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He was a sight to behold, with his slightly long jet back hair, excessively handsome face and a tall figure. He wasn't as bulky as the men in our pack but he wasn't lanky either. A perfect amount of muscle was clearly seen through the fabric of his deep red silky, form fitted shirt. The sleeves were rolled back upto the elbows, showing off his veiny arms. I was frozen on my spot, my mind blank and my gaze set intently upon the man who had made himself present in front of us. It was too late by the time I realized that me and Addy were right in the middle of the stream, standing on a few big and sturdy rocks. My heart rate was too fast, an unhealthy kind of fast. By the time my brain began to work again the strange man was right at the tip of his side of the stream, his eyes trained on us. I immediately pulled Addy behind me and set a protective arm around her. This action didn’t go unnoticed by the stranger, for obvious reasons and he gave us an amused look. And then he spoke. “Never thought I would see a sight such as this, a human and a were together, and the human trying to protect the were nonetheless, how very interesting.” If there was a way to liquidize velvet and pour it down someone’s throat to make them sound that way, it was done to this man. His voice was smooth, rich and very, very deep. I already knew that this was one of the many traits of his kind, something to lure his prey into a trap, what I didn’t know was that I would be the prey one day. “Look we aren’t in your territory, this is neutral grounds and we'll just step away and be gone. We didn’t mean to disturb you in any way, so we apologize if we did.” I said, trying to sound as diplomatic as possible and began taking small steps back, making sure to have a firm grip on Addy so that she or the baby wouldn’t face any harm at all. This was all my fault, I should’ve just dealt with Addy’s mood swings and whines and made her stay home. Not given in to her puppy face and sneaked out here with her. Now she and her unborn child were in danger because of me, and I was nowhere nearly strong enough to protect her from the man right across us. The man in front of us chuckled lightly after I said that and took a step forward towards us. With that cocky smirk on his face. His feet touched the water, sending splashes up his dress pants and in that moment I wanted to forget about all the danger and hostility and just ogle at the fine piece of man in front of me. “So the Luna finally got knocked up huh? How long did it take after Cian found you? A day maybe or a week? I feel so bad I wasn’t invited to the baby shower Luna, after all I’m your one and only friendly neighbor. And also, you both might want to stop moving right about now if you care about the future alpha in the Luna’s stomach” he said, a twisted smirk now gracing his handsome face. This made me stop dead in my tracks. I finally gathered enough courage to look up straight into his eyes and my breath hitched. Deep crimson met my own chocolate brown and my heartbeat sped, that feeling in the pit of my stomach intensified. I didn’t know what was happening, and that was only adding to the fear growing inside of me by the minute. This man didn’t look like he would have good intentions and now it was my duty to make sure Addy was safe. I knew there was a chance he would hear me but I had to. I turned around and grabbed Addy tightly pulling her into a hug, and whispered as softly as I could in her ears. “Addy baby please don’t be scared, just cross over and mind link Cian. Honey don’t be afraid okay, I promise you’ll be fine, just step out of the stream as fast as you can. Trust me Addy, please “ it broke my heart to see the tears in her big doe eyes, the sheer hopelessness in them. I could tell she wanted to protest but I kept my hand on her swollen belly and she got my message loud and clear. “Move and inch and I’ll make sure the alpha has a reason for war.” The man said in a deadly calm voice. He had heard what I said to Addy thanks to his advanced DNA system. My fears were coming true one by one and my options of safeguarding Addy were getting lesser and lesser. “Whatever it is you want to do, you can do to me. If blood is all you want then have mine but first let Addy go. She’s pregnant and its not just about her being a Luna or carrying the future alpha, it’s about her being innocent and that child too. Just let them go” I said as I turned back around to face him, desperation clear in my voice. I didn’t have much choice. Addy was probably too shaken up to even mind link Cian. I just had to have her back on the pack grounds. Her being the Luna, the minute she would step on the pack grounds the whole pack would feel her anxiety and pain, someone would come searching. She would be safe. “Now, now, I can’t have her alerting her mate before I get what I want, can I?” A smirk plastered on his face. “And what is it that you want?” “You.” “Well I did offer myself didn’t I, take me but let her go.” “Yes, you did offer yourself, but I’m sure you know if I were to harm you here the alpha would be very pissed at me. I won’t like that very much.” I didn’t understand this man even one bit. He wanted me and here I was like a readymade pack of food but he wasn’t taking me. He said he couldn’t harm me but he wasn’t letting us leave either, so what was it? “I want you. Submit to me in front of the Luna and she can leave.” he said, every word that left his mouth was cold and calculated. The minute these words left his mouth I turned pale, all the blood left my face in an instant, my hands started to shiver. This heavy feeling settled on my chest. He wanted me to submit to him. He wanted me to allow him to do with me as he pleases, whatever he wanted. Relief. I never thought I would feel that in a situation such as this but u did. Addy squeezed my hand and the next minute I could hear faint sounds of feet padding on the forest grounds. She had managed to mind link someone. We would be saved as long as I kept this stranger away from us. Just a few moments of struggle and we’ll be saved. The stranger seemed to understand the situation at the same time as me and all the relief washed away from my body. His face looked so scary, a scowl so deep etched into his face, eyes even deeper red if that was possible, thinned to slits like that of a serpent. This was what they were. Monsters, in the façade of a beautiful angel. As soon as the first wolf emerged on our side of the clearing the vampire let out a loud growl, enough to make me stagger because of my knees turning weak. I knew it affected Addy as well because she tightened her hold on me and her baby bump at the same time. This was not good. Not good at all. Our people couldn’t harm the vampire since he was on His side of the territory, on the other side of the stream but they could fight each other right here inside of it, making me and Addy and his unborn child the collateral damage. And then I sensed the shift in the atmosphere. The alpha was here, and he didn’t look happy.
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