
Alpha's Pregnant Mate

escape while being pregnant

He had some trouble focusing on her, “I’m sorry, baby. Come here,” he pulled her against his massive body and cradled her against his chest. “I love you. I love you so much.”

“Do you?” she mutters, “this isn’t love, Buck. You keep hurting me like this!”

“No. No, I won’t do it again,” he always started pleading with her after the damage was done. “Nobody loves you like I do. Come on, baby, you know this, don’t you? You and me forever!”

A wicked smile spreads over his lips as he leans in to kiss her, “who else would love someone like you?”

And this was the part where she should have packed her bags and left. But she never did, because she has been with Buck for seven years now and he made sure that no one in town would even look at her.

The few men brave enough to talk to her vanished soon after. There was truly no one left in this godforsaken town to love her. The girl stupid enough to let a man dictate her life.

“Now,” he let go of her and his massive body fell into the creaking armchair in front of the TV, “be a good girl and do as you’re told!” He blinked a few times as he grabbed the remote, “clean up and come back here! I am not finished with you.”

“I’m tired, Buck,” she sighed in an attempt to get away from him. For someone so drunk his hand moved pretty fast as he grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards him. She stumbled and almost fell into his lap.

“I said-,” he hissed through gritted teeth, “-go clean up!”

She dared to hold his gaze. A spark of defiance in hers, but his hand curled into her light brown hair. “Don’t make me angry again!” he snarled, “you don’t want that, do you?”

“No,” she gave in and let go a relieved breath as he let go of her. She moved extra slowly to their tiny bathroom. She took her time cleaning her face and brushing her teeth.

“Lila!” he yelled her name from the living room as loud noises from the TV followed the sound of his voice, “come back here. I don’t have all night!”

She took one last look in the mirror before she head back to the living room.

The sound of a woman s*creaming and m*oaning came from the TV. The sound echoed off the walls, loud enough for the neighbors to hear. But Buck didn’t care and they are too scared to call the cops on him.

“Yes,” Buck panted, one hand in his boxers, the other waving her closer.

“Please, Buck, I really rather-,”

“Shut up and get on your knees!”


When Lila escapes her abusive boyfriend and runs into the woods, she hopes to find safety for herself and her unborn child. Little does she know, she has stumbled upon the territory of a pack of werewolves, and their alpha, Ethan, recognizes her as his mate. But as they struggle with their conflicting emotions, a rival pack threatens their existence, and Lila's ex-boyfriend is determined to get her back.

As they face danger and betrayal, Lila and Ethan must confront their own past traumas and learn to trust each other to survive. Will their love be enough to overcome the forces that seek to tear them apart?

**Trigger Warning! Explicit scenes and the mention of rape or abuse, you may find something else to read if you are sensitive to such content**

