I felt really, really weak.. I also couldn’t kill him at school.. even though I wanted it.. it was going to be complicated and destroy everything. I couldn’t risk that. I needed to calm down and get myself out of this situation before I would actually break his neck and go to jail. I needed to handle this outside of school. I wasn’t going to talk to anybody about this, only to Sun because she needed to tell me what was going on between them and I needed to tell her how he was talking about her.. I slowly got off him and tried to get myself back together. I ran my hand through my hair and over my face.. I was shaking. My heart was racing and I felt like I lost the control over my brain and body. Why was I so confused and weak? Nothing has ever made me feel like this. No matter what I was going to do or say, he wasn’t going to stop.. but as long as Sun would stay at home and away from him there couldn't happen much.. right? I was going to stop her from trying to reach him.. I was going to brainwash her as well if I had to.. I was definitely going to handle this without making mom or dad worry. So I let him go for now... He stood up as well. “I'm warning you one last time.. you don’t know what we’re capable of.. don't test my patience and stay away from her.” I said and left him behind me. Dean I smirked. “If you would only know what people like me can do with your sister.. poor Moon..”
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