
A Dangerous Romance

opposites attract
Writing Academy

“You don’t mean that you’re drunk” He can be so callous and mean when he drinks, just for him to not remember what was said in the morning.

“You think you’re better than me but you’re not. Little Miss. Goody Goody, f*****g virgin.” He says sitting on my couch. I should just put him out and make him go home, but unlike him, I refuse to let him make me something I’m not.

“f**k you! You think because you have a lot of money that gives you the right to be a d**k to everyone around you, but it doesn’t. Honestly, I like you better when you’re sober and not using your money to buy your fans or friends” I say with tears streaming down my face, I leave him on the couch and go to my room. I pace the floor trying to get it together and stop crying, why do I feel like this. I knew all along I wasn’t meant for him yet here I am wishing it weren’t true. Someone knocks on the door and I pray it’s Julia. There he stands in my doorway eyes dark and heavy, He pulls me into him and he kisses me. I melt into him and lose myself as I’ve done many times before but this time we’re in my bedroom and he’s locking the door behind himself.

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It has to start somewhere
Grace Why do I always wake up to Julia’s alarm, but Julia sleeps straight through it. I jump up and rush into the bathroom so I can get some hot water before she uses it all. It’s my usual routine to wash my hair, brush my teeth, wash my privates and get ready for work. However, I have to wait for my ride and co-worker who likes to sleep until the last minute to get up and then rush out the front door as if she’s been ready for hours. I made breakfast as usual and made sure to add her cup of coffee to-go, which she instinctively grabbed as she headed out the door to the car.  I got into the car and made sure to put my seatbelt on this time, last time I almost flew out of the front window when she hit the brakes to avoid almost hitting a police officer. I laugh as she jams out to her and sometimes my favorite band 7 deadly sins, “f**k it all, f**k it all, I don’t need anything at all. f**k it all, f**k them all, I don’t need them at all”. She turned down the radio as we pulled into the parking lot at work and out boss Gerard gives us a chuckle as she drives past him.  It’s the same s**t day in and day out, meetings with new artists and managing accounts and waiting for the end of the day. After the third meeting of the day, Gerard called me into his office, I went straight there after the meeting because I’m pretty sure he’s going to fire me. I’ve been absent-minded at work for a few weeks and honestly, I’d fire me. The last client I handled I forgot to let them know of a scheduling update and made them late for their concert but I digress. I sat nervously in front of him and he continued to ignore my presence and answer emails. I guess the consistent tapping of my nails reminded him because he turned to finally look at me.  “Ah! Grace. Thank you for joining me” He says clapping his hands together.  “Well, you’re the boss. Not like I could’ve said no.” I chuckle nervously. “True, True. Moving on, what are you doing tonight?” He asks smiling at me as he pulls a folder into view on his desk.  “I’m guessing clearing out my desk?” I watched him open the folder and pull two tickets out and set them to the side before placing the folder in front of me.  “No, I would never. Even when you suck at management you’re an irreplaceable asset to the company. Which is why I am giving you the opportunity to prove yourself.” “Thank you, sir. Ummm, how will I prove myself?” “Tonight, a new client of ours is having a show. I want you to go and introduce yourself to let them know who we are as a company and show them a good time on the company dime.” “Great! Who’s the client?” “I believe you know of them because I heard you jamming out to their songs this morning, 7 Deadly Sins?” “Absolutely Sir.” “Keep the fangirl s**t to a minimum Grace, got it. The show starts at 8 PM so be there by 7.” “Sir, I’m not done work until 7?” “Well, that would mean you and Julia would have to leave early now doesn’t it. I expect to see you on your way no later than 4 PM, I know how you girls take years to get ready” “Yes sir, I will be there on time.” “Don’t let me down, Grace” “I’ll try not to sir,” I say as I stand up from his desk, he hands me the folder and tickets he had set to the side. I almost ran out of his office to go tell Julia, I found her getting ready to go get lunch and decided I’d join her. I put the folder and the tickets in my purse, grabbing it and running down the hallway to catch up to her. I guess my stupid smile was a dead giveaway that something was up because she looked at me and shook her head.  While eating our lunch I told her what I had to do and told her that she was coming with me. “OH MY f*****g GOD!!!!” “ I know” “7 Deadly Sins? You’re kidding me right?” She says in her high pitched voice. “Nope, we have backstage passes to meet the band, I’m their new management coordinator” “Sweet deal! You’ll be working close to Gage, literally the sexiest man alive. I hate you b***h” “I love your jealousy but tonight you will be there too.” “We’re leaving pronto! We have to look perfect if we want to f**k him” “Huh?!” “I mean if I want to f**k him! I forgot you’re a v-cardholder, still” She says rolling her eyes.  ------- We headed home and I jumped into the shower, used my Bath and Bodyworks smelly goods. Washed my hair a feat that I hate doing because then I have to spend a whole hour pressing it again, but I decided to let it be full and crazy. I decided to leave the glasses at home and put on my contacts. It’s a rock show so my black t-shirt, black ripped jeans, and black ankle boots were my outfit of choice. Put my favorite blood-red lipstick on that goes great with my skin color, which is a light tan. I stood in the mirror staring at myself and noticing I’m not big but I’m not skinny either I’ve filled out in all the right places. I don’t have a huge chest like Julia but it’s perfect for my frame. I turned around to look at my butt but I catch Julia staring at me in the doorway.  “I love when you dress up! You look hot” “Thank you, Julia, you look beautiful as usual” “Let’s face it I’m the t**s, but you my dear are the whole package” “Ha! Welp let’s go meet my new clients” “Yes, especially the really hot blonde one” “I think his hair is pink this week, lol” “Girl, I don’t care. I’d dye his hair while he f***s my brains out” “It’s not all about s*x you know?” “Nope, I don’t know. Let’s go, sexy mama” “I’m coming just gotta grab my purse” “K” We headed to the arena where the concern was taking place and now we wait for the show to start. 

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