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1 - Escape
Season 1 - Alpha's Pregnant Mate Lila sniffled softly as she wiped the blood off her face. She knew it would bruise soon. Bruises she had to hide. Again. In times like these, she wonders how she ended up in this situation. It was because of his drinking. Whenever he came home and she smelled the alcohol on his breath, she knew it was only a matter of time until she would say the wrong thing. He always came home demanding her to sleep with him, but she rarely ever was in the mood to comply. She should have known better than to tell him no. She should have just laid down and let him have his way with her. But no, some foolish little voice inside her head told her to be stubborn and stand her ground. Stupid! That’s what it was! She knew better. She has always been like that. Too stubborn for her own good. But that’s just it. How did a strong female like her end up with a man like Buck? “Baby,” he cooed and took her face into his large hands. He had some trouble focusing on her, “I’m sorry, baby. Come here,” he pulled her against his massive body and cradled her against his chest. “I love you. I love you so much.” “Do you?” she mutters, “this isn’t love, Buck. You keep hurting me like this!” “No. No, I won’t do it again,” he always started pleading with her after the damage was done. “Nobody loves you like I do. Come on, baby, you know this, don’t you? You and me forever!” A wicked smile spreads over his lips as he leans in to kiss her, “who else would love someone like you?” And this was the part where she should have packed her bags and left. But she never did, because she has been with Buck for seven years now and he made sure that no one in town would even look at her. The few men brave enough to talk to her vanished soon after. There was truly no one left in this godforsaken town to love her. The girl stupid enough to let a man dictate her life. “Now,” he let go of her and his massive body fell into the creaking armchair in front of the TV, “be a good girl and do as you’re told!” He blinked a few times as he grabbed the remote, “clean up and come back here! I am not finished with you.” “I’m tired, Buck,” she sighed in an attempt to get away from him. For someone so drunk his hand moved pretty fast as he grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards him. She stumbled and almost fell into his lap. “I said-,” he hissed through gritted teeth, “-go clean up!” She dared to hold his gaze. A spark of defiance in hers, but his hand curled into her light brown hair. “Don’t make me angry again!” he snarled, “you don’t want that, do you?” “No,” she gave in and let go a relieved breath as he let go of her. She moved extra slowly to their tiny bathroom. She took her time cleaning her face and brushing her teeth. “Lila!” he yelled her name from the living room as loud noises from the TV followed the sound of his voice, “come back here. I don’t have all night!” She took one last look in the mirror before she head back to the living room. The sound of a woman s*creaming and m*oaning came from the TV. The sound echoed off the walls, loud enough for the neighbors to hear. But Buck didn’t care and they are too scared to call the cops on him. “Yes,” Buck panted, one hand in his boxers, the other waving her closer. “Please, Buck, I really rather-,” “Shut up and get on your knees!” he snapped at her and when she didn’t move fast enough, he grabbed her and f*orced her down. “Why can’t you be more like that,” he snarled, pointing at the TV and the p*orn on screen. Because the woman on screen got paid to have s*ex with the man. It was her job to look good, just as much as it was his to make her s*cream with pleasure. None of it was real though. The only good thing that Lila could take from his comment was that she could be more like that woman on screen. No feelings involved. Just a regular job and the things that the man would do to her had nothing to do with who she was. It was just business as usual. “Look at her. She wants to s*uck his d*ick! She wants to be f*ucked like a w*hore! Take off your jeans!” “I’m not-,” he stood up lighting fast and that’s how she knew she was in trouble. It was a natural fight or flight reflex and her body decided to do the stupid thing and run. Lila made it as far as the kitchen when he violently pushed her against the fridge, making its contents rattle dangerously. “Buck, no,” she pleaded as he tightened his grip around her throat, with the other hand he tore apart her blouse. “I keep telling you to stop messing with me, but you never listen! I said I’m sorry, now show me how f*****g sorry you are for making me do this!” He grabbed her breasts, squeezing too hard, too greedily. She didn’t like it, but as she glanced past him to the flickering TV lights, she remembered that the only way through this was to shut her mind off and become someone else. Someone less. “Yeah, you like that, don’t you, you little s*lut,” he shaped her face. Not as hard as he normally would, but enough to make her flinch at the sharp impact. Sure that she wouldn’t run from him again he let go of her throat and pulled down her jeans and her panties. Cruel fingers grabbed her hair and forced her to bend over the kitchen counter. She counted the seconds till she felt him enter her from behind in one harsh, uncomfortable movement. Buck's groan filled the kitchen as he started f*ucking her with short, hard thrusts. Her thighs would bruise too. She already knew as the sharp edges of the counter dug into her skin with each thrust from her drunken boyfriend. He lasted five whole minutes before he came inside her with a long, exhausted growl. After that, he just left her there like she meant nothing to him. He didn’t even bother to turn off the TV. He just went to bed, while she remained in the kitchen. Bend over the counter. His c*m dripped down her thigh as a silent tear ran down her cheek. That was six weeks ago. Now she found herself in the bathroom, the door locked as she sat on the toilet. Her knees bobbed as she bit her nails nervously. This can’t be happening! This cannot happen! Not now. Not to me! The thought kept running through Lila’s mind. Her eyes were fixed on the little plastic stick she carefully put on the rim of the bathroom sink. There’s a chip in the ceramic. Buck dropped a bottle of perfume years ago. It was supposed to be a gift for her, but he would never give it to her. It shattered and that was somehow her fault. The bathroom still smelled a little too sweet afterward. A scent that only a week ago started to make her feel nauseous. That and the fact that she missed her period finally made her march into a drug store to buy a pregnancy test. What would happen if it turned out to be positive? Buck would never accept it and frankly, she wasn’t willing to bring an innocent life into the relationship. A messed up relationship she should have left a long time ago. But she stayed because she was afraid of being alone. But maybe that’s exactly what she needed. Peace and quiet. With that in mind Lila reached for the test after the longest five minutes of her life. One line. Two lines. Positive. “No,” she breathed. A baby. Buck’s baby. “No. No. No,” she whimpered desperately. Buck won’t accept this. He would make her get rid of it. He would take her to the clinic the minute he would find out. “No!” this time it wasn’t a whimper or weak plea to change reality. To somehow turn her life around. That’s not how it worked. It was time for her to make her own reality. It was time to take matters into her own hands. Lila got up and on her way to the bedroom, she checked the time. She had an hour until Buck got off work. Maybe two if he decided to stop by the bar. Enough time for her to pack up a few things and run. She knew that, while she was throwing only the most necessary things into a backpack, there weren’t many places to go. This town was isolated and without a car, she wouldn’t get far. The only way to escape from Buck was to take her chances with the wilderness. Woods surrounded Howlers Creek and these woods were filled with all kinds of animals. Dangerous animals like bears, mountain lions, and wolves. Mostly wolves though. That's where this speck of hell got its name from. But she was at that point in her life where she was rather eaten by wolves than pregnant and alive with a man like Buck Mitchels. She grabbed an unreliable torchlight from Buck's tool kit, a knife, and for some reason, she decided to take a screwdriver. Maybe as a token. Maybe to set off Buck, because he hated it when she tempered with his stuff. So with one last deep breath, the hood of her raincoat secure on her head, she walked out of Buck's house at a quick, but steady pace. Out into the unknown.

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