
Saved By My Slave Mate

moon goddness
another world

Clay has been a slave his whole life. With both his parents dead he was raised by an old slave until she died leaving him alone at the tender age of nine. Clay was taught to keep his head down and do the work as to not let his secret be known. He does his job of cleaning the slave quarters and doing anything Master tells him. Until her, the Silver haired Goddess that has been caught. Now he feels his beast trying to get out of him. He feels his soul calling out for her and only her. He doesn’t want a mate as she has the power to bring out his darkness.

Lyra is the daughter of the High Priestess of the Moon Goddess’s temple. She has been training since she was little to take over for her mother. Just when she had completed her training the temple was attacked by dark forces. Her mother raced her to an archway opening a portal and shoving her though. Just before it closed Lyra seen her mother be killed by an arrow though her heart. She wakes up thrusted into a world she doesn’t understand. Made a slave for the soul purpose of fighting to the death in an arena.

Lyra finds her Goddess given mate is a quiet slave who doesn’t make waves until one day him and his friend escape with her and another slave. Clay doesn’t want a Mate and tries to distance himself from Lyra who just wants to help free all the slaves. It will take both of them to accomplish this mission but only if they work together. Will Clay ever be able to accept his fate. Will Lyra be able to hold onto the one she has fallen in love with. Will they be able to defeat the evil Queen before it’s too late?

Join me on this fantastic story of two who’s love could save the shifters of all species in a world like none other.

