Chap 40: Report.

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No cooperation, no cooperation at all! Belle is completely crazy. She was trying to make tension with Lor when at this moment, Tieu Ai did not cooperate. Stomach upset for a while, she bent over and vomited into Lor's chest, not only the food left in the stomach drifted out, but also the bitter bile. Lor was a bit angry, Belle suddenly didn't say a word to him all day, just now he actively wrapped his arms around her for a long time, she became more and more indifferent. Now Lor was about to rage, showing masculinity, when Belle threw up on him; not only that, her face was as white as paper. With that, Lor's anger was gone. He mournfully lifted Belle up, patting her back and apologizing like a baby. Seeing that Belle wasn't vomiting much anymore, he gently placed it Belle put on the toilet lid, squatted down, brushed her damp sideburns aside, and asked kindly, “Are you okay? Or find doctor Trac The Giai to ask?" "It's okay," said Belle, limping, shaking her head weakly, "I'm annoyed by you." "In the end, what did you do to get so angry?" - He raised an eyebrow, even thinking about it with a headache. "Nothing, I'm crazy." Belle looked at Lor. His shoulder was covered with her vomit, this ice-cold back still had the warmth of his hand. The same face as Tieu Ai made Belle's heart soften. She smiled weakly, wasn't it just that Lor didn't want to have children, didn't want to be bothered in the era of decadence? Why are you so concerned? In her previous life without Lor, Tieu Ai was still cute and cheerful. What's different with Lor in this life? Belle is still Belle, Lor is still Lor, two strangers, two parallel lines. Belle's responsibility is not reduced because of Lor's appearance, nor because of Lor's existence, but the love for Tieu Ai gives little change. So what is she angry about? What is there to be so angry about? Lor frowned, waiting for her to continue. Belle shook her head, pointing to the stain on his shoulder, “Go take a shower. The smell is so horrible, I can't stand it." Belle pushed Lor out of the room, and I went back to the bathroom, washed myself, and turned off the light to go to bed. But she had not been quiet for long when Lor, who had just washed in the Dharma Protector's room, ran over. He wore a military green T-shirt, and as soon as he entered the room, he brought warmth. In the darkness, Belle rolled over, looked at her glowing arm, and lamented, "Lor, go back to sleep. I'm so tired…” She felt the side of the bed sink. Lor sat on her bed. In the dark, he gently asked: "Belle, do you hate me?" "No." This is it again. Belle still answered honestly as before. She turned her back on Lor, but immediately told the truth. Today, at most, she was a little angry with Lor. After Tieu Ai made a riot, now she can't function at all, only feeling tired and sleepy. Lor sat cross-legged next to Belle, glaring at the girl on the bed in her tight-fitting gown, highlighting her petite figure on the single bed. On his wrist he wore a fluorescent watch, exactly like the one Belle was wearing. With the clock's light glimmering in the darkness, Lor pulled Belle's hand over her eyes, suddenly asking, "How many things do you remember that night, when you were drugged?" "Ask what is this for?" Belle closed her eyes, pulled her hand away from Lor's, and forced herself to answer, "I can't remember much. I'm sleepy now. When you come out, remember to close the door for me." "I still remember." Lor suddenly leaned over, on top of Belle, looking at the girl wrapped in blankets below. The manly face suddenly revealed a wolf-like smile: "Don't forget." Belle below suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Lor who was on top of her, just about to open her mouth, but Lor put her mouth down and bit her lips, her voice a little dreamy: "To, tell me, I'm the best. What is the reason for deciding from such a distance to Xiangcheng to find you? Era of decadence is over, do you still accompany me from place to place, doing good deeds? Today I tell you, don't get mad at me, I'm pleasing to you, I like you, get it?" They were separated by a blanket, but Lor still pulled Belle's legs apart, causing her to roll her eyes. Her lips were blocked by Lor, and the smell of tobacco and gunpowder filled her mouth and into her nasal cavity. Belle struggled, only regretting that she couldn't kick the name that was pressing down on her. Lor sucked on Belle's lips twice again, letting go of her and laughing: "So the two of us are the light after the rain, right?" "After the rain, the sun shines again, my mother!" Belle was angry, and while she was panting, she felt between her legs, between her clothes and a blanket, something hard and heavy was pressing down on her. She lay on the pillow angrily looking at Lor, who was no longer sleepy now, and said, "Get out of the way, let me wake up. I guarantee I won't kill you." "Hahaha." Belle returned to normal, playfully scolding, no longer treating him as an invisible person, ignoring him with deaf ears. Seeing Belle get mad, Lor somehow felt relieved. He wiggled his butt, rubbed Belle's thighs a few times, and felt satisfied before he jumped down and ran away. “Lor, come back here. I have to live a life with you!!!” From the bed, Belle launched a stream of water to chase Lor out, Lor ran and then the water parted through the door and dispersed. Belle took a deep breath, sat up, and plopped down on the bed. At this moment, she only feels that Lor is like the nemesis that God sent to treat her, can't kill, can't scold. At midnight on the occasion of her sleeping soundly, running to grovel her, what is it if it's not a felony??? If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't