Chapter 17

2832 Words

Admittedly, Ocean was a lot slower than I was. She wasn't lead-footed by any means, but she did decelerate me a bit. However, I wasn't going to let her go. I would run at her speed no matter how fast I wanted to run, because I didn't want Zanthus to hurt her if I were to leave her behind. Zanthus had a tendency to hurt everything. "Samuel!" Ocean screamed as we ran. He wasn't in view yet, but with how loud and piercing her screams were, and how well wolves could pick up sound, he'd hear her. "Samuel, we need you!" She bellowed. I was breathing heavily; I wasn't tired, because I had an excellent stamina, I was scared. I didn't know where Zanthus was. I didn't know if he was a good few yards behind us, or if he was right on our heels. I found myself feeling as though I needed to know, so I

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