Chap 42: Serect.

3682 Words
The survivors ran down the emergency stairs, so the zombies on the stairs also followed them. Therefore, through the fourth floor, the speed of To and Diep and the others was also faster. Time passed like that, at this time the sky gradually darkened, it didn't know how long it was, the mental state of the Lors was still good, there was absolutely no sign of fatigue. The rest are different, especially a few of Mr. Bi's subordinates, most of them are just ordinary people, and have never been able to withstand such a high intensity of killing. Belle also felt really tired. She is a pregnant woman who must be cherished before the era of decadence. At this time, she climbed seven floors continuously, while climbing and killing zombies, Tieu Ai already had an opinion. Going on like that, Belle felt that she couldn't stand it anymore, the sour water in her stomach rose up. "Just one night off, continue tomorrow." Lor who took the lead finally raised his hand to signal the people behind. Protector and Shu Sinh, the fortune teller ran into the emergency staircase door, and started dealing with the zombies on the seventh floor. And the few people scattered on the stairs listening to this can finally rest, their legs are weak, and they sit on the ground. They ate and drank. This is a zombie nest, no one needs to focus on the quality of life anymore, eat fast, drink fast and spend time sleeping. The light in the hallway was dark, only the emergency lights were on. Trac The Giai climbs tired to death over and over again, finally climbing to the sixth floor and seeing Belle. She winked at Belle, gesturing again toward the door of the sixth-floor emergency staircase. Belle sat on the ground, nodded without saying a word, stood up, and accompanied Trac The Giai. The sixth floor is a place for two-dimensional ultrasound examination, gastroscopy and other tests. There are also many zombies here, but before the era of decadence, most of the people who came to the hospital were patients with flu, high fever... so actually the number of people doing this check was a bit less. Of course that is only relative. Every corner of the hospital has more zombies than any other. Belle goes through the emergency staircase door, creating two watermen to enter the sixth floor to kill zombies. Along the way, she collected so many crystal cores that she almost ran out of space to put them in. Belle thought, everything has its price, without creating an extra water person, how can there be more crystals like this? Zombies smell the living people and rush through the emergency door. Belle's waterman is colorless and odorless, killing zombies is simple. When there were only a few zombies left at the door, Belle signaled Trac The Giai to open the emergency door. Two or three zombies rushed out, Trac The Giai alone could handle it. Belle took two steps back, shoving her two watermen to continue killing inwards, herself leaning against the wall, pale and weak. Physically speaking, the pregnant Belle was a bit tired but this did not stop her from resting while controlling the zombie killer. This can be compared to the health and mana in the game - Belle is not healthy right now, her health is low, she does not dare to risk her life. So Belle watched from the side, one arrow hit three birds, while watching Trac The Giai, while controlling the two people from the country to harvest the cores. In the emergency stairs, mother and daughter Tam Nguyet hugged each other and slept in the coolest place on the third floor stairs. Although Alice was so tired that she didn't want to move, she saw Belle and Trak Shijia gone for a long time and did not return, fighting for a long time, and then stood up trembling, clutching the knife in her hand, and walked towards the direction. Belle and Trac The Giai left and entered the sixth floor. When Alice entered the sixth floor, all the zombies in it were sprawled on the ground, in the distance two pale blue water people holding two machetes Belle took from Lor, one for each, slashing zombies dumbfounded and motionless. front. Zombies have no intelligence, only the most basic bloodthirsty instincts. Water people are colorless and tasteless, even if they raise a knife and s***h in front of them, zombies can't avoid it. Alice watched from afar, longing, if she could also make this kind of countryman, how good would it be? But two of Belle's countrymen are here, so where are Belle To and Trac The Giai? Right next to the waterman, a wall away, Belle lay on the bed, eyes closed, concentrating, subtly perceiving her connection with the waterman. Although this connection was very weak, she could still feel two emanating energies, the sensation of contact and collision, indescribable images weaving in her mind. However, she could not control the waterman to do more movements because that would require a very high level of practice to be able to control the waterman to do more precise movements where she could not see. So, after the people killed two or three zombies in front of them, they were like stupid