Episode 3 Pointed Nose Nerd And The Club Day Introduction

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In this episode, Zack encounters Larry Anderson, a fellow student with a pointed nose who embraces his "nerdy" side, and the students of Dalton School are introduced to the world of clubs. Zack opens up his journal, contemplating the twists and turns of life. Zack: Life can flip upside-down when you realize someone important has slipped away, leaving you with a torrent of anger and stress. He crumples his notes and tosses them into the garbage bin. Zack: (sighs) A knock on the door interrupts his thoughts. Zack: Come in. Emily enters the room. Emily: Hey there, sweetie. You've got a visitor. Zack: Who is it? Emily: Your best friend. Zack descends the stairs, greeted by an unexpected sight. Ben: Hey, buddy. Zack engages in a conversation with Ben. Zack: What brings you here, Ben? Ben: Oh, just dropping by to see you. Nice digs you've got here. Zack clutches his head, feeling the stress. Ben: You okay, man? Zack: Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Ben: By the way, Cedrick's throwing a birthday bash tomorrow night. Wanna come? Zack: (sighs) Fine, whatever. Ben: Great! Gotta run now. See you at school tomorrow. Later! Ben hurries to the door, letting it close with a smack. Zack sinks into the couch. He starts humming a tune. Zack: Today I don't feel Emily: Zack, caught you singing a song! Nice one! Emily gives a thumbs up. Zack: Oh, come on. Ma, leave me alone. Emily: (laughs) Okay, okay. The next day at school, Ben walks down the hallway to his locker, where he's greeted by a friend. Cedrick: Hey, Ben. Ben: Hey, Ced. They exchange a high-five and a fist bump. Ben: What's up? Cedrick: Club meeting in two weeks. Have you decided which club you're interested in? Ben: I'm not sure. Is there a science or technology club? Cedrick: Yup, they've actually combined them just now. Ben: Really? That's awesome. I'm signing up right away. Ben and Cedrick head to the Science and Technology Club to enroll. Ben: Are you going for the Science club too? Cedrick: Yep, and that's not all. I'm also joining the Singing and Dancing Club, Theater Arts Club, and, of course, The Marching Band Club. Ben: Impressive, man. You're going all-in. Cedrick: (laughs) You know it. Host: Welcome to the new Science and Technology Club. Here, you'll delve into everything about Science and Technology. Take a look at this cardboard robot we've built. It's made from small boxes, wires, and it's controlled by batteries through this cardboard remote. The Host presses a button, activating the robot. Robot: Hello. Will you be my friend? Ben: (laughs) Host: This is the most complex project, complete with an angry expression. The Host presses the red button. Robot: I'm angry! Ho ho! Ben: (laughs) That's pretty intimidating. Host: So, are you in? Ben: Absolutely, I'd love to. Ben signs his name on the registration paper. Host: Welcome to the club, kid. Ben: Thanks. Ben shakes hands with the host as the school bell rings. bell rings Host: Well, it's time for class. Off you go, guys. Ben: Let's head to class, Ced. Cedrick: Sure thing. Ben and Cedrick head to their English class. Inside the school, a nerdy student named Larry enters. A bully bumps into him. Bully: Watch it, loser. Larry picks up his books and glasses. Larry walks down the hallway, opens his locker, and faces insults from a few students. Students: (laughing) Oh my god, what a loser (laughs). The students walk away, leaving Larry teary-eyed. Caroline suddenly appears. Caroline: Are you okay? Larry is captivated by her presence. Larry: Uh... uh... Caroline: (laughs) I'll take that as a yes. By the way, I'm Caroline. Larry remains mesmerized. Larry: Uh... uh... Caroline: (laughs) Hmmm, what's your name? Larry: Uh... uh... Caroline: (laughs) It's Larry, right? Larry: Uh, yeah. How did you know? Caroline: Your name tag. Larry: Oh, right (laughs). Sorry, I'm a bit nervous. Caroline: No worries. Larry: (laughs) Oh no, I'm running late. Caroline: Don't worry, I'll walk you to class. Larry: Oh, thanks. Caroline: (laughs) No problem. Caroline escorts Larry to his first class. Meanwhile, Zack is in the cafeteria. Zack headed to his classroom after purchasing a chicken burrito. He was eating his burrito while walking. Isabella and Emma were engrossed in conversation as they walked. Upon noticing Zack, Isabella's demeanor suddenly changed, and she stared at him intently. As he walked by, Zack met her gaze and questioned her. Zack: What? Do you have a problem? You're giving off some rough, ugly nerd vibes. Emma was taken aback, and Isabella couldn't help but chuckle. Isabella: (laughs) (coughs) Zack continued on his way. Emma: Seriously, Zack? So insensitive. Isabella: (smirks) That was entertaining. Emma: Whatever, let's go. The school bell rang again. Ring Ring Ring Ring A group of students was caught playing with the school bell by the principal. Principal: Hey, you two, get out of here! The students hurriedly fled. Principal: Kids. The principal switched off the school bell. Meanwhile, Caroline and Larry finally reached his first class. Larry: Um, well... here we are. Caroline smiled warmly at him. Caroline: I guess I'll see you during recess at 9. She smiled and walked away, leaving Larry captivated and nervous. Larry entered his classroom, searching for an available