
The Curse Priestess

kickass heroine
weak to strong

Scarlett clenched her fist as she stared at the dark sky.“I promise I will come back and prove my innocence!" she uttered and wiped away the tears.


Scarlett is an orphan who grew up in her butler's care; added to this is she is a human living in the land of vampires. That is why she never sees the outside world until she turns eighteen.

And when she turns eighteen, Scarlett finds herself drinking blood! Although it's okay because her father is a vampire, the problem is she loves to drink a vampire's blood!

And the ultimate issue is her bite kills her vampire prey! So when her cousin dies, she becomes the culprit... And what hurts Scarlett more is the person she loves the most does not believe her.

Escaping from the race of the vampire, Scarlett found herself capture by the most dangerous creature in the entire race... Tyler Wood, the curse alpha and protector of the priestess.

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The Birth
"Push! Harder! I can already see the baby's head!" The midwife remarks while dripping with sweat. Her hand was ready to catch the child when it came out. Bell took a deep breath and made the solid and final push. Her body is too weak not because of the labor. But because her child already consumes all her energy. If Bell is a normal human being, she will die in the first few days of her pregnancy. Thankfully, she is a witch. She somehow managed to find a way to last and ensure her child would live in her womb. A few more minutes passed when the shrill cry of a baby soared into the room. "Bell, you have a healthy baby girl. Congratulations," the midwife stated as she placed the baby in Bella's arms. "Thank you for securing the safety of my baby," Bell smiled gently at the midwife before gazing at her daughter. "My little angel is so beautiful ..." Bell utters as she cares for her baby's smooth skin. But Bell's smile faded when she felt the pain in her finger and the gentle sucking in her blood. Even though her strength had not yet returned, Bell quickly stood up and stared at her daughter. "My poor baby ..." Bell uttered, seeing how innocent her daughter's face was. Then she made a decision. Bella quickly got dressed and prepared her baby as well. "Where are you going?" the midwife asked worriedly when Bell came carrying her child. "My baby ... She will never survive if I don't take her to her father," Bell declared while holding back tears. "But her father's world is more dangerous. How can you be so sure that she is safe there?" the midwife asked. She did not hide her objection. "My little princess will be safe there because she is like them," Bell responded and showed her baby's face. The midwife could not speak immediately; it was her first time seeing the eyes of the infant. The baby's eyes twinkle, but what is striking is its crimson color. "Bell ... don't tell me your baby's father is a vampire?" the midwife exclaimed in shock. She never expected that. Bell told her that the father's word is dangerous, not the father's dangerous. Bell did not respond and did not hold back. She left her house and followed the path to the cursed land in the darkness of the night. (Baby cries loudly) "Darling, shh ... please wait a little longer. We will soon reach your father's land," Bell pleaded to her baby. They are still in the middle of the forest, and this forest is one of the most dangerous places, especially for humans. So for her daughter to be quiet, Bell gave her the finger and let it suck her blood. "I'm sorry, dear ... Mom almost ran out of blood," Bell whispered while non-stop walking. She did not care about her childbirth pain; she just wanted to save her child. Then Bell crossed the forest safely, so she immediately saw the castle she was aiming for. "Baby, look ... this is your father's land, with him by your side. You will be safe until you reach the age where you can protect yourself," Bell says as she continues her walk. "I almost forgot your name ... Hmm, since your eyes are exceptional, let me name you Scarlett ..." Bell added, and with the power she had, she put 'Scarlett' on the cloth wrapped around her baby. She also took off her necklace and put it on her daughter's. --------- "Oh ... what do we have here? A human? Ha Ha Ha, all I want is to play with my race, but I don't expect that I will find a better toy!" Bell was enveloped in fear, not for herself but her daughter, so she urgently hugged Scarlett tightly. "Don't think about it! We are Nicolas subjects, so if I were you, walk away!" Bell declared with a firm voice. She's good at hiding her feelings, so the creature in front of her will never know how scared she is. "Master Nicolas? Ha Ha Ha! And since when did you last face him? I'm sure it's been a long time since you have no idea what happened to him," the vampire responded. "Why? What do you mean? What happened to him?" Bell asked, one after another. It had been three months since Nicolas visited her, and Bell did not know what had happened to him in the past months. "Hmm, poor of you ... You travel so far, but you will only be disappointed. Nicolas is dead! He was murdered three months ago!" the vampire declared and walked away. Bell's world crumbles as soon as she hears the vampire's remarks. She steps back, but her eyes focus on her daughter. "So, being Lord Nicolas's subject is meaningless," the vampire added. Bell held her breath as the vampire vanished and burst out in front of her while the hand was on her neck. "Hmm, looks like you're dying, so it would be better for you to die in my hand," the vampire utters as his fang comes out. "Yes, I am dying! but not in your hand!" Bell declared, her eyes turning white, then a rumble of thunder and lightning across the sky. The vampire's hand choked Bell's neck and pulled out with unknown force. Then his feet rose to the ground while having difficulty breathing. "How did Nicolas die? And who owns this place now?" Bell asked with a firm voice. "You're a witch! How did you get into our land without being detected!" the vampire asked, but the force on his neck worsened. "Answer my question, or you will die in vain!" Bell exclaimed. "I don't know; it's a mystery how the strongest vampire died. And for your second question, his brother Marco and his family. They are the rightful heirs since Nicolas has no family!" the vampire tried to finish the explanation even though he was having trouble breathing. "And you? Are you related to them?" Bell asked and slowly lowered the vampire. "Yes, Nicolas made me a vampire, so he is my master," the vampire responded and breathed a sigh of relief as the energy squeezing his neck was removed. "And what is your name?" Bell asked seriously. She doesn't have time to waste; using her power earlier almost kills her. "My name is Mark," the vampire quickly replies. As soon as the vampire said his name, Bell cast a spell. She quickly wounded Mark's hand and uttered a Latin word. Bell makes a circle using Mark's blood on Scarlett's forehead. "What are you doing?! Are you cursing me? Please stop!" Mark pleaded. After finishing the enchantment, Bell smiled and handed Scarlett to Mark. "She is Scarlett, the only daughter of your lord Nicolas," Bell states as she touches Scarlett's angelic face.

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