Chapter 2 My Brother

1976 Words
---Missy's POV--- I headed straight home after my waxing appointment to make some of my brother's favorite peanut butter, fudge brownies, to take for him and the staff. It doesn't take long at all to make those, as I jump in the shower after, getting cleaned up and gathering my costume I have for work and shoving them into my favorite leather backpack. I put the brownies into a couple of tubberware to put into my backpack since I refuse to bring my car to the strip club.. it's for my safety honestly, because we have had multiple attacks from obsessed customers sneaking into the back of the car, just so they can attack, harass, or whatever they plan to do to the car.. so I always have my motorcycle there and one of the body guards walks me out to my motorcycle so I can quickly just take off before anything happens.. I have had people follow me out a time or two but, luckily for me, the bouncer was more than intimidating enough to keep the creepers at bay. I don't know if it's any safer to go on my motorcycle, but it eases my mind knowing I don't have to worry if someone is there in my vehicle with me.. I can just get on my bike and go.. not much room for anyone else. So I just pack everything I might need for the night into my backpack before getting onto my bike and taking off like a bat out of hell. I zoom across town, weaving in and out of traffic trying to get to the hospital as quickly as I can.. mostly because I love to spend as much time with my brother as I can before he has to get his medication with his dinner. The medication makes him drowsy, so I try to spend as much time with him as I can before that happens. I pull up to the hospital in no time at all, as I park and head right in. The front desk people and regular nurses on this floor all know me, since I have been coming everyday for years now.. They even refer to me as the nice woman who brings snacks and I guess I wouldn't have it any other way. Only one woman actually knows my name here and even knows anything about me, except for my stripping job of course.. it's the same nurse who has been assigned to my brother since the day he came in.. she is so sweet and seems like she genuinely has my brother's best interests at heart, treating him as if he is her own son. So I'll help her out any chance I get. I took the elevator up to his floor as I pranced down the hallway, which seemed pretty busy at the moment.. but with it being a hospital, I guess I wouldn't expect anything else. I went to his room as I see Heather the nurse just leaving the room. "Hello my sweet Heather." I state getting her attention as she looks at me and then her watch. "Hey beautiful lady.. On time as usual Missy.. he was about ready to get dinner, I was just going to place the order now and then, of course, be right back." She explains to me as I smiled and nodded. "Well, as usual, I was thinking of you guys, so I brought over some sweets, as long as you let him have some." I say playfully to her as she giggles and nods. I swing my backpack off of my shoulder, before opening it and pulling out both the tubberwares filled with brownies. "So how is he doing today?" I asked her softly as I opened the container and grabbed a brownie for my brother. "He has been a little on and off today but it's been a better day out of this week.. The schizophrenia has been bringing up old memories for him that I have to keep reminding him is older.. So it's been making things harder. And with his weakened immune system because of the treatments, he has been having signs of a cold coming on.. so we have been watching him a little closely.. So on a different note, how is the air dancing for your performances?" She asks so nicely as I smile at her and handing the container to her. "Well, that has been normal lately, just reminding him that what he is thinking happened yesterday, actually happened months ago.. but also, if you need me to bring anything for him for the cold please just let me know.. and for myself things have been going well.. we have another play we are performing the next couple weeks so I'm pretty excited about it.. so of course I'll bring a video to show him, as well as yourself.. if you ever want a ticket just let me know and I'll get you one for sure." I reply back to her as she smiles and nods.. "I would love to but you know I work just as much as you do sweetheart.. but just know, your snacks are the highlight of shift everytime.. you don't know how much I love and appriciate them.. But I'll give you some time with him and be back to check up on you two soon enough." She said to me as I waved to her, watching her walk away down the hall. I enter the room as I see my now smiling brother waiting for me. "Missy!" He says to me as I smile and give him a big hug. I kissed his temple before backing up and showing him the brownie in my hands making him smile bigger than when he originally saw me. "They are going to catch you sneaking me snacks in here eventually." He