Chap 39: children don't pay much attention

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Before the era of decadence, Mr Peter was a gangster, and these days he has also found many old juniors. We are still preparing to enter the hospital.” “That's right! She and the others were still preparing to go to the supermarket to find food, then were blocked by zombies in the supermarket. If we don't come here, how can you get out of the supermarket?" Belle nodded, glancing at the Lor people up ahead who had dealt with most of the zombies, "Will you come with me?" "Really?" Trac The Giai wore powdered milk, her eyes suddenly brightened, looking at Belle as if she were looking at the savior. Of course, she saw the bravery of Lor's group. These days, she also knows that some people will turn into fake abilities, but Lor's group uses fire, wind, ... to destroy all zombies, that is the ability. With the help of Lor's group, not to mention bringing formula into the hospital, even taking the other babies out of the hospital, it is also possible. Immediately after, Trac The Giai immediately shook her head, her face serious, she glanced down at Belle's lower abdomen, refusing, "You should rest, you're pregnant." "I'm fine, my stomach is fine." Belle interrupted Trac The Giai, afraid that Trac The Giai would tell Tieu Ai's existence. Now, she is still angry because of Lor's previous statement, so she doesn't want to let him know of Tieu Ai's existence, avoiding Lor's objection to her giving birth to Tieu Ai, the more afraid that he will force her to have an abortion like Lion. Kelly's past life. There were people and things Belle didn't want to probe, didn't dare to probe. Anyway, she and Lor have been together for a long time. Waiting for the army to come, it is unlikely that he will stay at her place, maybe there will be a higher stage waiting for him. Furthermore, Belle didn't plan to stay at the Xiangcheng base for the rest of her life. Until then, maybe she and Lor each have a place, and they won't see each other until they die? So, first of all, that's it. She alone wants to think of a way to give birth to Tieu Ai, raise her up, and have nothing to do with Lor. Trac The Giai was interrupted by Belle's words and froze. Right after that, she suddenly realized that Belle didn't want to talk about her pregnancy, so she nodded and changed the subject: "Do you really want to go to the hospital with me?" "Yes. Really. But getting into the hospital is no small thing. First, we have to find a place to rest, I'll tell you in detail my plan." Belle pointed to the five-star hotel in front of her. The people who came out from the supermarket before ran to the hotel over there, then turned their heads to look at Phap Phap, taking the initiative to look down on Lor, asking him: "How about you guys? Do you want to come play with us? There are many, many, many crystals.” "Hospital?" - Lor killed the last zombie in his hand, stopped Belle's gaze from looking at the protector, nodded happily and said: "That's a good place to get crystal cores, let's go!" Everyone else has no opinion, just kill zombies and earn crystal cores, why not go for a trip? It is also convenient to collect some medicine in the hospital. Care must be taken before entering the hospital because there are a lot of people, especially before the era of decadence, perhaps every hospital is full. Therefore, the zombies in the hospital are very crowded, turning into a zombie club. In a place where zombies are crowded, the era of decadence virus density is dense, it is very likely that mutant zombies will be born, just like in a group of normal people, there will be one or two people turning into fake vestiges. Belle wants to go inside to kill zombies, earn crystal cores, and save babies, but she can't just lead the Trac The Giai people to open the door and rush in. On what floor is the Neonatal Department, after entering, which side should I run, after saving those babies, how to handle it? All of these things must be carefully considered. Moreover, since everyone and her slaughtered straight here, it was getting dark, it was time to rest. People in five cars entered the hotel opposite, slightly remodeled. There was a group of survivors who had been in the hotel before. When the Belles finished parking and walked into the hotel lobby, everyone looked at them without appointment. In this era, people can turn into zombies, having fake abilities is not uncommon. It was rare that they had never seen a fake ability that could be so powerful. Those sparks can not only light a cigarette, but also turn into a large ball, burning zombies. Everyone