
The Perfect Mistake

office/work place

Isla's dream wedding turns into a heart-wrenching ordeal when her groom, Pier, is nowhere to be found. Amidst the turmoil, a mysterious stranger named Silas steps into the spotlight, offering to play the role of the missing groom.

Desperation and hope collide as Isla reluctantly agrees to Silas's daring proposal, unaware of the enigmatic secrets he carries. As they dance the delicate line between fiction and reality, their make-believe connection ignites genuine emotions, leaving them both entangled in a web of conflicted feelings.

Amidst the perfect façade of the agreement, Isla and Silas must navigate a world of deception and emotion, forcing them to confront their true desires and make life-altering choices.

"The Perfect Mistake" weaves a captivating tale of love, trust, and unforeseen opportunities. Will their charade lead them to a love they never expected, or will the fragile threads of their mutual deception unravel, revealing the truth they've been avoiding? Get ready to be swept away in a story where second chances and hidden passions collide in the most unexpected ways.

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Chapter 1: Wedding Deceptions
As I stood in front of the grand mirror, its ornate frame reflecting the soft glow of the room's warm lights, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and nerves. Tonight is the night I had been dreaming of since I was a child, the night that would mark the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I carefully arranged the delicate flowers in my hair, their petals matching the soft hues of my wedding gown. As I applied my makeup, my mind drifted back to those innocent days when I would sneak into my mother's closet, longing to be a bride, even if it was just for pretend. I'd don her wedding dress, swaying gracefully like the heroines in romantic movies, clutching fresh flowers in my hands. Today, I would become someone's wife, and the thought filled my heart with a profound sense of love and commitment. To choose and be chosen, to love someone unconditionally for the rest of my days—this was the profound bond I longed to share. "Auntie! Can I have some more chocolates?" A familiar voice interrupted my reflections. Turning towards the side of the mirror, I saw Gabriel, my adorable nephew, running towards me, laughter bubbling from his lips. I couldn't help but smile as I witnessed Morgan, my sister and the wedding coordinator, chasing after her energetic son. As Gabriel approached, Morgan quickly scooped him up, avoiding any accidental damage to my wedding dress. "Gabriel! Can you stop running around? Your Auntie Isla wouldn't like it if you stomp on her gown," she gently reprimanded him. "Oh, it's okay, Morgan," I reassured her, tapping her shoulder. "I don't mind at all. Besides, I'm not even wearing my wedding dress yet, so he can run around to his heart's content for now." I reached over and pinched Gabriel's cheek affectionately. "But, I'm afraid I can't give you more chocolates right now, little man. You already had plenty earlier," I added with a playful wink. Morgan sighed in agreement, and with loving authority, she instructed Gabriel to go to his nanny waiting outside with his milk. As soon as the word "milk" left her lips, Gabriel was off like a shot, sprinting out of the room, his giggles echoing down the hall. "Is everything perfect out there?" I asked. I inquired about the final preparations, wanting to ensure everything was going smoothly. She nodded confidently as she reviewed her meticulous checklist, making sure that everything was in place for the momentous event. As my wedding coordinator, Morgan had been instrumental in organizing the entire celebration, and I trusted her completely. I hired her because it's her job, and she's my sister. Technically, my half-sister. We grew up together until I was eighteen. And we have a good and fair relationship as sisters. She's the daughter of my father's new wife, Mariana. "Yes---- yes! Everything's perfect! The attendees are all present. The wedding cake is now in the reception venue. The flowers are just perfect. The bridesmaid checked, the flower girls checked, the ring bearer checked," she hovered her finger on the paper. "Everything on my list is checked, except for the wedding officiant and..." her voice suddenly disappeared. Morgan hesitated, finally meeting my gaze with a look of concern and sympathy that was all too familiar. She used to give me that look every time her mother did something embarrassing to me. She had always felt bad for her mother's doings and was always the one who asked for forgiveness on her behalf. I frowned at her to get her answer, but she stayed reluctant. "Is it your mother? Did she do anything again?" I asked and stood up from my seat. She shrugged and tried to make me sit again. "No, it's not her. It's something else, Isla." I probed further, sensing her reluctance to share. "What is it, Morgan? Tell me," I asked, my curiosity piqued. Reluctantly, she revealed, "It's Pier.” I kept my posture and tried not to look unbothered as I started feeling iffy in my stomach because of what she said. "What about Pier? What about my fiancé?" Morgan didn't say anything. She talked to some staff and told them to leave the room momentarily. After they all did, she grabbed a chair and sat beside me. After that, she took both of my hands and held them tightly. At that moment, I couldn't help but to feel my heart pounding so much. "Stop it, Morgan. Just say whatever it is that you're not telling me about Pier. Stop making me nervous," I told her, and took my hands from her grasp. She brushed her hair using her fingers out of frustration. "Okay, sorry. It's that Pier is still not here yet. The wedding is about to start in a few minutes, and here we are, still waiting for him to arrive. He's supposed to be here a day before the wedding. That is what it says here," she pointed to her planned schedule. He's still not here. The wedding is about to start, and we're still waiting for him to arrive. According to the schedule, he was supposed to be here a day before the ceremony." My heart sank, and I could feel the anxiety creeping into my stomach. "He's going to be here, Morgan. I know he will," I said, trying to convince both of us. Needing a moment to collect myself, I excused myself to the dressing area and took the first dress that my hands got laid on. I didn't care what kind of dress I was picking out. I knew I was panicking because I didn't care about its color or design. And I always do care, as it is the nature of my work. But right now, I was just desperate to cover myself before facing the guests. Morgan called out, trying to persuade me not to wear the dress, but I couldn't bear to face everyone without Pier by my side. He had always been my rock, and the thought of him not being here shattered me. "Isla, no. Come back