Chapter 29: Nervinda ‘s Plague*

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“Oh, s**t!“ Jamie said. Werebears were far larger and stronger than Werewolves. The only disadvantage is they did not have a pack mind like werewolves. Taking one werebear was hard enough, never mind seven! What is worse is Jamie was trapped in the middle of them! "f**k! What am I going to do now?" Jamie thought  Dion must have counteracted the light distraction spell because the Guards started to wake from the trance. But, it was too late! The Werebears had fully shifted and were attacking them. There was mass panic as guests scrambled for the exits. Mages were setting up barriers to try and trap the Werebears, but they were too strong and kept breaking through. Jamie could see the guards going to be soon overwhelmed. “Jamie get out of there now!“ shouted Dion, his face full of worry. The remaining guards were rushing to protect the King and his guests. Jamie suddenly remembered the seeds in her bags. She reached in and grabbed a handful. Jamie dropped threw them at the Werebears and then crouched down. Jamie placed her palm on the floor and called her earth element forward.  To everyone’s surprise, thick vines emerged. Jamie willed them to wrap around the Werebears and pin them to the floor. Some of the Werebears tried to break free by snapping the vines. But, Jamie kept the pressure up by growing even more vines. Every time she tried to get the vines to wrap around Nervinda, they were burnt away. Sweat poured down Jamie’s face, the magical effort to keep seven powerful Werebears pinned down was starting to take its toll. Suddenly, she heard Amaethon and the Werewolves from Wolf Moon pack howl. They raced in and jumped on the backs of the Werebears. The Werebears tried to shake the wolves off, but Jamie tighten the vines.  Amaethon was the first to bite down on a Werebear's neck, instantly snapping the spinal cord. The Werebear slumped and shifted back into the human form. The rest of the Werewolves followed the lead and went for the back of the neck. The Werebears tried to swipe and snap at the Werewolves, but it was useless with the vines. One by one, the Werebears fell down dead.  There was just Nervinda left! Jamie let the Earth Element go, the vines went still as Jamie stood up. She felt a little lightheaded and had to steady herself. “I am never going to wear high heels to a fight again” Jamie privately promised herself.  A brave Werewolf launched himself at Nervinda. Nervinda hissed angrily and used her chaos magic to throw the Werewolf against the wall. The Werewolf was knocked out cold. “Give it up Nervinda, it is over! “ King Stephan shouted.  It was clear that King Stephan had been fighting in the battle as he had his broadsword in his right hand. The King's whole body was shimmering with his dark blue power. “Oh, my dear King, I have just started! Admittedly, I have been taken by surprise by the little girl over there. Having control over two elements is most rare. You foolish men did not realise what you had right under your nose!” Nervinda said. “She is playing for time, get ready for her final move!” Fluff warned. “Don’t think I have much-left Fluff!“ Jamie mind linked “You could come with me, child.” Nervinda suddenly said to Jamie. Navinder continued, “You would be treated with the respect you deserve, not like a servant who is used and abused!” A large midnight black Werewolf growled a warning when Nervinda took a step forward towards Jamie. “She is not going anywhere Nervinda!" Hissed Dion “See child, they think they can control you! That is what you get with Arcane magic and men, they want to control. On the other hand, you could be truly free with me. There be no constraints, no boundaries, just freedom. Come with me now child, and I can deepest desires come, even bring back your parents.” Nervinda said as smiled. She had just played her trump card. Jamie gasped and said, “You can do that?” “Of course! The Chaos Empress herself taught me!” Nervinda explained. “She is lying Jamie!” Shouted Dion. “Don’t be tempted by the Chaos and this evil harpy!” Jamie thought about it and Nervinda could see she was tempted. “I know the Chaos Empress would be most happy to see you and train you. You could be truly powerful and happy with your parents.” Nervinda Said. Suddenly, Jamie remembered the Moon Goddess advice, “No matter who a being is mortal or God, they can not resurrect the dead. This is a law that cannot be broken, to do so would tear at the fabric of the Universe.“  The b***h was of course lying, how could she have been so foolish to even think about the offer? Her Ma and Da would never want her to go over to Chaos. “Thanks, but no thanks! I will not be going over to the side of chaos anytime soon!” Jamie replied, preparing herself for Navinda's final attack.  Nervinda looked disappointed, before saying, “Such a shame, you and I could have achieved such great things. But, you have chosen to be chained to a Realm that is about to be destroyed. Sadly, you will now suffer death along with the rest of them!” Navinder. She raised her hands and started an incarnation. Black mist was slowly starting to form in a ball. “Dion, it is a plague mist! Do something before it kills millions!” Shouted King Stephen as he launched a dark blue energy ball at Narvinder. It was absorbed by Nervinder protective barrier. The King cursed and tried a bigger one with the same effect. Dion launched a lightning spell, but again it was absorbed. The two of them, along with the remaining Royal mages, were trying a variety of spells with no effect. “Fluff, what?” Jamie asked Fluff in her mind link “It is a chaos plague. It infects everyone it touches and is very hard to cure, as it drains both the water element and human side fast. The only way to destroy the mist is by trapping it and using God’s Fire!”  Fluff quickly explained. Jamie cursed, a lot of energy is needed to will God’s Fire and she was running low. Plus, God’s Fire would kill everyone in this room! "What can I do?" Jamie thought as the black mist ball was getting larger and larger. Jamie suddenly felt a cooling breeze on her face. It triggered a memory about when Alizeh had gleefully told her about entrapping Hakan in a wind prison and extinguished his fire.  “ Oh, Jamie, I wish you been there! His face! Not even God’s Fire can burn without air! Hakan is not going to forget that in a hurry!” Alizeh had said before she had giggled.  “That is it!” Jamie thought. “Whatever you going to do, you need to do it now! The spell is almost completed!” shouted Fluff. Jamie quickly called her Air Element and it replied, “We answered your call, what do you want us to do?”  "Please entrap the mist in a wind prison!" Jamie ordered “It is done, friend of Alizeh!“ Air answered. A large ball of wind surrounded the Black Mist in place. Nervinda could not do any countermagic as her energy was been used on the barrier and mist. “You're too late! “ Nervinda shrieked. "The spell has been complete and you can not hold the plague mist forever! You have failed, child!” “Oh, shut the f**k up!” Jamie thought as he reached out to her Fire Element.  “About time you called us! What do you want us to do?" Fire said eagerly.  "I need you to go in Air's prison and burn the mist with God’s Fire. I will make a small hole in the Wind prison wall. Slip in and burn it all!" Jamie commended. “It will cost a lot of energy!“ The Fire Element said cautiously.  “I will it now!“ Jamie said firmly.  “Hakan won’t be happy...” Warned the Fire Element.  “NOW!” she ordered angrily.  “It is done, friend of Hakan.” Fire said. The Fire Element slipped through the small hole in the wind prison, which closed soon after. There was a sudden blinding flash of blue light as blue fire engulfed and burnt all the black mist. As soon as the God’s Fire touched the wind prison's wall it disappeared. The Fire and Air Element departed as soon as Jamie thanked them.  “Noooo! How is it possible? You have no Fire or Air Elemental users that strong!” Nervinda screamed. She turned to Jamie before saying, “It is you isn’t it? You little slut! Who are you? “ I am a person of no consequence, a Palace servant,” Jamie said ruefully. “ You will regret what happened here today Palace girl! I will see you very soon!” Navinder threatened as she closed her eyes. Her body turned into a cloud of black moths. Nervinda flew off through a broken window into the sky. It was at this point Jamie collapsed to the floor unconscious.
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