Chap 41: My boyfriend.

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As Belle said, no one is born knowing how to fight zombies, just bravely pick up a weapon. Tam Nguyet feels that zombies are actually not difficult to handle because their speed is very very slow, she hugs her children but also runs faster than them! Moreover, times have changed now, as a mother, Tam Nguyet does not want to teach her children to be industrial chickens. Belle dared to bring the mother and daughter along, so why wouldn't they dare to go with them? "Pure!" At this time, the elevator door opened, Alice was about to say something, but when she saw Belle holding Duele's hand and entering the elevator, she stopped talking and turned to go into the elevator, Tam Nguyet followed. The four of them didn't say a word until they got to the first floor lobby, everyone in the lobby was already in the car just waiting for Belle and the others. In fact, Belle didn't want to ride in the car with Lor very much, but the Jeep she was driving right now was originally Lor's, the features of Lor's car were the most familiar. He sat in the driver's seat, looking relatively proficient, waving at Belle to call her over. In the end, Belle sat in the co-driver's seat with a face, and she didn't talk to Lor either. Lor might have also felt that he was a little loose last night, so he smiled at Belle and started to step on the accelerator. Behind was a long convoy of cars. The hospital is not far from the hotel, go through an intersection and a short way to the place where Trac The Giai worked before the era of decadence. The number of zombies outside the hospital is not small, it is so crowded that goosebumps, needless to say, how many zombies are inside the hospital. The crowd got out of the car, beat from the outside, excitedly killing zombies. A group of about thirty people, each of them fighting non-stop, although most zombies are said to be covered by a group of five, Belle, Lor, Dharma Protector, Shu Sinh and Fortune Teller, but the parking space in front of the hospital is quite good. wide, not to mention zombies are also crowded. There were many who still circled around the other five to surround the group behind. Having come here, the group did not rush to enter, leisurely. A pile of crystal cores fell on his head for no reason not to pick up. The Lor and Dharma Protector groups kill very quickly, especially Lor. Now he didn't need to use fireballs to kill them one by one, but switched to using firewalls, firing firewalls everywhere. His firewall is also very strong, zombies just need to rush in and they will all be burned. As for him, he knelt down on the coals to dig for crystals, and soon his pockets were filled with crystals. By this time If you don't steal monsters, the cores will be eaten by Lor and the others, so Belle doesn't hide her job anymore. She held a handful of crystal cores, mobilized the essence in her body, on the ground appeared a waterman the size of her body, she handed a machete in her hand to the waterman. A real person and a fake person work together to kill forward. In fact, Belle thought that she could still create two water people, but she remembered Trac The Giai's advice, she had to be careful. Anyway, the dangerous three-month period is not over yet . If the crystal core is used up, the crystal will have to operate to maintain it, and the energy in the crystal will be released at some point. Belle is afraid that her ability will run out of energy and will have side effects. Alice was in the back, not far from Belle, still slashing monsters with a knife. Her ability is only enough to release drinking water, now she sees Belle can control water people, water people can even pick up crystal cores with knives, she is extremely surprised. The water-type pseudo-abilities turned out to be not only a buff, but also a defense like Belle. So how strong is Belle really? Why can't she have the same water-type ability as Belle? Alice wondered, and Belle only wanted to take the monsters of the four Lor. People already have the skill of attacking, she is still slashing one by one. Even with the help of foreigners, most of the zombies were still robbed by them. So Belle made up her mind, looking over the crowd of zombies. The emergency room door is not far away. It is an automatic glass door, just sensing the human body temperature, the door will automatically open, but at this time the electricity has been cut off, the door is closed tightly. Behind the door is a layer of zombies who are desperate to get out. Belle suddenly had an idea. She didn't fight with Lor here anymore, the water people also melted into an invisible stream. At the same time, inside the clinic's glass door appeared a waterman among the zombies, holding an ice knife, silently starting to kill zombies, taking crystal cores. Water people have no smell, except when the action makes the sound of running water, which does not attract the attention of the zombies. The zombies in the clinic lobby were now completely attracted to the people living outside the door, so even if the aliens were around to kill their own kind, those zombies wouldn't feel anything, much less the possibility of warning. water people room. In an instant Belle got so many crystals that she was as happy as gold. More importantly, she found herself able to break boundaries, using water and ice at the same time. Water creates water people, ice makes knives, this is the perfect combination of water and ice abilities. Aside from expending