Chap 6: Don't everyone have a heart?

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Currently, the whole road from Gioi Thanh to Tuong Thanh, the most chaotic is the Duc Thanh section. Didn't the car come in and out three days ago, didn't it? She had to go to Duc Thanh to find someone. This is an orderly society, not like the chaos of the era of decadence, how difficult can it be to find two people who are living together? Having made up her mind, Belle stood up and moved her parents' bed. She clearly remembered that their family had two bank cards, a salary card and a black fund from their father. In the To family, only Mr William is the earner, so Mr William's salary card is handed over to To's mother to keep. However, from childhood, Belle knew that Mr. William also secretly hid a private card, inside was all money that To's mother did not know, such as bonuses, things, father's inheritance ... all were in this card. Normally, Mr. William only secretly uses the money in this card to buy some alcohol and cigarettes, basically not spending much. When Belle was young, her father did not hide it, but always said: This is your future dowry, hide it so that I don't find out! Belle pushed aside her parents' large bed, reached into the slot, pulled out a dusty sock, and pulled from it the private card that Mr. William had hidden. She smiled and rubbed her belly: "Ai Ai, baby, look at how high your grandfather's hiding skills are? Let's take this money to find our grandparents and bring them to Tuong Thanh! Let's go!" Saying on the road, but actually Belle didn't go right away, but at home, she cleaned everything out of habit, with edible rice, vegetables, and eggs, it was all taken away. Pots, pots and pans, rice cookers, clothes of the four seasons and daily necessities of his parents, gold, silver, jewels, and ivory of To's mother were also packed and taken away. Blankets, bed sheets in the house also take some. She stuffed the back seat and trunk of the military Jeep. Finally, when she left, she was able to carry a family photo on the shelf at the door. She found an ATM in the Gioi Thanh to check her account balance, withdrew a few thousand and then saw that the card still had 230,000. After that, she went to the nearest KFC restaurant and ate a full meal, packed ten boxes of food and got in the car to go to Duc Thanh. If you take the highway, the travel time from Gioi Thanh to Duc Thanh only takes one hour. Belle thought of the words of the gas station attendant on the highway - none of the cars entered Duc Thanh three days ago had come out - she immediately chose not to take the highway but turned to the highway. Going on the national road will have to go a bit slow, winding around will probably take three hours. Along the way is also considered convenient, but the closer to Duc Thanh, the more traffic police on the highway, and finally there is a checkpoint. There was a long line of cars in front of the checkpoint, some cars were allowed in, some were not. Cars want to enter Duc Thanh a lot, but cars from Duc Thanh go out more and more. The owner of the car drove very slowly, Belle rolled down the window of the car, heard the owner of a car in front of him arguing with the traffic police. "I really have urgent business to go to Duc Thanh, I missed my work, can you compensate me???" The owner of the car was arguing with a traffic policeman driving a BMW, looking at it, he definitely wanted to go to Duc Thanh to discuss business, but the traffic police definitely wouldn't let him in no matter how he offered drugs for money. again. Finally, the owner of this car got angry, loosened his tie, pointed his finger at the policeman's face and cursed. The traffic policeman is not the type to be patient, he pushed the car owner's hand down and confronted him. Behind the owner of the car, there were good and loud compliments. "Fight, hit, fight brother!" "Let us pass, my wife in Duc Thanh has given birth, I want to come over." There are a few cars like this BMW that can't get in, but some can. Belle sitting Watch carefully in the driver's seat. The vehicles that can enter are all Audi models, which are used by the Chinese government. It can be said that the vehicles that can enter are government people. A bridge collapse is a matter related to the national image, of course the government must attach importance to it, the leaders coming to investigate and visit are natural. It was three or four o'clock in the morning, a small dot high in the sky brought a cool light, illuminating the whole world, an entire highway towards Duc Thanh was congested. The traffic police stood guard all night, Belle also dreamed and stayed awake all night. Finally arrived at her car, the traffic policeman in charge of the checkpoint glanced at her license plate, bowed, immediately let go! After 10 minutes through the door of the first checkpoint, you will meet the next station. The normal route took only thirty minutes to pass, this time Belle took two hours. She also discovered that not only the traffic police, the army is also stationed here. This is somewhat shocking, it not only proves that the bridge collapse in Duc Thanh is not a simple matter, but also so serious that the army must be mobilized. Belle's car was stopped by a soldier in a camouflage suit. This time her military license plate didn't work. The soldier stepped forward with his gun in his hand, stood in front of her car window, stood at attention, bowed in military style, then tapped her window, motioning for her to lower the window. She rolled down the car window, the speechless soldier didn't know what to say, so he gestured for Belle to pull over to the side of the road, returning himself to the checkpoint. The opponent probably didn't think that the driver of their military vehicle was a little girl, or a girl only about ten years