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I have spent the entire afternoon trying to work out a plan. I do the only thing I can. Soul is taking a shower before bed, so I grab my phone and send a couple of quick text messages. One to Dean and one to Holden. 'I need you. Please pick me up at midnight tonight. It's urgent.' Swallowing hard, I lay down in bed and pretend to sleep, ensuring my breathing is calm, my body is still and I look peaceful. I hope that this plan works. I have to protect my boys. My precious sons. I know Dean and Holden rejected me, but it was out of shock, not out of not caring for me. They've shown they care. They're here nearly everyday banging on the door, trying to get me to see them. If they don't help me tonight, I know for good that I am on my own. That I'm in this alone. I hear Soul's movements, and the bed dipping as he climbs in beside me. He sighs, and lays down, facing away from me. Before long, I hear his calm breathing and his slight snores as he rests. I check my phone... 11:57pm. Shit! Go, go, go! I grab my shoes on quickly, and the bag I'd packed under the bed before heading out the door without a second glance. Please, please, please be here. Please! I rush out the front door as quietly as I can, and down the stairwell, my heart racing in panic. I keep checking behind me, hoping Soul is still asleep. I force open the main doors and step outside, rain trickling down my face. I stand there and revel in the feel of it. A hand grabs mine. "Hey. Are you ok?" It's Dean! I knew he'd come. I throw my arms around his neck, and break down. "Get me out of here! Please! Before he wakes up! Now!" I beg frantically. It doesn't work... "LIZZZZZIIEEEE!!!!!" Soul roars. "s**t! Go, go, go!" Dean gasps, pulling me towards his car. I take off running and leap into the passenger seat, fear shaking my body. Dean runs around and into the drivers seat, as Soul runs out the front door with a murderous look on his face. We take off at an incredible speed, getting away from the man that had beaten and raped me for weeks. "Dean! We have to go somewhere safe! Your place isn't enough against him!" I ramble, staring out the back window. "Don't worry. Holden and I spoke of your text. He wants us over at the pack house. We both want to know why you're running. What the hell happened?" Dean sighs, clutching my hand in his, tingles and pleasure resonating from the point of origin. "I will tell you both once we are there." I breathe, feeling slightly safer than before. I've taken the first step. I've done the hardest part. I've left. I've got the courage up to leave. As I sit there, one of my babies is kicking hard in obvious excitement. I gasp, as realisation hits me. Could it be true? Both of my mates are the babies fathers? The Alpha baby is Holden's, and the other is Dean's? I grab out my phone, cancel the incoming call from Soul and call Mr Paulson. I know it's late but I have to know. "Miss Knight? Is everything alright?" He answers immediately. "Can it err... be possible? You know, what I was discussing with you yesterday. Is there a chance?" Mr Paulson chuckles. "Yes, sweetie. Why do you ask?" I blush as Dean watches me. "I think it might be the case. With me, I mean. Can I find out now or do I have to wait until after?" "Erm... I can arrange a DNA amniotic test if you so wish? If it puts your mind at ease?" He murmurs. I sigh. "Yes please! As soon as possible, Mr Paulson. Thank you." "No worries. I will call you in the morning." "Bye." I hang up and breathe, trying to figure it out. We pull up at the pack house. I see Holden standing out on the steps, shaking nervously. Dean jumps out, and opens my door. I know him well enough to know I should never open my own door. Just as I try to move out, I get a giant kick in the pelvis. I gasp out loud. "Ooowww." I cry out, tears springing to my eyes. Dean carefully picks me up and carries me into the pack house, Holden following. I am laid on a giant brown leather sofa in a little office. I carefully slip myself up into a sitting position, as I massage my back. "You bugger! Don't you know you're too strong to be doing that to me!! That's just not nice! Bully!" "Carry on like that and I'll put you on time out!" I murmur at my bump, only to be greeted with a smaller gentle kick. I smirk. "Oi! Just because your brother is in trouble, doesn't mean you can join in! Button it and I might give you separate bedrooms when you're older." Silence. No movement. "I thought as much!" I snap. I look up to see both of my mates staring at me in amazement. I carefully stand, and walk over to them. I can explain everything later. I whisper two words. "Hold me." I am engulfed in arms. Four arms to be exact. Both of my mates wrap their arms around me, pressing their heat against me. "God I missed you." Holden breathes. "Oh baby. I was so worried." Dean growls, kissing my hair lovingly. I melt into their bodies and feel safe. I finally give in to the overwhelming emotions racking my body. I start sobbing, painful gut wrenching squeaky sobs as I slide down onto my knees. Both of my mates follow me down onto the floor like mimes, huddling around me. "Lizzie, tell us what happened, please!" Dean begs. Through my sobs, I start my story. "Yyou were rigght. Ssssoul was horrible! He hurt me. He threatened me. He wants to use me and take down theeeeee pack himself." Holden growls. "What did he do to you?" Tears continue to stream. "Heee beat me. Hee rrraaped me." At that, both of them growl angrily. "That f*****g bastard!" "He is gonna pay!" I just let my sobs and pain consume me. I close my eyes and kneel there wallowing in my suffering and self pity. I am laid on a comfy bed, drifting in and out of sleep. I'm too frightened to fully give in to my exhaustion in case Soul turns up. Dean and Holden have promised I will be safe but I can't seem to hold that belief after everything I have been put through. How am I going to get through this? A light knock on the door brings me out of my fatigue and I sit up. "Come in." I murmur softly. I watch as the bedroom door opens to show me a beautiful teenage girl smiling gently. "Hi. I'm Lana. I've been told to bring you down for breakfast." Nodding silently, I force myself out of bed, wearing one of Holden's big shirts and a pair of his boxers. I follow Lana down the stairs to the kitchen where many people are. They all turn to see me enter, and I freak. I can't handle this. I start hyperventilating, the room spinning and pins and needles hitting at my limbs. "Hey, hey, hey. It's ok baby." Dean murmurs, quickly enveloping me in a gentle hug. "Nobody here will hurt you baby. You're safe. I promise." Nothing seems to ease my panic, and all of a sudden the room also turns to panic along side me. "ROGUES!!!" Someone shouts. "s**t!" Holden and Dean shout together. In a matter of seconds, I am up in Dean's arms, being rushed upstairs. Tears streak my face once more, and I become more and more frightened. He's here! I know he is! Dean takes me into the en-suite bathroom and sits me on the floor. "Right, Lizzie. I want you to stay in here. Lock the door and don't open it for anybody apart from me and Holden." I nod. "Promise?" "Promise." I whisper. Dean grabs my face and kisses my forehead harshly before leaving. I jump up and lock the door before huddling in the shower cubicle. The doors shut with my head in my knees. I just sit there silently sobbing as I tune in to the sounds from outside. I hear screaming, growls and snaps of teeth as well as countless profanities. I can do this. I can! Dean and Holden are strong fighters. They will be ok. They had better be ok! I can't live without either of them. They can't, they won't leave me! And I black out from the panic. ~*~ Owwwww! Why the hell do I hurt so badly? I feel stiff, like I've been in a car accident. It hurts! I carefully open my eyes, and gasp as I take in my surroundings. I'm in a dark and dingy room. One little lamp in the corner and nothing else. It's dirty and stinks like urine.
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