states to me as he takes it and starts chowing down on it before he gets 'caught'. "I bribe them with brownies themselves, so they really don't mind.. how are you feeling today?" I ask him as he just shrugs his shoulders. "I feel weak today like I'm getting sick or something.. how are you?" He asks me as I shrug my shoulders at him, not giving him an actual answer. "How's Craig?" He asks me, not remembering that we broke up about a year ago. "I know I have so much stuff going on and so do you.. so it's hard to keep up with the both of us.. but Craig and I broke up a while ago, Chris." I explain to him as he groans out. "Was it me again?" He asks me as I shake my head. "Don't worry about what happened to me Chris." I say to him as he shakes his head, getting frustrated. "I just want you to be happy Missy." He explains to me as I wave off his explanation, trying to make it more nonchalant than it really is. "No I'm serious Missy.. I just want you to be happy, but you can never be happy because you're too busy taking care of me.. I bet he broke up with you over me like the other guys." He stated to me as I shook my head again. "None of what happens to me in the romantic part of my life, has to do with you.. each guy that hasn't worked out with me has not been listening to me or wanting to worry about my needs and wants.. And that's not something I want for myself.. and yes, some of that involves you because they don't understand our relationship but they don't give it the time of day to even try to understand it.. So please don't worry about it, Chris.. I'm fine on my own and I will always have you! That's all that matters to me.. We have been against the world, just the two of us, for so long that it would have to take an army to separate me from you.. You're my everything Chris.. don't stress yourself with anything about me and my personal life.. I'm just doing what's best for myself and I'll eventually find someone who is willing to accept me for who I am.. but that's not the case right now and I'm fine with that.. ok?" I tried to clarify, but I don't think he has taken that for an answer. "I know that's your nice way of saying they hate me and you won't give me up.. but that's not fair to you.. I wish you would just give up on me.. I'm just a waste of time, money and space." He stated to me as I shook my head vigorously. "That's not true at all Chris.. You're the only reason I have to live for right now.. Don't worry about anything else please. I love you Chris." I said to him, touching his cheek as he touched my hand softly. "I love you two sis.. so when do you start the new play?" He asked me to try to change the subject and I willingly let him after that stressful conversation. "Soon enough.. I have to get into the booth tomorrow for a little while to sell tickets.. So I will only be able to come in once tomorrow since I have to work at night as well.. But changing the subject, the girl who waxes me said she heard about me!" I said to him as his eyebrows scrunched up. "She is looking at you practically naked and said she heard about you? Heard what? Something about your v****a?" He asks me curiously, making me laugh. "No, she asked me what I did since I always have to get my body waxed to grip everything better.. I told her what I did and she got all excited saying she heard about me because her brother saw the show and thought my performance was magical." I said, bragging to him as he smiled and nodded at me. "I have always thought that as well.. I can't wait to see your performance on video.. I just wish I could see it in person." He says to me as I nod and says under my breath. "Me too." "Alright you two, I have his dinner here for him and, of course, his medication.. but there are a few extra vitamins for you to take Chris, since you are acting as if you might be catching a cold." Heather explains as she sets the tray down for him. I smile and take the pills from her to give my brother, just because Chris will never say no to me but he will argue with the nurses about his medication every single day. So, to make things easier on all of us, I make sure he takes the meds as I help feed him, while joking and talking with him and Heather so casually.. just trying to make all this seem so much more normal than it actually is for most.. But for us, this is our normal. After a couple of hours, I stand up and stretch then playfully mess up his hair as an, onory sister does. "Alright my little baby brother.. it's time for me to head to work but I'll be here tomorrow in the afternoon after selling tickets ok?" I say to him as he smiles and nods at me in understanding. I lean in hugging him tight as he does the same for me, before kissing the side of his head and whispering, "I love you Chris.. see you later alligator." "After a while, crocodile." He replies as I pull away from him and blowing a kiss to him as I waved at Heather, then leaving the room and then the hospital.
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