looked at Lor with reverence and awe. This is a normal thing. Society is already like this, of course the strong are kings. “Is it okay to park the car outside?” - Ly Tieu Vu leaned on Belle and asked in a low voice. Belle shook her head, leaned over and whispered to Bruce, "These people just picked up food from the supermarket, have enough to eat and drink, don't worry. Moreover, they are not like normal survivors who have a leader.” Listening to Belle's words, Ly Tieu Vu looked, as expected, this group of people seemed to be organized. Everyone wore a large backpack on their back like Trac The Giai, the inside of the backpack was so full that it almost couldn't zip. They also did not have the timid expression like normal survivors, everyone held their heads high, puffed out their chests as if they had done great things, achieved achievements. "Doctor Trac?" A man's suspicious voice resounded. Everyone stepped back, a man in his forties, shaved head, tattooed with a black dragon, wearing a black cotton shirt, two knives in his hand, walked forward, confusedly looking at Belle and the others. asked Trac The Giai: "Do you know them?" "Mr Peter." - Trac The Giai in front was a little confused, explaining: "That's right. These are friends of my friend. They said to rest here for the night first, and tomorrow they will go to the hospital with us." The bald man called Mr. Bi's eyes lit up, nodded, looked at the Lor group for a long time as if to probe or observe, and finally pointed out the elevator behind him: "From the first floor to the fifth floor, people are already occupied. already. Everyone on the sixth floor. There are some rooms that have not been cleaned yet, everyone has to take care of themselves. The hotel has a synchronous independent power generation system, so The elevator is still working.” "OK. Thank you, Peter.” Trac The Giai finished saying thank you, dragged Belle through the crowd, towards the elevator. Lor in the back saw that, under the gazes of everyone, also followed in turn. A group of people entered the elevator, Trac The Giai tilted his head and explained in a low voice to Belle. “That person is the Peter that you mentioned. When the era of decadence came, Mr. Peter was also locked up in the police station like her, which was the police station I took her to confess at that time. It is said that he was a gangster before, a very honorable person. She followed him, ran all the way here. He is over forty years old, unmarried, but has a lover who is pregnant with his child. She gave birth in the hospital exactly one day before the era of decadence. Because the baby was born prematurely and had pneumonia, the baby was taken directly to the neonatal intensive care unit. Now, his son is still alive, the other lover is unknown." "Oh..." - Belle was clear, looking at the blood stains in the elevator, nodded in praise and said: "He's fine. This spirit of having to save a son and bring it home in a situation where a thousand pounds hangs a hair is worthy of being learned by men." As she said this, Belle unintentionally and purposefully glanced at Lor. But Lor couldn't hear anything, he was tilting his head to talk to the Dharma Protector. Lor and Belle did not catch the same wave, Belle did not try, tilted her head and asked: "So how many juniors has Mr Peter summoned? Are all five floors closed?" "No. The first floor is the hall, the second floor is the dining room, the third floor is the gym, the fourth floor is the beauty salon, the fifth floor has dozens of rooms all belong to Mr. Bi. This hotel is also the property of Mr. Peter before the era of decadence.” “So, Mr. Bi… before the era of decadence, why was he arrested at the police station?” In the crowd, Alice looked at Trac Shi Giai, an unreadable expression on her face. Trac The Giai froze, looking at Belle, not knowing how to explain it to Belle's friends. And Belle calmly replied on behalf of Trac The Giai: "Don't calculate before the era of decadence. What do you care why he was arrested at the police station?" Everyone didn't ask any more questions, but still felt that Trac The Giai was a bit suspicious. In the rule of law society before the era of decadence, one person committed a crime, ran to the police station to confess, while Belle took him to confess. Belle is a student, why has a relationship with Trac The Giai - a doctor who wants to go to the police station and confess? Now, no matter how I look at it, I feel that Trac The Giai is a bit mysterious. At this moment, the elevator door opened, reaching the sixth floor. Belle was about to aggressively walk out of the elevator when Trac The Giai pulled