old, but the important thing was that the girl looked fragile, weak, pure and innocent more than a child. small rabbit, you can tell at a glance that it's not a female soldier. This car is not stolen, this girl is also a relative of a certain officer, and that officer's rank is absolutely not low. Belle sat in the car, staring at the other person entering the command room to make a phone call. Her thin, white fingers hold the steering wheel, her fingertips gently tap on the black leather cover of the steering wheel, her head calculates the situation in front of her, go in or go back? It's definitely not possible to get in, she doesn't want to be sieved by the guns of the other soldiers, better not this way. If she comes back, she has to hide her car somewhere and then walk into Duc Thanh. This method is quite annoying and quite tiring. Although it is after the era of decadence, it is not that she has never traveled long distances, but with her current physique, finding her parents and bringing them out is indeed not easy. Thinking in his heart, the soldier called the phone from the command room, came out, with a smile on his face, slowed down in front of Belle's car, bowed, and very politely said: "Please come in." "Huh?!" Belle raised her eyebrows, slightly surprised to see the smile on the soldier's face outside the window, as she moved the wheel to the checkpoint, thinking in her heart. Who did the soldier call just now? Seems to be calling several times in a row... Belle quickly got the answer, after consecutively passing several checkpoints, her car was stopped by Lor. That's right, it's Lor again! “Hi!” Lor stood in the sunlight, smiling and waving to Belle who was in the car. Behind him is a new checkpoint. Obviously he was not here to guard, but received news, so he ran here to intercept people. Belle saw that his clothes were different from everyone else: dark blue bulletproof suit, a small radio in his ears, a helmet on his head, and inside his army boots that were certainly two daggers. . Belle stopped the car and rolled down the window. Lor approached, he put his hands on the roof of the car, slightly bent over to look at her sitting in the driver's seat. She and he just stared at each other for a while, seeing that Lor didn't say anything, she slowly opened her mouth and asked softly: "What happened inside Duc Thanh?" “The overpass has collapsed!” "Trick the devil, will the collapsed flyover send your commandos?" "Huh?? How do you know I'm a commando unit?" Lor's eyes widened in surprise. The white part of the eyes stood out against the sun-burnt face. His strange tone made Belle couldn't help but glance at him sideways. "It's written on your face!" Lor even raised his hand to touch his face. He immediately understood that he had been mocked by Belle, felt very tasteless, waved his hand and did not ask how she knew his identity. Lor asked with a serious face: "What did you come to Duc Thanh for? The road ahead is blocked, if you don't have an army vehicle, you can only go here and turn around, if you have something to say, I will help you." "My parents are missing, maybe they are in Duc Thanh, I want to go to the city to find them." Belle is also not polite, with the current situation, either she rushes in, or leaves the car and walks in, neither of which is the best option. Don't bother Lor, people are privileged, it's easy to work inside; Duc Thanh is so large, he is also more convenient to find people than a civilian driving a military vehicle like her. “Give me your national ID number, phone number, and photo of your parents.” If Belle had relied on her so freely, Lor wouldn't have been so wordy. He likes to be decisive, also likes others to be decisive. Lor stretched out his hand, looked at the hood of the car in front of the passenger seat, and said, "There's a pen above it." Belle unbuckles her seat belt, gets up slightly, takes out a pen from the roof top, glances at it, waterproof, anti-scratch, very good! She looked again at Lor's outstretched hand, understanding what he meant; so she took a pen and wrote her name, identity card number and parents' phone number on Lor's hand. The warm winter sun covered Lor's back, and he looked down at the top of Belle's head from above. A familiar scent wafts here and there. Lor felt the nib move in his palm making him feel itchy; The damn fraternity between his legs started to swell. He cursed in his heart, when will he come back, he must cut this deadly thing! “Done, here is a picture of my parents!” Belle put away her pen and put the family photo she'd brought from home into Lor's palm. His big hand grabbed the picture frame from the car window. He solemnly nodded, his face serious, giving others a sense of trust: “Okay, just leave it to me. She went back and waited in Xiangcheng. Once I find someone, I'll bring them back to you." After saying that, Lor turned and walked away. Belle tilted her head to watch. Oh behold, Lor's back also carried two long-edged military knives, so fully armed, after all. What happened inside Duc Thanh? She frowned, opened her mouth and shouted, "Lor!" Under the golden sunlight, Lor narrowed his eyes and turned to look. Belle poked her head out the car door, thought for a moment, she still chose not to ask any more questions, moved her lips , and sincerely said: "Thank you!" No matter what, people will help her find her parents, she should say thank you. Lor grinned, looking delighted. He raised his long arm, still holding a frame of Belle's family in his hand, waved at her, then turned and ran straight into the checkpoint. Belle's car remained there for a while. Seeing the situation inside and outside of Duc Thanh, she felt a little uneasy. Duc Thanh has clearly been under a very high curfew, certainly not a simple subsidence. But now her ability is too normal, can't enter to find out