a little more energy, there isn't any burden on the body. In the busy team, Mr. Peter and more than twenty subordinates were enough to deal with a small number of zombies left, but mother and daughter Tam Nguyet and Ly Tieu Vu killed a few fish that escaped from that small part of zombies. . Previously, Tam Nguyet carried Due Due in front of her chest, combined with Ly Tieu Vu to kill a zombie together. Looking back now, Bruce was able to deal with two zombies alone, as long as there weren't too many zombies, she could handle it on her own. Tam Nguyet was carrying Due Due, so her actions were not as agile as Ly Tieu Vu, fortunately there were only one or two zombies in her place, the kind that was about to be beaten by Ly Tieu Vu. Therefore, Tam Nguyet's mother and daughter were in charge of destroying these defeated zombies, and by the way followed the team of crystal core diggers, there were some crystal cores that Ly Tieu Vu did not have time to dig, Tam Nguyet immediately helped dig for them. Tam Nguyet intends to come to the property and will give all the crystal cores that she has dug up to Belle. Tam Nguyet and Ly Tieu Vu are not special abilities, the two of them agree that the excavated crystal cores will be kept for Belle. However, along the way, the number of crystal cores they hit was not much, not worth compared to the place of Lor and the others. Tam Nguyet and Ly Tieu Vu felt that this place of their crystal core was too small, they saved up and waited a bit more and then gave Belle. Belle danced among the zombies in front, occasionally turning her head, looking at Tam Nguyet carrying Due Due on her chest at the back, running back and forth sweating. Due to being carried by her mother in front of her chest, she did not cry, she still held a stick and sometimes helped her mother beat a zombie. Seeing this image, Belle couldn't help but smile. This is the correct way to bring children in the era of decadence. Being a mother has never been a leisurely job, it is inevitable that fatigue. It's just killing zombies, of course, you must foster courage from a young age. Belle felt she was completely wrong before. In the past, she only knew how to protect Tieu Ai, trying her best to prevent Tieu Ai from being in danger, so she never took Tieu Ai out on a mission. In fact, children living in the era of decadence shouldn't be too sheltered, anyway, now it's not like it used to be. If the mother always protects the child in a safe place, the child may not be able to do anything later. The group of people beat and killed, walking and resting, and finally entered the emergency room. Lor throws a fireball that melts the glass, and a wall of fire appears blocking the zombie's exit. At this time, the Dharma Protector rushed in like the wind, when he came back out, he pointed at Belle and said: "The zombies behind are all taken away by Belle, and these are left at the door." "Ha ha ha ~~~" Belle couldn't help but look up at the sky and laugh, looking at her countryman still behind the zombies who killed the world, then patted Lor's shoulder: "Let's work. I'm tired, take a break." She found a pedestal set up outside the emergency room, sat down, and focused on controlling her alien. She said she was tired and rested for a while, indeed resting from killing. But her country people did not stop, continued to take crystal cores non-stop. In the midst of a blazing fire, Lor turned his head, his face reddened by the heat, opened his mouth to reveal pure white teeth at Belle, purposely provoking her: "Rest for what but rest, upstairs is still there." Belle shrugged. Her waterman couldn't get out of sight, until it got out of control, she could hardly concentrate on controlling it. She stood up, also knowing that Lor had soon seen through the limitations of her abilities, so she followed Lor straight into the emergency room, intending to go up the stairs from there to the 7th floor. Above the emergency lobby are several departments. The seventh floor has an outdoor corridor that connects to the residential area behind, under the boarding area is a medical clinic. They chose to go to the emergency room because they calculated that there were a little less zombies on this side than in the clinic. The neonatology department was on the eleventh floor of the boarding house, they reached the seventh floor outdoor corridor and had to climb four more floors to reach the destination. It is not known who closed the emergency ladder door, and inserted an iron bar across the door. The Dharma Protector jerked his stick, the door opened, and the zombies inside rushed out like a waterfall. Outside the door, Lor had built a firewall. Without anyone taking action, the first zombies just burned down. The rest of the gang stepped on the corpses of the previous ones, trying to get through the firewall, but they were dealt with by Belle, the Dharma Protector, the Librarian, the Fortune Teller, and of course, Lor. Zombies in the emergency ladder are not much less than zombies in the floor. Not that the density is low, but they don't seem to be able to squeeze into the floor, so they have to stay on the stairs, crowded like a wedge from top to bottom so that they can't even move. They were so crowded that it made it easier for To Diep and the others. The emergency ladder has only one narrow door, they divide to guard the two ends of the door, wait for the zombies to come out, then kill. Zombie corpses burned by Lor. His fire ability at this moment seemed extremely important. If these corpses