zombies standing by the door, shaking people. At this moment, beside Belle's bed, Trac The Giai is adjusting the two-way ultrasound machine. She pressed the key of the ultrasound machine while sighing: "Life is so chaotic, it's a pity that these healing machines are left here like that." It took thousands of years of human civilization to extract these high-tech tools. Era of decadence comes, there are zombies everywhere, humans are beaten again In their original form, they can only strive to survive, no longer free to worry about other things. The medical equipment in this hospital, and the whole system of healing that was hard to develop, also collapsed because of the era of decadence. Belle lay on the bed, clinging to her legs, looking at the ultrasound machine showing that little black and white seahorse, her heart was soft and confused. She blinked her eyes, pointed at Tieu Ai, said to Trac The Giai: "I'll print a picture of her for you, I want to make Tieu Ai's childhood photo album." As if not hearing Trac The Giai's exclamation, Belle was excitedly waiting for Trac The Giai to print Tieu Ai's ultrasound image. Trac The Giai glanced at Belle, printed a photo and said: "The fetus is developing very well. It seems that normally running back and forth doesn't affect her much." "Of course. I was very careful, I told you that if it weren't for Xiao Ai, I could still fly today!" Belle sat up, straightening her clothes. Listening to Trac The Giai, she felt secure. Before, she was still quite worried, Lor ability is fire, her ability is water has any effect on Tieu Ai because there have been reports that parents have conflicting ability, pregnancy rate is very high. short. The facts prove that she thinks too much. In her previous life, she didn't know if Lor was a fake ability, didn't know that Lor's ability was fire, but she forgot this Lor was far away, but Tieu Ai was still born, still running around naughty. Waiting until Trac The Giai printed Tieu Ai's photo, Belle watched it over and over again, looking like she loved not letting go, making Trac The Giai couldn't help but smile. After a long time, Belle who was looking at him suddenly raised her head, shining black eyes staring at Trac The Giai, her heart full of dreams said: "Let's bring back this two-dimensional ultrasound machine!" "Cough cough..." - Trac The Giai choked on his own saliva. She stared at Belle, then asked, "Are you telling the truth?" “Truth, more real than diamonds.” - Belle nodded, took a picture of Tieu Ai jumping off the bed, went to the window, drew a big cake for Trac The Giai: "We need a big car, move this ultrasound machine from the sixth floor, put in the trunk is OK.” “So why not find a big enough truck? This is a hospital, there are a lot of medical machines and medicines, after a long time they are going to fail.” Trac The Giai's eyes, seeing Belle draw a large cake, gradually exuded bright hope. She is a doctor, the skill she is most familiar with, helping her best survive in this life is healing and saving people. Although her specialty is related to pregnancy and childbirth, she can't help but regret the healing system that collapsed after the era of decadence. Even if they can't use these machines now, they can sell them to those who need them later. Sooner or later, society will be rebuilt, and humanity will return to civilized time. It certainly won't be for long. “Okay, aside from what you said, you need more commonly used furniture. I mean we should stock up on some baby essentials, too.” Belle nodded slightly, speaking very seriously. She opened the door, went out, turned her head to look at Trac The Giai: "So, we have something to do later, the purpose is to find a large truck." When she saw Alice standing outside the door, Belle suddenly stopped talking. Alice was standing next to her waterman, meticulously studying the water people. But not far away, there are corpses of three zombies, it seems that after killing the zombies, Alice returned to the water people to continue researching. “Belle!” - Seeing Belle suddenly open the door to come out, Alice straightened her back, looked a little confused, stuck out a finger to try to poke the water person: "What's so mysterious inside everyone, there must be two watchmen." "Don't touch them, they'll see you as a zombie and kill them." Belle opened her mouth to remind, took the picture of Tieu Ai in her hand, and put it in the pocket of her feather coat. She did not intend to confide in Alice, nor did she intend to open her mouth to discuss anything with her. She led Trac The Giai straight out, two people from both sides also followed, like Belle's two bodyguards. Alice's face fell, but luckily she was ignored by Belle. She stood where she was, gazing thoughtfully at the backs of Belle and Trappist, then looked up again at the door of the office Belle had just come out of. On the door hangs a digit “1”. This is the number 1 multidimensional ultrasound room. Did she accidentally discover something secret between Belle and Trac The Giai? Trac The Giai took two quick steps forward, caught up with Belle, and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you worried Alice will suspect something?" "Suspicious of what?" Belle inexplicably slowed down, moving forward with Trac The Giai. She casually: “What could she suspect? Suspect you're pregnant? This is the truth, so what if she doubts you?" "Yeah..." - Trac The Giai thought, Alice suspected Belle was pregnant, what can she do? At best, expose her pregnancy, so that Lor and the others don't take Belle out to kill zombies and get crystal cores. But does Belle need the Lor people? So needed, so needed, so needed that without the Lor people, she couldn't go out to kill zombies, get crystal cores? Obviously, Belle can completely live on her own in the era of decadence, without the Lor team, she needs to be a little more careful at most. Thinking like that, Trac The Giai was reassured. A woman who depends on someone is not as good as relying on herself. If you have the courage, you will not be afraid of the people next to you coming and going. At this point, someone like her who lived to her thirties was not even as good as a twenty-year-old girl, she had to learn from Belle. And Belle, you just don't want Lor to find out, and it doesn't matter who knows. The fact that she was pregnant could only be hidden for a while, not for the rest of her life. As long as Alice doesn't harm her Xiao Ai, just say so. If this came out and Lor objected, at most Belle would end up with Lor. She didn't need to rely on Lor to live. The two of them talked while walking and came to the door of the emergency stairs. Belle was about to open the door when the yellow wooden door suddenly opened. Lor's face appeared, he knitted his dark black lance-shaped brows, shouting at Belle: “Where are you going? Who let me run wild. He turned his back once and didn't see me." “Shh… can you speak a little louder?” Belle glared at Lor. “Find me for what?” “What can I do to find you? Of course it's important." Lor's impenetrable bullet-thick face appeared in a wide grin. He reached out, grabbed Belle's small hand, led her down the emergency stairs, through the empty space where everyone was sitting, up to the seventh floor, into a doctor's office. In the office, Phap Phap, Thu Sinh and fortuneteller lined up horizontally. Each of them held a cup in their hands. When Lor pulled Belle inside, the three immediately picked up the cup and said in unison, "Give me some water to drink." “Phew!!!” Belle chuckles. She pursed her lips as she looked at the three large, crude men in front of her, all wearing camouflage uniforms, standing with their backs straight, eyes flashing with longing. It is clear that the strong and determined faces, now showing a pitiful look like a beggar, are extremely humorous. Then, looking at their parched lips again, Belle suppressed a laugh, raising her hand to a cup full of water in the three of them. Taking advantage of the time the three of them were gulping water, Belle turned her head to look at Lor. "You guys want a drink, why don't you find Alice?" "Find her for what?" Lor's face was full of confusion. He lifted his arm quite casually around Belle's shoulder, like a good brother patting her shoulder. “You are our existing reservoir, if you don't find you, look for her? Crazy?" Not those who are good at killing, only know how to kill. Humans are the most developed higher animals, also have feelings of their own. Those who approach them with purpose, want to be friends with them, want to take advantage of them to become their advantage; who is the one who really sincerely considers them as friends and treats each other equally; Everyone here feels it very clearly. Even if I didn't understand it before, now I can see Alice and Belle's behavior in the past few days. Belle flicked Lor's sovereign arm away, glancing at the canteen of water strapped to their bodies. In the blink of an eye, the four felt the empty water can suddenly feel heavy. Without opening the lid, Belle was able to make them a full pitcher of water. This is so convenient. "Done. Guys talk. I'm going to find a bed to rest for a while." After rinsing the water for four people, Belle stretched her shoulders and left. There was a commotion behind him, all inciting Lor to chase. Belle turned around, looked at the four adult men behind her who were suddenly silent and motionless, standing solemnly in place, warning: "Do not follow. Don't disturb my rest!" “Clear!” Lor stood still, out of habit raising his hand in greeting to Belle. Next to them immediately sounded the exclamation of the other three, some were pitiful, some were depressed, some only regretted not forging iron into steel. He didn't care, keeping his eyes on Belle's figure out the door, then kicked a foot towards his three teammates. The four immediately rushed into each other's fists. The other guys fought, who won and who lost, Belle didn't know. She went out of the doctor's office, found a large room, climbed into bed, lay down and closed her eyes to sleep. The rest of the people who also saw the zombies on the seventh floor