here, please. You're not going to wear that. You'll wear your wedding dress before your guests, not that hideous. Just stay calm, please. I am going to call his assistant again." She reassured me. I dropped the dress and tried so hard to keep myself in control. I can't cry. No, I will not cry. Morgan walked towards me and hugged me tightly for a moment. I looked at her, trying to control my emotions because I couldn't let them get ahead of me. She smiled and gave me a reassuring look, "I will do everything in my power to get his ass here. Okay, Isla? Calm down now. Everything's going to be perfect, I promise you." As Morgan left the room, I was alone with my thoughts, and my heartache seemed overwhelming. I searched my phone for any sign from Pier, but the messages and calls remained empty. The voicemail he left the day before, filled with love and promises, only made the situation more painful. If Pier finishes the work he's been swamped with, he promised to get in touch with me. It was only the other day when he explained that he wouldn't be able to make it the day before our long-awaited ceremony, following Morgan's strict instructions. He had a crucial quota to meet at his airline company, and without fulfilling it, taking leave was simply out of the question. Pier articulated his predicament so well that I couldn't help but empathize and let him focus on his responsibilities. As much as I longed to have him by my side the day before we exchanged vows after three beautiful years together, I understood the demands of his job, and I knew it was essential for me to be patient. The day Pier broke the news, we were sitting on a quaint park bench, surrounded by colorful flowers in full bloom. The fragrance of nature mingled with the bittersweet taste of reality. He held my hand gently, looking into my eyes with that unmistakable sincerity that always melted my heart. "I wish I could be with you the day before our big day, love. You know how much you mean to me," he said, his voice tinged with regret. Unable to hold back my emotions any longer, I put the dress back on and rushed outside to the ceremony. The chilly breeze greeted me, and the sound of the waves calmed my nerves momentarily. But my heart still raced, knowing that everything was in place except for the one person I needed the most. The venue of the ceremony is just outside this building. The cold breeze of air covered me as I stepped out. The sound of the waves welcomed me, and the guests did the same when they saw me. All of them had different reactions. They looked concerned, shocked, and disappointed. My father, especially, he had all of those reactions. I stopped running and stared at the ceremony. Morgan is still talking to the service crews, not noticing me. I saw the officiant was already there, just sitting in his area and waiting for us--- for Pier to be there and for me to walk the aisle. Everything is in place except for my fiancé. I felt alone more than ever. Did Pier leave me? No. He will not do it. He loves me, and he will not do such a ridiculous thing. "I told you, Isla dear. That man doesn't love you. You're just poor as you were when you were a child,” I looked back and saw Mariana behind me with her left eyebrow raised and her arms crossed. I didn't have the energy to talk back to her because I was occupied with something more important. So I just gave her a disgusting look before turning away from her. I wasn't surprised that she could say that to me on my wedding day. She has done much worse. I rushed to the ceremony and saw how everyone looked at me. I can't be sure what they were actually feeling for me, but I know that Mariana is the happiest person in this place now. She always wanted the worst for me. She looked at me as if I was going to take my father away from her. Has she forgotten that she's the one who took my father away from me? As I stood there, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, my father came to me, his concern evident in his eyes. I shook my head, not wanting him to worry. "Pa, don't worry. Pier will come. I know he will," I said, my voice trembling with hope. He released my arm, understanding my need to proceed, and I continued my walk towards the ceremony stage. The venue was perfect, a picturesque scene with the moonlight dancing on the sea, scented candles flickering along the aisles, and a lavender carpet leading to the altar. But all this beauty seemed to fade as I reached the stage, realizing that Pier was still not here. My heart ached as I glanced at the empty seat beside me, the void a painful reminder of his absence. As I faced the ceremony, uncertainty loomed in the air. The officiant approached me, recognizing the pain in my eyes. "Take a moment, my dear," he said, compassionately placing a hand on my shoulder. "We'll let your family and the almighty God handle everything." But I couldn't accept the possibility that Pier wouldn't come. We had made promises to each other, and I knew he loved me deeply. How could he not be here on the day we were meant to start our lives together? I can't accept yet that Pier is not still here at our wedding. He can't do this to me. As much as I wanted everyone to stay, I couldn't make them. They were here for a wedding, but there's everything here now except for a wedding. You can't have a wedding without a groom. I mustered every ounce of courage I had left and turned to face our guests. My voice wavered, but I tried to sound strong. "Thank you all for being here today. I truly appreciate your presence on this special day. Unfortunately, my fiancé hasn't arrived yet, and we're doing everything we can to contact him. In the meantime, the wedding is..." My voice trailed off, unable to finish my sentence. Before I could process what was happening, a voice rang out, disrupting the tense silence. "Let's start the wedding. Forgive me for not being here on time." A man emerged, clad in attire that resembled what Pier was supposed to wear. My heart soared with hope as a figure approached, wearing clothes identical to what Pier was meant to wear. For a split second, I believed that my beloved had finally arrived, that he had made it just in the nick of time to share this precious moment with me. But as the figure drew nearer, my heart sank like a stone, heavy with disappointment and disbelief. This was not Pier; it was someone else entirely. I stood there, frozen in time, my mind unable to comprehend the reality before me. The man's beaming smile seemed out of place, and the way he casually patted me on the head. I felt a mixture of anger and confusion, unable to fathom how someone could play such a cruel prank on my wedding day. "Shall we, babe?" he said with an unsettling familiarity, as if we were old friends sharing a private joke. The nerve of this imposter to address me with such familiarity only added to my frustration.

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