
Loving a mermaid

Girl Power Counterattack
Writing Challenge

Welcome to my life. My name is Amethyst but you can call me Amy. I live with land people because well i dont have another choice. My pod kicked me out and told me to come back when i get a child because mermaids cant mate in the sea and new blood is needed to keep away inbreed. So i was send to the surface to find someone to have s*x with and get a baby. But i dont want to have s*x just to get pregnant i want to be loved.

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Smelly Human
My name is Amethyst but you can call me Amy. At the moment I have been living at the surface for around half a year. I have started school and luckily we mermaids have been blessed with genetic memories but they need triggers. So basically I am the beautiful nerdy girl that passes all classes with flying colors. Sometimes I do writhe answer wrong so the teacher cant push me up a class.  - Amy have you heard the news?! shouted Rose one of my best friends.  Rose or Roselin as her full name is one of the only land people that I befriended and I can honestly say she is my best friend. That can also have something with the fact that she is a mermaid obsessed land friend and she reminds me of my little sister. But I don't try to think too much about the last fact cause it will make me cry. -  No.. I told her.  Today is Monday so last weekend I had used my days swimming around in a lake far away from any settlement. So I had been off the internet not being able to keep up with the last news. Rose had a hard time with the fact I went offline each weekend but after a month or two she learned to live with it. - Well, today is the day when we get a new classmate. She seemed to be bouncing around before continuing. - The family is the one who bought the land beside your place. You know the one with hectares of the area around and its like super huge Maison in the middle. And a person I know says the son of the family is really really hot. I laughed and told her that I don't believe that he was hot before I saw it. But dam I was gonna regret it when I got in. As we entered the school I stopped up at the moment. There was this intense smell of dogs. I knew that Rose would not be able to smell it as mermaids have heightened sense since we are vulnerable on land. We have the skills that usually keep us safe but if a mermaid is too long without shifting they grow weak and so does our powers.  So we all got to our classroom and sat down waiting for the teacher to come in and start literature class. It was then I saw him for the first time coming in behind the teacher. He was taller than the teacher with black like night hair. His body seemed to see the gym at least once a week as it was really nicely defined.  - Class meet Mr. Gabriel Raven his family moved newly to this town so he and his siblings have started at this school. He then opened a book looked for something then looked up at me with an evil smile. The teacher hates me because I once corrected him on some information. I guess I broke his ego in front of the class. - Well, miss Amethyst you can show our new student around after class.  I took up my hand and smiled at the new student. It was then I realized he was different and he smelled like a wet dog. So when he got the chair beside me I turned to him and asked him without thinking. - Do you have dogs? before I managed to stop my self. - Sorry for that meant nice to meet you my name is Amethyst but you can call me Amy. He let out a small laugh and shook his head.  - A pleasure to meet you Amy and yes I have . he stopped for a second before adding dogs to the end of his sentence.  The class went well beside Gabriel looking quite often at me. You can say my mermaid instincts were going off that something was wrong. But I could not tell him that I could not show him around when the teacher already appointed me. Hopefully, there is nothing just my instincts are wrong. After class Gabriel waited for me and asked me if we should start the tour around. - Thanks for doing this, was the first thing he told me. - Well when the teacher said it I could not deny it.  - By the way, I was thinking since my parents are setting up my 18th birthday party do you want to join?  - Sure. I said not really knowing if I really wanted but after some more walking, he asked me if I wanted to be his friend I said fine.  The rest of the tour was just me showing him where what was until the third lesson started as when you show someone around you get a class of. So we went to the next class and the teacher sat Gabriel with me as he had yet not gotten his books for this year. Since we could not speak out loud so I used a notebook to keep chatting. Cause after all when your mind knows the answer following what the teacher speaks about is boring.  " So your turning 18th next week?" "Jup but its a family tradition that they set up the party and invite people" "So a new school and no one you know?" "Jup sorry for just asking you that out of the blue" " Your family allows you to invite people?" "Yes as they really wanted to meet someone from my school since they belive i took the move really hard" "Did you have many friends at the old school?" "Well, there was this small friend group as I was not interested in football or anything. Made the others hate me as they really wanted me on the team" "Dam, that sucks." Before I knew it my feelings for him had changed from being afraid of him to feel kind of sorry for him. I guess when you have been there your self in the situation of moving away from everything you know that you start developing empathy. So now I ignored my warning feeling and told him I would come. He smiled from ear to ear and literally gave me a hug. Unfortunately, I had a different class afterwards so we said our goodbys after exchanging phone numbers. - I heard that you have gotten close to the new hot guy. Whispered Rose into my ear. It made me squick and jump around almost hitting Rose in the process. Dam her and her sneakyness.  - Just he is new at the school and have no friends and he asked me if i wanted to be his friend, i blabberd on. - Yehhhh just friends you say, teased Rose. - Just friends with the sexiest guy to ever exsist in our class. There are times when you just wanna smack your friend and now was that moment. But I did not I just stormed off to art class cause it was last class for me that day. In Art class, we had a new teacher. It ended up being another Raven family member. But luckily enough he was more normal looking. An eye-candy but that was about it.  I and Gabriel stayed in touch the days to come by the use of a phone. As he said that his family had some last things they needed to fix up in before he could attend school normally. It was sad cause there was finally a human that was fascinating and made my senses wake up. 

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