are not burned to ashes, I am afraid that the entire emergency room hall will be filled with zombies. Peter and the others did not win any monsters, their hearts felt hurt and lost. It seems that since forming a team with To - Diep until now, their feelings about killing zombies have changed - from fleeing to passive counterattack to not winning monsters but lacking?! This kind of feeling is so strange, who can't kill a zombie and feel lost?! But that's how they feel. But they also quickly got work to do. While everyone was busy killing zombies from the emergency ladder that kept coming out, not far away, zombies from the emergency room also came over. The emergency room has the same door as the clinic on the other side. On this side, the number of zombies decreased and the new zombies in the clinic kept swaying and pulling each other. But since the emergency stairs and elevator were in the corner of the emergency room hall, it felt like a small hall. Outside the small hall, there is a shielding door, just block this door, zombies in the clinic will not pass quickly. At the time when the To - Diep group hurriedly slashed and burned, beside the stairs, Ly Tieu Vu, mother and daughter Tam Nguyet, Bi, Trac The Giai also started blocking the door with their bodies. They did not cover it all, but left a gap, each time only a few zombies passed, they were destroyed one by one. Their speed is also fast, one sword at a time, one at a time, until the zombies are packed, they call Lor to ask him to burn all this corpse. Alice's body and ability are only qualified to follow Bi, Ly Tieu Vu and Tam Nguyet's mother and daughter, but she thinks that she must be a big worker, not considering Bi's team. Although her ability is not equal to Belle or Lor, she relies on her indomitable energy and bravery to follow the To - Diep team. Along the way, perhaps Alice really tried very hard, very stubborn to become strong, used a knife to kill zombies but felt like nothing could stop her. Of course, most of the zombies were handled by Lor's group, Alice just followed and killed the fish that caught the net. However, her bravery has also increased a lot. In the emergency stairs, the firelight raged, and the front wall and stairs burned like a giant stove. Zombies from the stairs down must go through this "flame stove", by the time they roll out, they have died quite a bit, then they are also given a few knives by the Protector, the Student, the Fortune Teller and Belle. Basically no zombie can enter the small lobby. Killing up and down, Belle has no more monsters to kill, and Alice has no fish to catch. She followed the four soldiers, got bored and gave them water to drink. But the fighting situation was fierce at that time, no one had time to drink water. They told Alice a few words that they would drink later. The fortune teller is an alchemy-type ability, rushes forward, steps on the burning steps, and slowly enters the emergency stairs. He is an alchemy ability, so he rushed in first to become a tank, stopping the zombies. The other three, of course, followed suit. Alice thought for a moment, wondering if she could handle the "stove" part of the emergency stairs or not, so she looked over at Belle. Belle yawned and, without hesitation, followed behind Shu Sheng who was the last to enter the emergency stairs. Alice sees Belle can come in, she definitely "can". So she walked in after Belle. With the current heat, the average person definitely wouldn't make it. The feeling that anyone entering knows, in a way that is easy to imagine, the inside is like a microwave oven still on the highest level. As soon as Alice entered, she saw that the person was about to be burned, jumped a few steps and had to come out. She felt unwilling to follow Belle's back. By this time Belle had already followed the four Lor and turned away, climbing up to the second floor. The same is a water-type ability, why is Belle not afraid of being burned? Why? She's become strong, but why can't she keep up with Lor's rhythm? Why? Why? Why?! Alice frowned, not quite sure where she had gone wrong. Miss I held the knife, just like that, waiting outside the emergency stairs until the "stove" part cooled down, then took a deep breath, ran a few steps to gain momentum, still unwilling to jump into the exit stairs with a little bit of air left. billowing hot. But since when did the five To - Diep people kill to the third and fourth floor, but Lor kept setting fire on the way up. Although the temperature of the first floor stairs was falling, but the higher the temperature went up, the more Alice could only rest while walking, the more she wanted to keep up with the strong man's footsteps, the less she could keep up. Finally, when the temperature of the lower stairwell dropped quite a bit, the normal group of people including Mr. Bi, Trac The Giai, Ly Tieu Vu and Tam Nguyet's mother and daughter also entered the emergency stairs. As soon as the elevator door closed, everyone had to endure the sultry remaining in the stairs for a long time. Normal zombies don't climb ladders on two legs like humans do: they descend mainly by rolling, and climb up on all fours. Except for the zombies on the bottom floor of the stairs, there are many piles out, the zombies above are less and less. Because the floors above the emergency room have medical clinics, such as two-dimensional ultrasound, gastroscopy, etc., some floors have closed emergency elevator doors, so zombies can't move.
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