the top, so she can only trust Lor! Thinking for a long time, under the close watch of soldiers inside the checkpoint, Belle decided to turn around. The water inside Duc Thanh was too deep, she had to go home to meditate and practice magic. Wait for her ability to strengthen a bit, it's just a Duc Thanh, she wants to go in, then go in, if she wants to go out, then go out. The way back was unusually smooth. When entering, there are layers of checkpoints to check; When she came out, the checkpoint didn't check, but let her pass. On the highway, everything is back to normal. On the highway, every time she parked the car and filled up with gas, Belle heard a few complaints, but in the end everyone still considered this as a topic to talk about, not affecting life. It took several hours for Belle to return to the Apple mansion in Xiangcheng. She took out all the living things from the back of the Jeep, found a spacious room on the second floor, and spread out a duvet. After taking a hot bath, she went to bed and slept peacefully. The matter of cultivating supernatural abilities cannot be rushed. There are many different types of human abilities upon awakening, the growth rate is not defined, and the cultivation method is not the same. That is to say, each type of ability has a different cultivation method for each person. In the era of decadence, the most common cultivation method is absorbing energy and releasing energy. In the process of absorbing and releasing energy, reaching the level of proficient use of an ability, then leveling up. There are many ways to absorb energy: eating rice, going to sleep... all are fine, but that way you get quite a bit of energy. The most efficient way to get energy is to absorb the crystal core. Crystal core exists in the bodies of zombies and mutant plants and animals, fake abilities also exist but they don't call it crystal cores but spirits! The soul, like the crystal nucleus, is also a kind of energy storage conductor. Some people don't know that there is such a thing in their body. Some people won't take it too seriously after knowing it, in fact, if one knows how to control the soul, they can level up quickly, when everyone else is changing energy, the soul cultivator has already there is a push for qualitative change. Belle wakes up, full of water. After leisurely sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of egg noodles, Belle went to the sofa and sat cross-legged. She placed an empty bowl on the tea tray in front of her, and began to close her eyes and feel the water power in her body. At her current stage, her ability is still in an uncontrollable state, so she often wakes up full of water. This was the result of her energy being slowly released while she was sleeping. The next day, she wakes up and eats enough, energy will be replenished. Now, what Belle has to do is control it, condense the spirit! In the 12 year era of decadence, Belle was used to such a thing. Maybe it's related to the mind, thinking about her Tieu Ai, thinking that if she doesn't get stronger, she won't find Tieu Ai, she can calm down faster than normal people, her mind enters a state of silence. . After achieving this state, Belle felt as if she had entered a strange world, a quiet world that was completely enclosed but extremely large. Then, she saw that all around were thick jets of water flowing. On those water jets sometimes bring silver light spots. What Belle has to do is collect those silver blobs, arrange them in a fixed position. At the beginning, it was very difficult to catch those silver lights, Belle wanted to catch them, they ran quickly, no longer catching them, their speed stopped, even more mischievous than Tieu Ai. But no matter how naughty they were, Belle still kept a calm state of mind, not impatient, neither happy nor angry. It was as if she was playing hide and seek with Xiao Ai, slowly, but she caught a silver light. Having got the first spot of light, naturally there will be a second, third, fourth… Belle put those lights in place, more and more, but a little later, when Belle goes to catch a silver light. On the other hand, the piles of silver lights that were originally arranged in one place immediately dispersed, fleeing and disappearing. Okay, this is a very common phenomenon, Belle doesn't feel discouraged in the slightest. Just kept going to catch the silver light, stacking them together, seeing them scatter, she started catching again. It was while she was immersed in that strange world that only in the mansion, Belle was sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed, a faint fog surrounding her. This fog quickly entered Belle's body, and then radiated out. Every time you go in, when you go out, you can run a little further. When it finally got dark, the white mist spread to the living room. For the last time, the exhausted Belle opened her eyes, looking around the room filled with white mist, like turning on a nebulizer, and the empty bowl in front of her was now filled with water. Belle feels extremely satisfied. Before the era of decadence had begun, she was able to awaken her water-type powers. Continue to persevere every day, before the era of decadence, the best level can be reached to use supernatural abilities to fight monsters. The hierarchy of the pseudo-powers that appeared after the era of decadence was not based on each person's ability to brag, but on the amount of energy a person could control. Whether it's the basic pseudo-element ability or the second pseudo-mutant ability is divided into the same tier. These ranks represent the amount of energy they can control. Just like Belle's awakened ability before, but she didn't notice it at all, just felt her fingers were sticky like sweat, it can't be considered a fake ability. After that, he was able to launch water but still often woke up full of