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Scared One: Lyra I wake up to sounds of battle going on around me. Women are screaming and running all around. Where the hell am I. I open my eyes looking around me I see girls and women running while other women are chasing them with swords. All of these women I see have dark makeup covering their faces completely looking terrifying and what was that! Something just went flying by my face. I take another look at these women. They have tubes that they are blowing darts out of. One girl trips and falls right over me. I stand up helping her up at the same time. She starts yelling at me in a language I had never heard of before. I see a dart go right into her neck, her eyes roll back into her head and she passes out. I could tell she was still alive but not moving. I look at where the dart had come from and see three scary looking women coming towards me. I throw my hands out to throw them far away from me. I’m dumbfounded, absolutely nothing happened. I look at my hands and wonder what the hell is going on. Where are my powers. I’m staring at my hands and didn’t realize that the three women are now right on top of me and hit me in the head with something hard. All I know is I felt a sharp pain and then darkness descended on me. I’m floating in a grey cloud of pain. All I can think of is wanting my mother’s soft hand running through my hair to comfort the pain in my head. She always knew exactly what to do to make any kind of pain go away. Then I remember the arrow I seen puncture her heart and the look of absolute terror on her face before I lost sight of her. I jump awake to find I’m in some kind of rolling cell. I have never seen anything like this at all. I back myself up into a corner of the rolling cell and squat down observing my surroundings. There are about twenty-five women in here with me. We are almost sitting on top of one another. The Warrior women that caught us are outside of our rolling cell. Some are walking along beside it. Others are ridding what looks like horses. I can’t help but to wonder where they are taking us. I can hear them talking and I wonder if I can access my powers so I can understand what they are saying. I close my eyes and start to meditate. I am looking inside myself for my essences. Inside my essences is my white light of power. If I can tap into it, I can learn their language just by listening to them. I have this power because my mother was a High Priestess of the Moon Goddess. She was allowed to Mate and have me because she reached High status. Only High Priestesses are allowed to Mate and have children. She was so proud of me. I would catch onto things so quickly. She always wanted me to follow in her footsteps. I had just finished my training when we were attacked. She pulled me through our palace where all the Priestesses lived. She had me running so fast that I didn’t know where she was taking me. We reached the back stair case and she pulled me with her. We went all the way down to the bottom. I had never been here before. There was a massive burn pit in the center of the floor with an arch coming up in the middle. My mom raised her hands and purple flames leaped to life. My mom then opened a rift in the center of that arch and pushed me through. That was when I saw my worst nightmare happened. I don’t think I will ever get over seeing my mother being killed right in front of my eyes. I mentally shake off the memory and concentrate on finding my white light. Awww, there you are. My light is almost gone. It’s so little, nothing compared to what it normally is. I must have used almost all of it up helping my mom open the rift. I tap into what’s left of my power and start to open up my ears and listen. Letting my magic run through me. The feeling of becoming one with my power consumes me. I know if my eyes were open, they would be glowing a bright white light. That is another reason why I’m keeping them closed. I don’t know these people or the place I’m in. Until I do its best, I keep a low profile. Slowly but surely the strange words start to make sense. I open my eyes and stare at the two warrior women that are walking right outside of where I’m crouched down at. “Where is the world did she come from. She doesn’t look anything like the other females I have ever seen.” I look at the women out of the corner of my eye. I don’t want them to know that I’m listening in to their conversation. “I don’t know but she looks weird with her silver hair and white eyes. She is kind of scary looking.” I hear something like skin hitting skin hard. “What the hell did you punch me for?” The woman that had said I look scary shouted. “You are a Warrior and you’re telling me that a female that looks like she has never missed a meal is scary looking. I should tell our Queen and let her take care of your worthless hide.” Where the hell did my mom send me. These women are crazy. Hitting each other because one is scared of something. The two walk away from where I’m at in the rolling cell. I look around me and see women and young children all around me. Dressed in scraps of cloth that didn’t even cover enough to offer a barrier to a slight breeze. Theres a little girl that is next to me crying her heart out. I scoot closer to her and put my arm around her. “Shhhhhh,” I say rubbing her arm up and down trying to give her comfort. I take another look around and see about five more of these rolling cells. We are all going the same way. All of the prisoners have their heads down. Nobody is saying anything just acting like they are all sleeping sitting up. I don’t understand why they are not yelling and screaming to be let out. My head is starting to throb again. I close my eyes and I must have fallen asleep again. I wake up by a shock going through my body. I open my eyes to see one of those women touching me with some kind of stick that sent another shock through me. I grab it from her. She yells at me. “Give that back or you’re really going to get hurt!” I slid it back out through the bars and look away from her. I notice I’m the only one left in our cell. I look at the door it’s open. The same woman that was shocking me is standing there. “Come on dung time to get out.” I walk to the back where the door is thinking maybe I can escape from here. As soon as I stepped out, I felt the snap of something being put on my neck. When I go to left my hand to my neck I get shoved from behind and fall to the ground. I roll over and look. It’s the same two woman that were talking about me early. One of them have the shock stick and the other one is the one that snapped something on my neck. I still don’t know what it was. “Stand up dung. It’s time for you to get to work.” I just look at them like they are crazy. “This dung must want us to hurt her. The one without the stick reaches down to pull me up. I’m really tired of being treated like I’m nothing. I was raised to treat everyone with respect. I’ll be damned if I’m going to continue to act docile.” When she roughly grabs my arm to pull me up. I kick out her knee and jump up doing an uppercut to the woman with the stick. I grab the stick as I hear a commotion behind me. Then all of a sudden, I feel a prick on the back of my neck. Then darkness descends on me once again. I wake up next hearing the snap of scissors closing as it’s cutting something. I opening my eyes. Finding that I’m tied up completely with my hands behind my back. I’m sitting on a chair with my ankles tied to the chair legs. I also have a gag in my mouth. I try to get free when I hear the scissors snipping again. That was when I see pieces of my hair floating down around me. I try screaming but hardly anything came out due to the gag in my mouth. I can feel the tears running down my face. The tents flap opens and the woman that had the stick comes in and see me. The b***h starts laughing at my tears. “Oh, my Missy, I think you broke her. She is actually crying.” I hear the scissors being dropped on a table as the woman that is called Missy walks around to my front. I’ll be damned it’s the other woman. The one I kicked the knee out of. “s**t, why does she look better with short hair than she did with long hair. Star that’s just not right and now we have to save her for the Fighting Arena.” Star just looks at Missy. “What the hell did you just say Missy? What do you mean we have to keep her for the Fighting Arena?” Both of them walk out and all I can think about is my beautiful hair that they have just butchered. My mom used to run her hands through it and tell me how pretty it was. That I got my hair and eye color from my father and that he never wanted to leave me behind. She told me that I had great things to come in my life and to always smile through my pain. That it will always make my enemies think twice before attacking me.

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