want Tieu Ai's parents to kill each other, this badass Lor would have died a hundred times before. Belle tried to calmly control the anger in her heart, lay back on the bed but rolled back and forth forever, unable to sleep. She felt her heart beat faster, her mouth filled with the smell of cigarettes and gunpowder, but it didn't go away no matter what. So she got up, ran to the bathroom and rinsed her mouth for a few minutes to lessen the scent left by Lor. But that night Belle still couldn't sleep. Unable to waste a sleepless night like that, she carefully counted the number of crystal cores collected on the way and used all of them to cultivate the essence. Early the next morning, Trac The Giai came knocking on Belle's door. It is true that polite people are better, before entering, they know how to knock on the door. Belle was sitting cross-legged on the bed, throwing a pile of starch in her hand, got up and opened the door to her room, saw Trac The Giai with dark circles and asked: "Didn't you sleep all night?" “No, I was busy all night drawing a map of the hospital for you.” Trac The Giai walked in and held out the "Hotel survey form" to Belle. Each room in the hotel has prepared a piece of this paper, used to survey customer opinions. Trac The Giai couldn't find the paper so I had to draw a map of the hospital on this sheet. Belle stroked her long messy hair, then looked at it for a while and said: "Doctor Trac, I thought the public room map for my father's mansion was already very good, who would have thought that the masters draw real maps. the truth is here.” On a small piece of paper, probably the size of an A4 sheet, Trac The Giai drew three large and small maps. One is the hospital panorama; one is a map of the floors, each floor has what she clearly notes; The last one is a detailed map of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics, so detailed that any room is used for anything. Moreover, that drawing is sketched very realistically. Trac The Giai is indeed a person with a high IQ, good medical skills, and excellent painting techniques. Belle was looking down at the map when outside the door the people of Lor, the Dharma Protector, the Book Student, and the Fortune Teller also kept coming in. Belle sat on the sofa and looked up at Lor once, Lor smiled brightly at her, dignified and kind, giving others a very pure feeling, like yesterday's green-bearded demon was just a dream. Belle indifferently lowered her head and continued to look at the map in her hand. The Dharma Protectorate group did not notice the shadyness of the two, approached Belle, looked down and smiled at Trac The Giai: "Wow, Dr. Trac is about to go to an art exhibition? " Trac The Giai smiled modestly, sat down on the sofa across from Belle, turned his head and did not respond to the Dharma protector's words. Lor pushed the Protector away from Belle, and I sat down on the arm of the sofa, one hand on her back, the other took the map in her hand, looked at it for a while, and gave it to Shu Sinh. "Learn by heart." "Assured. Easy." Thu Sinh, full of the smell of books, graciously accepted the map Lor gave him and then sat alone in a corner of the living room and began to memorize the map. Trac The Giai looked at Thu Sinh and was about to ask, when Phap Phap explained: “Do you know why we call him Thu Sinh? Because he is also an intellectual like you, he always gets first place in school.” "Oh..." - Trac The Giai bowed his head and smiled, "Today's society still distinguishes between knowledge and non-knowledge, it's good to survive." After listening to the Dharma protector, he clapped his hands and applauded: "Look, it's true that the intellectual composition is different, every word is full of literature. It's good to just survive, well said!" Not knowing if that compliment was real or contained sarcasm, Trac The Giai turned her head without asking, Belle didn't quite understand either, Lor beside her pushed her in a low voice and said: "Ho Phap only graduated from elementary school, so he's normal. especially those with a high level of culture.” "Oh..." Belle wanted to get away from Lor for a bit, but didn't want to make it too obvious, so she got up and went to the bedroom to pack up. Lor was about to get up to follow when there was a knock on Belle's door. Everyone looked up at the same time, it was Mr. Peter who brought the person and stood outside. Anh Peter is the type of person who carries the style of a typical gangster, before the era of decadence has never had to respect anyone, after the era of decadence his face is also full of arrogance. Early in the morning, he ran up to the sixth floor, and brought people to show off, and as soon as he entered the room, he opened his mouth with a questioning tone: "Who is responsible for your group?" "I." "Me, what's wrong?" Belle and Lor's voices sounded at the same time. Lor turned his head to point at Belle coming out of the bedroom, immediately correcting: "She." Behind, Alice just heard the sound and ran over, her expression changed as if Belle had stolen her position, then silently listened: "I'm responsible, what's wrong?" Belle had just broken the feather collar, stood at the bedroom door, and asked Peter in return. And Peter nodded, pointing to a group of twelve or twenty men, all of whom knelt in unison towards Belle. He said: “I did many bad things in my youth, so I did not have any children. Now I'm over forty years old, just this baby. Today, regardless of whether I can save my son, I have to thank everyone, thank you very much." Honest heart, no need for many words. In this world, everything that was once became meaningless. Mr. Peter has nothing to express his gratitude to, he can only respectfully bow to Belle, then he