water. Right now, she was trying to control her ability. Just waiting to fully control the ability in her body can she achieve Level 1. At that point, her ability is considered fully awakened. So it's a long process, there are many pseudo-water abilities, long after the era of decadence is still at the stage where only water can be released to drink. They have no experience, and no one can give them experience. They can only slowly find a cultivation path that is suitable for them to level up in the process of continuous water discharge. In her previous life, Belle's method of leveling up was to take charge of the collective's reservoir. Because she was pregnant at the time, she also refused to go out to fight monsters to level up, so her ability leveled up very slowly. Others had reached level two, able to create all kinds of offensive and defensive moves, but she was still in the ranks of throwing water for everyone to drink. After that, it was not known how her ability could mutate, becoming a pseudo-ice ability. In the blink of an eye, jumps from level one to level three, becoming a good demon-fighting and defensive player in the group. Of course there will be haters. The habit of being envied by others will always put yourself in danger. There are many people who come to her to secretly ask for information, how can I make my ability to mutate? How can you mutate so quickly like her? You know what??!! It can only be said that releasing too much water leads to the second mutation. At first, the fake ability can only stimulate the abilities of the five great elements "metal, wood, water, fire, earth" after that from five years. the main branch that mutated to another ability. For example, a person who only has a water-type ability, will mutate into many types such as an ice-like ability, a fog-like ability, a lightning-like ability, a healing ability, etc. The people Belle has met are counted above. Even ten fingers are not enough, let alone people she has not met. Those are called second mutations. The number of people who mutated the second time was quite small, out of a hundred ordinary people, there were only five or ten people who became pseudo-elements of the main element, only one of these ten people, even if there was no one who had the first mutation. two. But this does not mean that the powers of the five great elements are inferior to the second transformation abilities. Is it possible to say that a level 4 water-type pseudo-ability is not as good as a level 3 ice-type pseudo-ability? In terms of their controllability, level 4 people are quite strong, even though a level 3 ice system, a large discharge of water can also wash away the ice. So it doesn't matter what the ability is, it's important to level up! Condensing souls for the whole day, Belle felt a little tired. She got up to take a shower, made some food, and then went out to the supermarket to shop. This time she went shopping, she tried to buy more feather clothes, thicker thermals and some comfortable sportswear suitable for running. Buy feather clothes for both adults and children, thermal jackets to buy all sizes for both old, young, girls and boys. She buys sportswear for herself. After the era of decadence, she didn't need her parents to go out to fight monsters, nor did she want her parents to rush to escape. Buying them sportswear is a waste of money. Finally, some pet supplies. She bought the most expensive baby crib 8888 yuan for Tieu Ai. This price at first made Belle a little bit tongue-tied, but after listening to the sales staff, it was like pouring honey into the ear, which is fully functional, the anti-vibration system, which is imported wood from a certain country. , hand-polished, does not contain any harmful substances… She bought it right away! Every mother wants to give her baby the best, and Belle is no exception. Walking in the streets before the era of decadence feels like an ordinary person lost in a super-civilized world. Belle can hardly control her shopping needs. All women have a desire to shop that drives men crazy, not that women don't understand, so there are many essential items that can be plundered after the era of decadence, but Belle still buys them now. Belle bought a baby cot and then added a multi-function baby carrier with straps. These two items are extremely important because Tieu Ai was born in the era of decadence, Belle can't avoid having to go to war to kill zombies and mutant plants and animals, she will never give Tieu Ai to her because of fighting. another person. If you want to take Tieu Ai with you to fight or run away, carrying Tieu Ai in front of her chest or behind her back is also much more convenient for her! Then she bought herself some pregnancy fleece sweatpants, which were narrow-waisted but wide-waisted. This is also an essential item that cannot be ignored. Belle costs more than ten thousand yuan to buy things but it doesn't matter, Mr. William's private card has several hundred thousand, she can spend a little bit. After that, Belle drove to the gas station. Gas is a flammable item, requires a license to consume, but Belle only uses it personally, so she has to buy a little bit each place. She went to different stores, each store bought five gas cylinders, paid a deposit and agreed to bring the gas back tomorrow. After 9 pm, she checked her mobile phone and saw a few missed calls and a few short messages. Most of the messages are from Lion Kelly, with one being the phone number of Belle's college homeroom teacher. These missed calls were all from people she didn't want to talk to, she was just waiting to receive Lor's call. But after that, her phone no longer called. Belle felt a little annoyed: do we have to go on a trip to Germany? Putting all her hopes on Lor doesn't seem to be her style.
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