
Her Mates Fates

second chance
first love
special ability


Multiple POV Story

**This story is not for those who like soft men, and fairy tales. This story is dark, tragic and unexpected.**

Once a princess, then a slave. One moment I’m on the edge of being rejected, and then the next, I am the most powerful Luna in the world. So powerful, that with the wrong guidance I could be used as the ultimate weapon.

I should have never been born. I am a threat to every being in all the realms, but my mates do not see it as so. They will fight along side me and do everything in their power to keep me and my unborn baby safe.

Fate obviously did not write in a happily ever after for me. But who’s to say I can’t break destiny, like I have broke everything else.

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*****This book has scenes of violence and s****l assault along with adult language. Reader discretion is advised. This book was written entirely about fictional events and characters. Thank you for reading.***** Freya POV My ears are filled with piercing screams and fire surrounds my every direction. I’m frantically searching for something but I’m not sure what. My hands are covered in blood and the pads of my feet are burned to a painful crisp. Someone is grabbing me, holding my face to their chest. The smell of burning flesh invades my nose and panic drowns out my senses. I gaze up and see that I am secure in a young man’s arms. We are running toward what looks to be a forest. He’s speaking to me, telling me that everything is going to be okay, that he will get me to safety. In the trees, he sets me down and examines my thigh. I follow his eyes and realize that the burnt flesh stench is coming from me. He’s frantic now and pulls his shirt off quickly, revealing a set of athletic abs. “What are you doing?” I question a bit shocked and gulp. He tears a long strip from his shirt and ties it gently onto my wound. “You are probably in shock or still affected by the drug; we need to find somewhere safe for you to rest. I’ll seal the wound once we are sheltered.” I hear his words dance in my ears, but I do not move. What has happened? My thoughts are muddled with confusion. The teenage boy takes me by the hand, forcing me to my feet. Before I could blink, he shifts into a wolf. “Get on Princess!” his voice is in my head, demanding. Without hesitation, I obey his order and climb onto his back clutching onto his soft fur. In a flash, we are sprinting through the forest, and the shrieks of terror coming from my pack fade in the distance. I don’t know why I feel so numb, my body, my mind, my thoughts. Everything is numb. We could have run for just a few minutes or a few hours, I cannot recall. I become aware of my surroundings as we finally stop. We are stationed in a dark, damp cave just off the edge of a clearing. I ease from the wolf and stare at him for a moment. He is a young wolf. Larger than you would expect him to be for a teenager. His fur is the color of the sky when the stars refuse to shine. The darkest of blacks. It is exceptionally dark making it hard for me to make out who he is. His nose nudges my thigh, and he whimpers pulling my attention back to my surroundings. I untie the bandage unwrapping the wound. He licks at my wound lightly until he is satisfied with his attempts. The wolf looks at me in worry before he shifts back to human form. The pain in my thigh begins to fade away almost immediately so I offer him a soft smile. He places his hand on my shoulder soothingly, “Zach should find us soon princess. You should heal well. The burn wasn’t as bad as it looked.” He tells me reassuringly. Why is Zach not here with me? My father always told him that until he was the Alpha I was his priority. A million questions run through my mind, and it's all too much. I close my eyes and take a few calming breaths when I feel the panic start to take over again. When I open my eyes, the moon is shining in on the cave giving us some light. I study my hero again while he stacks wood for a fire in hopes that I can make out who he is. He has light brown semi-curly hair and green eyes the color of emeralds. He is tall and athletic with slightly tanned skin. He appears to be just a few years older than me. Awareness is peeping back to me when I finally recognize him. He is my father's Beta’s oldest son, Abel. My betrothed. Of course, he would rescue me first. It should have been obvious to me who he was when he called me princess, but it feels like there is fog blocking the receptors in my mind from sparking. “Abel, why is my brain so jumbled?” I question in a small voice. I grab my pounding head and look down at the moss-covered ground. I feel a hand caress my cold arm as he tries to comfort me. “I’m not sure how but our pack was drugged and attacked. Your brother and I were on patrol when we discovered the fire and came to your rescue. He ordered me to get you to safety. He stayed behind to help my dad in the battle. The other elders were already… umm.. down.” He speaks slowly so that I have time to process the news of my parents. Our pack was always a target. Every pack that stumbled upon information about our pack would stop at nothing to conquer or destroy us. Ledge states that a first-born Alpha daughter will be mated to a Crescent moon Alpha. Their union will unite the packs and create a new species of werewolves. This tends to scare people because nobody wants peace. They love war far too much. A few years ago, the Bluemoon pack captured my aunt and used her powers in the war to gain control. My father, our Alpha, had to order a hit on his sister because she was a threat to our people. When he finally got the news that the job was completed, he was devastated. He and my mother adopted her two sons Damon and Noah. Recent rumors were going around about the same pack speaking of a plan of attack. My father claimed he followed up on the allegations and that there was nothing to worry about. I wonder if it was them. “Who attacked us,” I asked cautiously feeling my eyes fill with tears. My mother always told me in times of great sorrow, that it was our job to show strength. I’m trying not to cry, not to mourn my family, but it's hard. Abel’s attention falls to the fire when he notices the emotional battle I am currently fighting. “We don’t know yet, but we think they had a witch who knew how to suppress our powers. Everything is going to be okay princess.” His tone is soft yet strong. I feel this weird sensation run through my veins that feel like an outside entity is forcing strength into my body. I wonder if that is one of Abel’s gifts, the ability to influence. We are not your typical werewolf pack. Legend states that millions of years ago when the earth was being created that the Moon Goddess created the werewolves. She was fascinated by both humans and wolves and wanted to see them dwell in the same form. The Moon Goddess watched over every wolf, and supposedly still does to this day. Hundreds of years after she created the werewolf, she fell in love with an Alpha who she watched from the heavens. He wasn’t any Alpha though, he was the fastest, strongest, most admirable Alpha that had ever lived. She came down from the Heavens and disguised herself as a she-wolf and seduced him with her beauty. She came to him one night revealing that she was pregnant with his child. He did what any worthy man would do and learned to love her, never knowing she was the Goddess. Through the years, they had four children together. When her oldest child was 6 years old, the Alpha discovered his true fated mate. Alpha knew that he would be more powerful if he were to make his true mate his Luna. He left the Goddess and did just that. The Goddess was heartbroken that her creation would leave her for the opportunity to have more power. Her heartbreak eventually led to her fury. She gifted her children with God-like powers unique to them. She told them that no wolf would ever be more powerful than her descendants. When the time came for her children to mate, she made them each a mate who was worthy of receiving her gifts. She promised that every child who descended from one of those four bloodlines would be blessed with the power to be greater than the average wolf. She told them that once their children had turned 16 years of age, they would need to seek out the magical waters that flowed from the ancient volcano and drink from it the night of a crescent moon. Once they have drunk, they will be blessed with her promises. The Goddess retreated to the heavens and her children grew their pack throughout the years and named themselves the Crescent Moon pack. My skin gets all prickly and I lock eyes with Abel as we hear pounding feet in the distance. Getting up, Abel’s voice invades my mind as he walks towards the entrance of the cave, “I think it's Zach, stay here!” There is a commotion outside and then explosions hammer into the side of the cave. I shriek when I hear bones crunching as he shifts. My body stiffens when I hear his teeth ripping into someone’s flesh. My wolf alerts me that there is danger and I try to shift and am not able to. Why can’t I shift? Suddenly, I feel a hard object slam into the back of my head. My body goes limp, and I find myself on the ground. I hear a wolf howling in the distance as I take another blow to the head. My mind goes in and out until finally, I’m swimming in a pool of nothingness.

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