1432 Words
It plays at my overly sensitive stomach. I look down and see a number of fresh bruises coating me... what? I'm naked! Shit!! A large steel door swings open with a bang, and in walks none other than Soul. He gives an evil grin at me, throwing and catching a shiny silver gun. My life is about to come to an end isn't it? I'm going to lose my babies and my mates because I was careless and I used my wasted courage to leave! "Oh, you are a naughty girl!" Soul chuckles humorlessly. "What? Where am I?" I stutter, then realise how cold I actually am. Well, that's not shocking. It's late Autumn. "Nuh uhh." Soul shakes his finger at me. "I'll be asking the questions here. You don't deserve to know anything! You stupid little b***h!" I don't have the capability to scream, shout or even cry. I sigh with exhaustion. "Just do it already! Why are you playing it out? I'm going to die, we both know that. Just do it already. It's getting kind of boring." Soul looks at me stumped and shocked, before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Now, I didn't expect that from such a weak little w***e like you! I expected you to beg for your life!" He slowly starts to calm down. I raise an eyebrow. "I'm not that girl, Soul. I'm sick of your s**t. I'm sick of being a punch bag. At least I get to go out knowing my mates loved me. That's all I could really hope for." Soul sends a whacking hand around my face at such speed. "Don't you dare speak to me like that b***h! I am your master now and you will do as I say!" I bite the inside of my cheek. "Oh yeah, or what?" I retort angrily. "BRING THEM IN!" He roars with a grin on his face. Through the doorway, two strong looking and smelling rogues drag in the injured bodies of my mates. "Noo!" I gasp in shock. "Ohhh yes! If you continue to back chat me, they..." He points to my mates. "...will take the brunt. So I'd bite that delectable tongue of yours, Miss Knight." Slowly, Soul stalks towards me with a chilling look on his face. He kneels down before me. I'm handcuffed and naked, so I can't defend myself. I feel Soul's breath on my neck. "Time to cause you all some serious pain." He whispers before clamping his teeth down on my shoulder. I scream out loud. It's excruciating. I watch as Dean and Holden cry out and writhe. "Get off her!" Dean growls. "You mother fucker!" Holden roars through his pain. I feel the warmth of my blood trickle down my body, tears in my eyes as Soul marks me. I sob, and fall to the floor in pain. "I'm sorry." I whisper before losing consciousness. I want to give up. I want to die. I want this over and done with. I just can't leave my mates like that! I won't leave them in such vulnerable positions. So I push at the bounds that keep me unconscious before finding an opening. Soul doesn't deserve me and I won't let him mate me! I open my eyes a slither as I watch the two rogues beating Dean and Holden. They keep both of them upright, kicking and punching them with such brutality. I realise I've been untied, so I carefully and silently ease my hands around to my front. The rogues are too caught up in their violence, so I look around. Soul is sat on a chair, fast asleep. I grit my teeth. 'I f*****g wonder.' I think to myself. I pull myself up and grab the closest thing, which is thankfully a large, sharp knife and stalk over to Soul. This is my fight and damn it, I'm going to f*****g kill him. I place the knife to his jugular, before tapping his shoulder so he's awake. He flutters open his eyes in the way that used to have me quivering in need. Not anymore! "Just thought I'd wake you before I end your life." I state in a monotone voice, before slicing the blade across his throat. It cuts like butter and cuts deep as blood shoots out, soaking my bare skin. I watch as Soul's eyes widen in shock and pain, before they glaze over and he dies right before me. I turn around and look at the rogues, who are stood, staring at me along side my mates. "Who's first?" I ask. "I'm not playing games here." I would continue but a sharp aching pain rips through my heart making me scream. I fall to my knees, still clutching the knife. The rogues just stare before going back to their beatings. Using all my strength, I crawl over, across the floor, trying to carry on despite the agony. This is because Soul, the one who marked me, is dead. I didn't expect it to be so painful. Naive little old me! I steady my grip on the knife and force myself up on my knees, before plunging it through the back of the neck of the rogue beating Dean. He cries out and falls to the floor dead. One rogue down, one to go. The other rogue is too engrossed in beating Holden that he doesn't notice when I stand up, ignoring the pain in my chest before slicing his throat clean off. Dead. I slump down on the floor, and drag myself to one of my mates. I know I'm going to lose consciousness soon so as long as I can free one, the other is ok too. I grab Holden's arm and pull myself closer, slicing through the rope before slumping down on the floor. "You're... free." I whisper and all goes dark. I'm laying on a plush comfy bed with a familiar smell. Arms and legs are tangled with mine. I hear two different sets of calm breathing on either side. Huh? I turn my head and look. Holden and Dean are in a giant bed holding onto me as they dream. I run through what recently happened in my head trying to understand. Soul! Fuck! Did I really kill him? Am I still pregnant? I look down to a bump and sigh with relief. I cringe as I remember seeing my men beaten up before me. I'd rather it was me than them. I was marked! Shit! I carefully untangled myself from Dean and Holden to slide off the bed. I recognise this room. It looks like the one I slept in at the pack house but bigger and there are belongings in it. A pile of clothes on the floor, photos of Holden and other people. It's his room. I head to the bathroom and look in the mirror. The mark is still there, clear as day despite Soul being dead. Though I don't feel a connection to him. No emotions, no thoughts. He must be dead. I sigh with undeniable relief. That's short lived though! "LIZZIE! LIZZIE!" Dean shouts in panic. "What?! Oh s**t! Lizzie!" Holden joins in. I rush out of the bathroom. "I'm here! I'm here!" I soothe, climbing on the bed in between them. "I'm here. Don't worry." I murmur again, as they hold me close. "Oh thank fuck." Dean gasps. "I... I err... wanted to see the mark." I whisper. Both Holden and Dean stiffen. "Can you mark me?" I ask. "I can't bare to look at it anymore." I hear growls and they move in closer. I feel two sets of warm breath against my neck. My wolf bounds around my head. 'Let them! Yes! We'll be theirs!' I smile and close my eyes. I feel their mouths extend around the skin on my shoulder, before biting in. I gasp. This time, with my true mates it feels pleasurable. I moan and whimper with tingles and shocks radiating my skin. Oh f*****g hell! As soon as they've marked me, their teeth descend and they lick their rightful marks lovingly, sealing the wounds. "Oh wow." I breathe as their emotions overwhelm me. Love, passion, arousal, need. They both growl at me and as if they both know what to do, they move. Holden captures my lips with his while Dean starts stripping me. I don't even know what I'm wearing but I don't care. I entwine my tongue with Holden's, feeling such passion. Dean strokes his hands over my bare thighs, growling before venturing his head between my legs.
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