her hand again. "Belle, just now, Peter said, it hasn't been cleaned from the sixth floor onwards, so what do you mean…?" "Ha ha ..." Without needing Trac The Giai to continue, behind the door of the room on both sides of the road, the screams and claws of the zombies were heard. The rooms from the sixth floor and up have not been cleaned yet, meaning the zombies have not been handled. Belle turned around and nodded, walking out of the elevator. Lor followed, two people one in front of the other started kicking on the door, dealing with zombies. Protector, Thu Sinh and Fortune Teller also followed closely, taking advantage of time to take action. Ly Tieu Vu and Tam Nguyet took Due Due, going into each room to collect things, only Alice was left, who was starting to enthusiastically introduce herself to Trac The Giai. "Hi. I am Alice, a pseudo-water ability. Would you like some water?” "Do not need. Thank you." Trac The Giai nodded, with a serious and cautious expression, walked past Alice, carrying a large backpack of powdered milk, and walked towards the room Belle had finished cleaning. After all, she was a person who worked in a large hospital for many years, people like Alice, she had met a lot. Until now, Trac The Giai always lived a noble life, never had a good attitude towards people like Alice, before the era of decadence was like that, after the era of decadence was the same. There are more than ten rooms on the sixth floor. The era of decadence starts on December 31, not a major holiday, the weather is cold, it's a sluggish time for the hotel, only about seven or eight rooms have zombies. The ones that don't have zombies are enough for one room per person. Belle looked around the room a few times, finally choosing a room with a beautiful landscape. The living room has a mahjong machine, the bedroom is designed with a ceiling-to-ceiling window, opposite there is a small meeting room, full of sofas and kettles for drinking water. She decided to sleep here tonight, so she was about to go out to call Trac The Giai when Trac The Giai brought powdered milk in, and at the same time conveniently locked the door. Then, she put her backpack on the floor, walked to the ceiling window, frowned, looked at Belle, and asked softly, "Belle, is your baby okay?" "I don't feel uncomfortable anywhere, I can eat, I can sleep, I can't even vomit." Belle looked at Trac The Giai, couldn't help but smile, should she say that Trac The Giai was brave enough to not go the usual way or should she be said that she is smart enough, is a beautiful woman with wisdom? In the era of decadence, is there any team willing to take pregnant women out to fight zombies for things? Isn't this adding to the burden on the team? Previously, Trac The Giai did not ask Belle about her unborn child in front of everyone because she thought that Belle wanted to hide her pregnancy and did not want to be abandoned by everyone. "That's good," - Trac The Giai nodded, showing the head doctor's gesture again, "The first three months have not passed the dangerous period, you have to do less dangerous actions, don't exercise too much. strong." Trac The Giai wants to say that it is best not to exercise vigorously, but at this time, who can take a leisurely walk? Peace of mind taking care of pregnancy at home? During this period, women, children, and the elderly were all weak, especially pregnant women, with only a slight margin of death. "I'm so restrained, if it weren't for this kid, I could have flown today!" Belle stretched out her arms and patted them, bragging shamelessly. Now, she wants to run but can't run fast, even if she wants to jump, she doesn't dare to jump far, even zombies don't use half of their strength, because as Trac The Giai said, now she and Tieu Ai are still in the moment. danger period first trimester. “Wait until I get to the hospital, I will check you again. Now that I don't have a machine in my hand, I have to endure it." Trac The Giai gave Reaching out a little regretfully, she touched Belle's lower belly. Two-month-old fetus, not very big. Belle's lower abdomen is also very flat, only looking at Tieu Ai's specific situation can't be known, but the medical support machines that have been researched and developed by humans for many years are now located in the zombies, nobody cares. Belle thinks so. Though she didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. In her previous life, she was so tired, but Tieu Ai still grew up healthy in her belly, this life is so careful, there should be no big problems. But checking with a machine is fine, at least she can see Tieu Ai, is this small comma a bit