seat. Student 1: Seat's taken. Sorry. Larry attempted to sit beside a girl student. Student 2: Ugh, no way. Eew. He then tried sitting next to a boy student. Student 3: No. Get lost. Facing rejection from each student, Larry turned around and spotted Zack, who was sitting with an aloof demeanor. Larry: Um, hey. Could I sit here with you? Zack: Whatever. Nervously, Larry took a seat next to Zack. The English teacher arrived. English Teacher: Good morning, class. Let's wait a moment. The teacher wrote his name on the whiteboard. English Teacher: My name is Mr. Alan Ledger Haydes, and I'll be your English Literature teacher. You're all familiar with English Literature, right? Students: Yes. Mr. Haydes: Great, I like the enthusiasm. Now, can anyone explain what English literature is? But before that, let's go around and introduce ourselves. Who's up first? An overweight nerd girl raises her hand. Mr. Haydes: You there. Amelia: Hi everyone, I'm Amelia Mae Hansly, 12 years old, and I'm here to become the best at this subject. Mr. Haydes: Thank you, Amelia. Can you tell us what English literature is? Amelia: English Literature is the study of texts from around the world, such as novels, non-fiction, poetry, and plays. Mr. Haydes: Exactly, well done. In this subject, we get to explore acting, writing novels, and poetry. Mr. Haydes: Now, who can tell us the purpose of studying English Literature? A handsome boy raises his hand. Mr. Haydes: Yes, you, the handsome one. Go ahead. Boy: Good morning, everyone. I'm Adam Jay Adler, 12 years old, and I'm ready to rock and roll. Mr. Haydes: Well said. So, what's the purpose of studying English Literature? Adam: The purpose of English Literature is to unleash creativity and inspiration while also developing skills crucial for today's global environment. Mr. Haydes: Thank you, Mr. Adler. You can take your seat. Seems like you and Ms. Hansly here are quite confident. Amelia: (chuckles) Yeah, we've been best friends since first grade. Mr. Haydes: Ah, I see. So, who's next? How about someone volunteers to share why we should study this subject? Mr. Haydes points at Larry. Mr. Haydes: You, stand up. Larry stands up nervously. Larry: Um, hi everyone. I'm Larry Anderson, and I'm 12 years old. A student insults him. Student: Hey nerd, can't even answer a simple question? Other students laugh, except for Zack, Amelia, and Adam. Mr. Haydes: That's enough. Larry, can you tell us why studying English literature is important? Larry: Um, because it helps us think critically about complex topics from different perspectives. Mr. Haydes: Good job, Larry. You may take your seat. Larry sits down. Mr. Haydes: Well said, Larry. English literature indeed teaches us to think critically about complex topics from various angles. Additionally, it... While Mr. Haydes continues speaking, Amelia and Adam pass a note to Larry. Larry opens the note, finding a thumbs-up drawn on it. Larry turns around, noticing Amelia and Adam giving him a thumbs-up. An hour later, the school bell rings unexpectedly. Amelia: Hey, Jay. How about telling Larry to join us during recess? Adam: Seriously? Amelia: Yeah, why not? Adam: Fine, whatever. Amelia and Adam approach Larry. Amelia: Hey, Larry, want to hang out with us during recess? Larry: Um... yeah, sure. Amelia: And what about you, uh... Zack? Zack: No, I'll be fine on my own. Amelia: Huh, well, he's quite moody. Larry: I think... he's just going through a tough time. Adam: Yeah, but he sure comes across as rough. Amelia playfully punches Adam in the arm. Adam: Ow! Amelia: Don't say that about your classmates, okay? Larry: (laughs) Come on, let's go. Larry, Amelia, and Adam enjoy recess together. Meanwhile, Ben and Cedrick are elsewhere. Ben: Come on, let's head to the science lab for a bit. Cedrick: Sure thing. Afterward, we can go to the band room. Ben: Sounds good. Cedrick: Hey, what do you say about joining me in the band club? Ben: I'm not really into playing instruments. Cedrick: No problem, I'll teach you. Ben: Thanks, I appreciate it. Cedrick: Let's get going then. Ben and Cedrick head to the science lab. In the cafeteria, students enjoy their recess. Amelia, Larry, and Adam find seats. Amelia: Let's sit over there. Adam: Alright. They settle down at their tables. Amelia: So, Larry, what's your story? Why did you come to Dalton? Larry: Uh, well... uh... Adam seems intrigued and starts eating an apple. Amelia: Don't worry, no need to be shy. I've been in your shoes since we got here. I mean, just look at me—overweight, wearing nerdy glasses. Larry: Really? Amelia: Yeah, ever since grade school in Greenfield. I met Adam here. I had lots of friends, but they were ashamed of how I looked. Adam defended me and accepted me for who I am. That really made me happy, and he became one of my true friends. Amelia smiles at Adam. Adam: Thanks, Amelia. Amelia: High five! Adam and Amelia exchange a high-five. Amelia, Adam, and Larry share laughter and smiles. Meanwhile, Zack sits alone once again, and Caroline approaches. Caroline: Is this seat taken? Zack: (laughs) Caroline: (laughs) They share a seat and engage in a conversation. As Adam notices Caroline and Zack, he points them out. Adam: Hey, look. Amelia and Larry turn their attention to Caroline and Zack. Adam: I thought Zack didn't have any friends? Amelia: Hmph, maybe he's got a new one. Larry: That's... