Chap 7: You broke my heart

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As she thought that, Belle was opening an unread message. All by Lion Kelly. News 1: “To, where are you? I'm worried about you, don't hate me okay? It's all because of you, I love you." News 2: “I haven't been to school for a few days, my brother, teachers and classmates are very worried about me. Where am I now?" News 3: "To, tonight the moon is full and full, I lie on the hospital bed, I remember when I was in high school, I was injured when I played football, you went to the hospital to look after me. The moon was also full that night, agree with me, what's wrong with going back?" News 4: “I still don't know how much I love you until now. Belle, don't be so cruel." There were quite a few more messages that Belle didn't bother to see. Belle had known earlier that Lion Kelly was in the hospital. Those legs she kicked were both serious and not serious: seriously, she kicked Lion Kelly to the hospital; It's not serious, why don't you just kick Lion Kelly to death? I really hope the era of decadence comes soon, she will rush straight to the hospital to kill Lion Kelly. Belle drove hastily, returning to the mansion when it was late at night. She entered the house, started preparing tomorrow go to Duc Thanh. While packing, Belle heard the engine start. She was a bit surprised because in such a large area with only a few people living, it was very late, why was there still the sound of cars? She listened, clearly the car was driving towards her mansion. So, Belle didn't change, stuffed her clothes in her backpack and got up and went to a nearby window, peering over the balcony. The lights of the car flickered in the distance, she narrowed her eyes, the car was moving very fast, blinking the lights were very close. Surely this car was going towards her mansion. Belle quickly turned around and ran into the bedroom, forgetting to put on her shoes, her heart pounding like a drum, dimly recognizing who the person was coming but not sure, could only quickly go to the living room, open the door. two large doors. By this time the other car had arrived in front of Belle's mansion. Belle pressed the key on the remote control, the door next to the yard automatically opened, and the black army Jeep slowly entered. Lor jumped down, his body was covered with dust, his feet were still a little muddy, his face was lack of sleep, his back was wearing two machetes, obviously there was no rest on the way from Duc Thanh to here. In the light of the car, he glanced at Belle's bare feet, said nothing, just turned to open the back door, someone got out. "Mommy!" Belle saw the tired middle-aged woman burst into tears, ran to hug her, "Mom, mom, you're alive, mom...!!!" "Oh good, why die!" The woman handed Belle's hand, pretending to scold, "Your mother is fine, what's the surprise?!" "Don't cry, just act like life and death, don't make a big deal!" The middle-aged man coming down behind her mother was Mr. William, a little round, cheerful-faced, medium-sized man, he was dressed in an old blue army uniform. Belle raised her head, let go of her mother and hugged her father crying: "Dad, we're here. I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have forced my parents to come here, it's all my fault!" No one understood why she was crying so hard. Her parents thought it was because Belle told them to go to Tuong Thanh but ended up stuck in Duc Thanh and felt guilty, Lor thought she was too resentful, so she vented all her painful emotions to her limit. When everyone was confused by a crying Belle, Belle stopped crying again. She let go of her father, wiped her tears, raised her head and looked closely at her parents in front of her eyes: it was still the appearance in her memory, although she seemed tired, her parents were still at peace in front of her, unharmed. , also not chipped anything. “Come in and talk, her barefoot style is also unique!” Lor pointed to the brightly lit room in the house, looking again at Belle's bare feet. It was winter in Tuong Thanh in November, although it was not as cold as the North, but Belle was so thin and weak, walking barefoot on the ice-cold ground, everyone had to worry. “This little girl, doesn’t know how to take care of herself, hurry up, let’s go inside!” When my mother heard Lor say that, she looked down at Belle's feet and hurriedly chased them all into the house like chickens. Mr William smiled widely, looked at mother and daughter entering the room, while he politely waved to Lor: "Tieu Diep, don't be shy, this time I don't even know how to thank you. Let's go in together." Lor minus. In fact, he was worried all the way, when he picked up Belle's parents in Duc Thanh, he only dared to answer that he was her friend, asked by her to pick them up, but did not dare to tell the truth. Now, in front of their daughter, do you dare to open your mouth? Don't dare, even if you find the parents who brought them here from Duc Thanh, you still won't dare! Therefore, in the face of Belle's parents, Lor was a little hesitant. Mr William told him to enter the house, and he obediently followed. After entering the house, Mr William was clearly surprised, turning to ask: “Why is Belle here? Does she have to stay in the dorm?" "Ah... ah""" Lor opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer. Actually, he had only known Belle for a few days, how could he know what the other girl was thinking. He thought for a moment, could only say: "Probably... Recently, Belle was bullied by her classmates at school, so she transferred out." “Been bullied?” My mother, who was pulling Belle's arm in front of her, turned around and shouted, her eyes fixed on Lor like headlights.In that moment, both Belle's mother and father thought of many things, including school violence, then both. The dormitory chooses Belle as the object of bullying, Belle is unfairly treated by the teacher, mentally unstable... "What happened?" “I knew it right away!!!” Mr. William To's mother raised his voice. To's mother's eyes were red, and her mouth was nagging non-stop, "I knew right away, our Belle has been weak since she was a child, has been bullied since elementary school until now, that trait. how can that be!!!” "Mommy!!!" Belle glared at Lor, "Mum, don't listen to him. He doesn't know anything, this is my friend's house, she went abroad so she asked me to come here for a few days!!!" Seeing her parents clearly disbelieving, Belle smiled and turned her head to glare at Lor, then pushed her parents into the living room, trying to be trustworthy: "I'm telling the truth. Parents, this is real. It's my classmate's house. Isn't it time to take the final exam ? I called you crying and crying so I knew something was up. Now I've been bullied so much that I have to move out, no, it can't be like this, I have to go to school tomorrow to find the owner. Only talk class!" Of course, To's mother will not listen to her explanation because in her heart, Belle has always been a weak child, raised by one of her grandparents from childhood to adulthood, always bullied by others, still the same when going to university. so no matter what she said, her grandparents still believed that she was being abused at school, the more relaxed she was, the more insecure they became. this too I can't find a teacher, let's go tomorrow!" Saying no, Belle didn't know how to explain it to her parents. Her heart has already decided, after tricking her parents to come to Tuong Thanh, keep them here, don't argue with them. Wait 40 more days, the era of decadence comes, this won't be a problem. Belle turned and pushed the log of Lor, whispering, "I'll take you out." “Honey, shoes, shoes!!!” Mother To cried while picking up a pair of shoes. She quickly took it and went inside, telling her worried mother: "I'll take him out for a bit, we'll talk about it later." "Tieu Diep, Tieu Diep, drink a cup of tea and say. Belle, where's the tea?" Mr William rushed up from behind, waving at Lor. He clearly had a crush on this Lor guy, and wanted to spy on Belle from Lor, but Lor saw how his father dared to stay on the scene any longer. He bowed his head and firmly waved his hand: "Uncle, next time. I already have your phone number. Something Belle will explain to her aunt and uncle later. In the future, you just call me and I'll come, I promise you won't shirk responsibility..." "Stop talking, isn't it enough!" Seeing Lor say that, Belle warned softly, urging Lor out. Her parents were still nervously standing at the main door, Belle turned around and closed the door with a 'bang', blocking her parents' view, sternly hitting Lor in the chest: "Don't you think it's enough trouble for yourself? but trying to show off in front of my parents?! I haven't told you yet, so don't be so sincere!" “But…” Lor looked down at Belle, miserably, “The needle in the sheath will come out one day.” "So how long can you hide it? You've done enough, the money has been given, my parents have picked it up, neither of us owes anyone, you go, my parents call and don't come back." Belle waved her hand at Lor, made a gesture of good-bye, and ignored Lor 's bored expression and turned to open the door. Suddenly she remembered something, turned to Lor, stammered: "Ah, I remember one thing, you have to help me a little." "I'm in a hurry!" Lor lowered his head, clearly sulking, "Didn't you just say the payment is over?" “Lor, are you a child?” Belle's eyes widened, "You told the school side for an hour for me, that if my parents come to fight a lot, hold back a bit, but don't make things clear... I don't want them to go back to Gender. Thanh, do you understand?” She thinks that now this is not just the fact that Bai Luoluo quit smoking to make her go to bed with Lor anymore, it is also related to Belle intentionally hitting Lion Kelly and Bach Lac was injured so her parents can't be blamed. school can. Belle intends to let the matter with the school hold her parents back, buying time so they don't want to go back to the Citadel anymore. It is best to extend it, wait until these 40 days pass and then the era of decadence. "Okay, give it to me." Lor nodded, anyway, it's not a big deal, it takes a sentence or two. His tall frame stood on the porch, the ceiling light illuminating the brim of his hat, casting Lor's face in the dark. He looked up at Belle before thinking for a moment, then said, "Belle, everything I've told you is true: I never intended to shirk responsibility." “Lor, can I ask you about this, can you answer me honestly?” "She said go." "In the end, what's the problem with Duc Thanh?" Belle and you are talking about the same thing? Lor stared at Belle for a long time before finding a seat on the railing by the side of the hallway, legs crossed, hands in pockets: “This is none of your business but the level of security isn't high. Did you know that the place next to Duc Thanh's flyover is a nationally famous Center for Disease Control and Prevention?" Centers for Disease Control and Prevention??? Belle had a bad feeling, she turned to sit beside Lor. It was a bit cold at night, she was only wearing a thin gray sweater, so she also put her hands in her pockets, silently waiting for Lor to continue. “Our mission this time is said to have been organized by a group of rioters at that Center. Things like this when we took action, only the country "wiped it all out", but when we entered Duc Thanh, we discovered that the city leaders did not want to let us into the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In it, there is a curfew, all people around the center are isolated, unable to go out.” “What about my parents…” “At that time, the bus that your parents took was far from the center, but they were still taken to a few hospitals in Duc Thanh, where they were told that they had to have blood tests. The name check at the hospital is out, it's easy to take it out." Lor's word for word made Belle even more scared. Duc Thanh has already happened a real thing, moreover, it is quite big. Obviously, this information was suppressed by the leadership, the reason they told the outside was that there was a riot at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The commando army was notified to come to suppress it, but for some reason, the special forces were just hanging around in the city without being able to approach the area around the center. Era of decadence will come in the future, and the way to talk about era of decadence is the other epidemic, Belle can easily guess that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is under curfew in Duc Thanh that someone has turned into a zombie. Era of decadence is something that cannot be hidden, whether leaders do it for their cause or for any other reason, they try to curfew Duc Thanh, but they do not have to control the Center and a few neighboring streets, cover it up. Information is preventing the era of decadence. People have colds, fevers, the virus era of decadence has soon existed in the breathing atmosphere of mankind, the mutation is only a matter of sooner or later. “Belle, Belle????” Lor waved a large hand in front of Belle. She regained her senses to find Lor looking at her both curiously and worriedly. Belle smiled reluctantly, swatting Lor's hand away. "I'm fine, I just find what you say strange. That's right, are you free on the evening of December 30th?" "What?" "Nothing, I want to ask you to go to Minh Duong mountain to see the stars!" The top of Minh Duong mountain is both high and cold, but the important thing is that it rains every day since December. when it rains heavily, it rains lightly, on December 30, it rains for a whole day, no one is crazy to choose that day to climb the mountain. If Lor went to Minh Duong mountain that day and he had not been turned into a zombie, then after December 31, he would definitely be able to survive, there would be no scene of being attacked by a zombie because of fear. Belle involuntarily raised her hand to rub her stomach, and secretly said to Tieu Ai in her heart: "Darling, looking at your father like that, you must not be a bad person. This time, it also helps us find our grandparents, so we also give him a hand, whether he can live or not depends on him. We can only help here. “Will you go stargazing with me?! You don't want to find a secluded place to kill me, do you? The top of Minh Duong mountain is a good place to dispose of corpses! Belle, don't be so troublesome, just stab me once and for all!" Lor put on a suspicious expression, half jokingly half serious pulling at the collar to reveal her neck, craning her neck to reveal the pounding artery in front of Belle. Belle stepped back, shrugged, believed it or not, then turned to go inside. She doesn't care what Lor thinks, as long as he goes to Minh Duong mountain that day. Belle left Lor at the door, not surprised to find her parents sitting neatly on the sofa in the living room, clearly waiting for her to honestly tell everything. Belle did not panic, went straight to the second floor: "Go to bed early, your bedroom is the first room on the left, the bed and the things I have already laid out." "Belle come over, I have something to tell you!" Mr. William said seriously, sitting on the sofa waving to Belle. Belle sighed in her lap, almost reaching upstairs and then back in the living room, sitting where her parents pointed. What happened next, just as Belle had predicted, her parents took turns asking questions on the floor, but the tone was still rather soft. In her parents' experience, Belle must have been bullied at school, they had to ask for clarification but not in a hurry, to prevent Belle from getting irritated. Belle also needs to get used to this, she just lowered her head and said nothing, leaving her parents to speculate. The more Belle was like this, the more worried her parents became. The two asked for a long time but couldn't get a word from Belle's mouth, so they just let it go. They angrily decided to go to school to ask the teacher the next day. From childhood to adulthood, whenever Belle was bullied, her parents always went to school to find teachers to blame, so they were used to this kind of thing. Early the next morning, Belle's parents were in a good mood to prepare to take the car to school, Belle used the excuse of not being in a good mood to let her parents make a fuss at school. She stayed at home practicing her powers, waiting for the store owner to deliver some gas canisters for her to lock down in the basement. These days, she has been storing her accumulated items in the basement, locking them, and then driving away to continue