bigger? She looked forward to it, nodded to Trac The Giai, was about to open her mouth to talk when Lor came in, stood in front of the door shouting: "Young lady, please have some water. We need to take a shower.” Belle's face was serious, her expressionless face looked at Lor who answered him once, then instructed Trac The Giai a few sentences to talk again. She then followed Lor out, to the opposite room. The Dharma Protector, the Student, and the Fortune Teller crowded inside, their faces filled with anticipation as Belle entered. Without asking, they knew they were expecting Belle to fulfill their promise, "I'll give you a big bucket of water, so you can bathe as you please." Belle also seriously went to the bathroom to flush. The strong stream of water, as if it was opened from a large valve about the mouth of a cup, suddenly flowed out. Moments later, she was halfway down the large round tub. At this moment, Lor came in. Belle sat on the edge of the tub, glanced up at him, said nothing, kept her head down, nonchalantly continuing to work. "To, I say, why are you so cold to me?" - Lor sat with his butt across from Belle, stooped, looking down at her bowed face, "Are you mad at me?" "No." Belle tilted her head away, gritting her teeth, not wanting to notice Lor. She was still angry at what he said earlier. Before her anger stopped, she didn't want to see his face. "No, I'm sure you're mad at me." Lor rolled up his sleeves and stuck both hands in the water. Just a moment later, the cold, clear water began to slowly warm up. He leaned over the tub, tilted his head to look at Belle, and said very seriously: “To, you are rude. Sometimes I do something to anger you, I myself do not know. Tell me, what made you not want to see me after all?" "Unreal." After filling it up, Belle glanced at the bubble in the boiling tub. She got up to look for Tam Nguyet and Due Due. If the Dharma protectors already have "boiling water" for bathing, there is no reason not to pour some water for Tam Nguyet, Due Due and Ly Tieu Vu. As she walked, Lor lifted her hand in the water, like a tail following her. "I'm not angry with you, but why didn't you talk to me just now, your eyes didn't look directly at me, but kept moving to the Dharma Protector? To, we can't be like that." Tam Nguyet and Due Due are in the bathroom. Lor continued to promote the spirit of Tang Tang (*), trying his best to circle Belle. Duel stood at the door of the room, looked at Belle silently lowering her head, looked at Lor again, then turned her head and whispered in her mother's ear: "Mom, how are you?" (*) the spirit of Tang Tang: sarcasm Lor talks too much Tam Nguyet is making the bed. These items were obtained from another room, they planned to bring the car the next day. Hearing Due Due said that, she also looked towards the bathroom and hugged the little Due Due, whispering: "Shh, children don't pay much attention..." At first, none of them guessed Lor's relationship. and Belle. Perhaps now that Lor is so wrapped up in tangerines, people dimly understand a little bit, such as Lor meant for Belle, then made Belle unhappy, now have to run after Belle to ask why. Having decided she wouldn't care about someone, Belle showed an extremely cold expression, just like she did with Alice now. She didn't have to rely on Team Lor to survive anyway. Leaving Lor, she is confident that she can give birth and raise Tieu Ai well. Moreover, in essence, she and Lor were no more than two strangers bound together: sleeping together, giving birth to Lor's child. Familiar is not exactly familiar, so she doesn't want to talk to Lor every day! Watching Lor boil hot water, Belle poured water for Tam Nguyet and Due Due and went straight to her room. Trac The Giai had already gone to another room, she was a bit tired, so she closed the door, went to the bathroom, also intended to shower herself a little and then go to sleep in the twinkling stars and the sound of zombies screaming outside. However, the bathroom door was opened. Belle raised her head, saw Lor's figure in the mirror, anger welling up. Sticking like a leech, obviously clinging like a leech, are you too gentle? She turned around and grabbed a towel, threw it directly at Lor, and said, "Get out!" Lor threw the towel on the ground, stepped forward, made up his mind, grabbed Belle's waist and lifted her to sit on the sink. His deep black eyes flickered with fire as he looked at Belle, he gritted his teeth: "Belle, can't you make a mess? If you mess up, you'll be really angry!" “Is that angry? Okay, get angry! Let's fight, get hurt, oeeeeee…”
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