being cleaned up also went up to the seventh floor, looking for a room to sleep. Early the next morning, before the sun had risen, Belle lay in her hospital bed, glancing at her watch. She woke up to go find Tam Nguyet to get some food. Walking to the front of the hallway, she looked out into the distance, the zombies swaying in the hallway leaning over the glass. As soon as they saw her come out, they hummed and hummed with hunger. "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I come here.” Belle comforts the zombies waiting to be killed outside. Because she was hungry, her stomach was empty, plus morning was always the worst morning, she really couldn't help it, put her hands on the wall, bent over and vomited. Behind her, Alice hid behind the door of some hospital room, silently observing Belle through the gap, making no attempt to help her. In the doctor's office, Lor heard a noise, he jumped up, didn't have time to put on his coat, only put on a short-sleeved T-shirt, rushed out, ran to Belle's back, reached out and patted her back, his face was full of worry. asked, "What's wrong with me? Every morning I vomit and vomit, is there something wrong with my stomach?" "No problem!" Belle shook her head, her face pale. Seeing this, Lor reached out to help Belle who had just finished vomiting, led Belle to sit on a plastic chair at the foot of the wall, hugging her, extremely worried. He was about to open his mouth to call out Trac The Giai's name when Belle stopped him, shaking her head. "No big deal. Vomiting after this battle will not vomit anymore. Go find some food and bring it to me." "Okay. I'll stay here, wait a moment." At this time, Lor was extremely obedient, the original tough attitude, in an instant, turned into a star. He helped Belle lean on the back of the chair, hurriedly ran to Tam Nguyet's hospital room. Now Tam Nguyet takes full responsibility for their food. In an instant, Lor had brought a box of pastries from Tam Nguyet's place, squatting in front of Belle. He tore off the shell and brought the cake to Belle's mouth, looking up at her expectantly. "Let's eat." "Yeah..." - Belle hesitantly took the cake Lor placed on her mouth. “I have my own hands.” "OK. You eat, eat quickly, there's still more after you finish eating." Lor didn't argue with Belle either. You can feed her or she can eat by herself, just don't look so haggard, it looks really scary. Belle smiled weakly, looking at Lor, thinking to herself that if this man were to stay like this, it would be fine if he didn't make her angry every now and then. She lowered her eyes to eat a piece of cake, then looked again at Lor who was still squatting in front of her, maintaining the posture of watching her eat the cake, then lifted her foot and kicked him in the chest. “You go back, put on more clothes and go out again. I told you last time, don't keep staring at me like that. Your gaze is indecent.” "Heh heh." Lor did not deny, bowed his head and turned to look for clothes to put on. He is a man, an ordinary man. The woman who spent the night with him, eating cake in front of him, his small mouth moving, his wrong thinking is also very normal. Waiting for Lor to leave, Belle's eating speed was a little faster, quickly eating all three small cakes in front of her. Her stomach also gradually felt more comfortable. She stood up, walking towards the lovely zombies that soon became uncontrollable outside the glass door. Standing and observing through the narrow gap behind the door, Alice finally finished watching, closed the door of the hospital room tightly, looked at Ly Tieu Vu, who was sitting on the hospital bed next to him, changing clothes, pretending to ask: "Tieu Vu, tell me about your love. Belle and Diep's feelings are so good, what's their relationship?" "This..." - Ly Tieu Vu was awkward. "Probably has nothing to do with it." “But it seems to me that Mr. Diep really likes Belle. How long have Belle and he known each other?" “Not long, about two months. I dont know." In fact, being together for so long, Bruce knows Belle's past stories very well. She also basically guessed that Lor was the man who had a one-night stand with Belle. But this story is very complicated to say, it also concerns Bach Lac Lac - who was killed by Belle and Belle being drugged by her. Besides, this is Belle's business anyway. Of course, Bruce didn't want to talk about this kind of thing with Alice who had only known him for a few days. But Ly Tieu Vu's concealment made Alice think more richly. She sat on the edge of Ly Tieu Vu's bed, very close, as close as sisters sleeping in the same room, trading melons: "But it seems to me that Belle doesn't like Mr. Diep very much. Did you say Belle had a boyfriend before? What kind of boy does she like?" "Have. Looks like she has a boyfriend.” “So, they got lost after the era of decadence? Or break up? Is her relationship with her boyfriend good?" "That's OK. They've known each other for a long time, never broke up. Um… It's hard to say, don't ask me anymore."
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