straightens his back, wiping his tired eyes and smiling at everyone. “When I arrived, I was already prepared to die, if I can't save my child, I will also stay in the hospital as a zombie. I hope everyone imitates it, if you can kill it, just kill it, and if you can't stand it, just ignore me. I volunteered to stay in the hospital with my baby.” This word he said to Belle, was also said to the juniors behind. For the Lor group, this is the heart of the father and the testament of a tycoon before working. The muscular boys behind Mr. Peter dye their hair all kinds of colors; some also pierced nose, ears, mouth; look like a bunch of thugs. But after hearing these words of Mr. Bi, everyone was moved and moved. Belle nodded to show that she understood, but if she wasn't absolutely sure about the hospital's ability to control the situation, how could she dare to drag unrelated people like Lor into the zombie club? But these words could not be said directly to everyone, to avoid people thinking that she was not modest. "Okay, so now let's discuss a little bit about which direction to go in." The fortune-teller and Thu Sinh, who were learning by heart in the corner of the house, came with a map in their hands, greeted Bi's group, then spread the map on the table to drink water, and began to ask Trac The Giai a series of questions, for example: before era of decadence, where in the institute is the most crowded, from which direction you go, you will reach the Neonatal Department faster... Trac The Giai answered in detail, everyone listened attentively. Belle looked at the group of people sitting in front of her, frowning. Lor was discussing a plan to break the siege, looking very focused, different from the usual laziness and joking. They divided people for this action out of habit, Belle couldn't get in, so she didn't help anymore but went to find Tam Nguyet and Due Due. Tam Nguyet and Due Due are packing in their room, on the bed there are colorful bags and big bags. Due Due is helping Tam Nguyet hold a towel in the bathroom, saw Belle knock on the door and stood at the bathroom door obediently saying, "Good morning, sister." "Call me you!" Belle stroked Due Due's head, looked at the pile of bags on the bed, saw Tam Nguyet greet her while putting a pair of slippers in her pocket and then said: "Disposable items in this hotel do not need to be brought anywhere. It's like picking up trash." "Do not bring???" - Tam Nguyet lowered her head regretfully looking at the neatly arranged bags, "Or just bring it, it won't take much space. Maybe I will have to use it later.” "It's up to you." - Belle shrugged, sat down on the bed, took out a candy from her pocket and gave it to Duel, by the way asked, "Do you two follow us to the hospital?" "Let's go!" The person who answered Belle was not Tam Nguyet but the little Due Due. The boy tried to climb onto the bed to sit next to Belle. Tiny short legs, pretty little hands trying to peel off the candy wrapper. Belle also found it funny, but didn't intend to help it, she turned to look at Tam Nguyet who was always on her feet. Tam Nguyet nodded to Belle: "Let's go, I said I would try to kill zombies." Belle is quite satisfied with this reaction of Tam Nguyet and Due Due. She can accept people in her group are not good but cannot forgive their weakness. If Tam Nguyet and Due Due say not to go today, she will leave their mother and daughter at the hotel, tomorrow Belle will come back from the hospital and will not come back to pick them up. “If you go, you just go at the end. Before learning how to kill zombies, you must learn how to preserve your life.” “Okay, my mother and I will definitely take good care of ourselves.” Receiving Tam Nguyet's nod, Belle smiled. She put her hands behind her back, watching the head of Duel next to her keep swaying. Today, she realized that the energy on Duel's body was much stronger than two days ago, but this energy was a bit complicated, unlike the energy of the five basic power systems. If he is well trained, he will definitely be a good young monster fighter in the future. Two adults and a child chatted in the room for a while, then there was a knock at the door, Alice stood outside the door, sat down opposite Belle at the edge of the bed and asked: "Brother Diep said you can leave." Belle nodded, she got up to go out. Behind her, Due to her mother's help, she finished putting on her leather shoes, followed Belle and Tam Nguyet because she had to carry all kinds of bags, so she left last. She was just about to go to the door when Alice frowned and asked, "Do you want to go to the hospital too? Did you bring the kids too?" “Yes, we will protect ourselves well.” "Ha ha," - Alice laughed, she turned to look at Belle who had reached the elevator door, looking at her, she didn't see Tam Nguyet and Duei as burdens at all. She turned to look at Tam Nguyet, coldly said: "Then let's just say it first, if in danger, no one will save you, because we are all very busy." "Don't worry, you don't need to save me. My choice doesn't matter to anyone even if I die." Tam Nguyet assured Alice then hugged her bag and looked at Due Due standing at the elevator door. Duel had held Belle's hand, she did not refuse, looking up to count the number of movements on the elevator. Tam Nguyet decided to take her child to the hospital because from the bottom of her heart, she felt that going with Belle would not happen unexpectedly. Belle also did not force her and Due Due to be the main force to fight monsters, but just let them practice courage and courage. Moreover, on the way they came here, all zombies were handled by the To - Diep group, with one or two left, Tam Nguyen can now deal with it.
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