her accumulated purchases. Because she has her father's own card, Belle is free to spend money at will. First, she went to the farmer's market to buy some vegetable seeds, food seeds, the quantity was not much, each kind of seed about a small package is enough. After that, Belle focused on today's important goal which is to buy medicine. Like a leisurely walk, Belle goes to a few drugstores, mainly to buy some daily medicine such as urgo bandages, cloth buckets, gauze bandages, iodized alcohol; cold medicine and antibiotics. She also bought some medicine used to treat minor ailments such as headaches and mild fever, but the quantity was not much. After the era of decadence, when she went out to fight monsters to find things, getting injured and bleeding was so normal that she had to have iodine tincture and gauze, and cold medicine and antibiotics were prepared for her parents. . In fact, Belle guessed that her parents weren't on antibiotics either, because she discovered her parents had a fever, they just didn't realize it. But she was still prepared, just in case, what if her parents' fever was just a cold and not a symptom of the awakening of powers? False abilities do not need cold medicine and antibiotics, but normal people still need it. Belle also buys lotions and balms, as well as peri-menopausal items such as pepper, gamma-oryzanol, soy, honey, and royal jelly. After that, she also needed a weapon, a hand weapon! This is a bit difficult. Before the era of decadence, weapons such as guns, ammunition, and swords were all controlled items. Lor had guns and knives on him, but he kept them close to him. Don't say Belle wants to take it, not even touching one. So she had to buy a few more sharp knives and fruit paring knives at the supermarket. Genuine Thai knives are made from good steel, but the price of good steel is not cheap. The most expensive knife costs more than 1000 yuan, the cheapest is only a few yuan. Belle bought dozens of long-bladed watermelon knives at once, intending that the era of decadence would cut zombies like watermelons! Once again, Belle made the knife salesman at the supermarket laugh uncontrollably. After recording the delivery address, Belle turned her attention to the building materials market. She spent a few days, while her parents were out, ran to the building materials market, bought some construction tools and a domestic water-powered generator, with some solar cells. These materials are all delivered by store owners during the day, delivered to Belle's cellar when her parents are not at home. After spending a lot of money on her father's private card, Belle couldn't think of anything else to buy. In the days that followed, she completely nested in the mansion. During the day, while her parents went to school to argue, Belle, not cultivating the spirit, also studied the vegetable garden in her greenhouse. Building a large vegetable greenhouse for Belle is also a bit difficult, but there are many such materials online, just want to learn. It's a bit of a bad start, but that doesn't mean it can't be changed. The yard that she had tormented for days finally had a few rows of flowers, and Belle excitedly high five, leaned into the greenhouse, and began to sow the seeds. She bought all kinds of nuts. This was Belle's first time growing vegetables, so she casually sprinkled a little on the soil. She is only good at killing people and fighting monsters, things farmers have never done. However, her mother is very knowledgeable in this field. Wait until the era of decadence, when her mother begins to worry about survival, of course she will help her take care of these vegetables. Belle is not worried at all, now just watching this seed plant to play. Song about livelihood After the era of decadence, Belle rubs her belly, she can't eat only rice and vegetables, she still has to add meat, she has to fill the big refrigerator with frozen meat in the kitchen. Thinking of this, Belle dropped the bag of white cabbage seeds on the small chair next to the greenhouse, rushed to the kitchen to wash her hands, glancing at the clock on her wrist. It's still early, 2 hours left until her parents return, should she go to the supermarket to buy some pork, goat, cow, chicken? “Knock off!” The door opened and Belle turned her head to look. She still hadn't come out of the kitchen when she heard her mother panting angrily, "Belle, come here for me!" Realizing the emotion hidden in her mother's voice, Belle had a slight headache. She put on slippers, slowly walked out of the kitchen, and immediately saw her parents standing in the living room with frowning faces. Her father also nudged her mother, and said in a low voice: "What is this, why are you angry with Belle? She doesn't want that either." “Bai Luoluo, of course I will go look for that girl. Not only do I want to find it, I want to sue it!” Her mother stepped forward, her fingertips pressed firmly on Belle's sugar seal, only regretting forging iron not into steel: "When something big happens like this, you still hide it all day, tell me why you are such a coward. So, being bullied to the point of being drugged, you still don't dare to tell your parents the truth?!!! Son, you really want me to be angry!" After scolding for a while, her mother couldn't hold back her tears, put her arms around Belle's thin, thin body, and cried, "My daughter… You broke my heart… How can I do that? here… Can't go to school anymore… What should I do with this life… Huhuhu…”
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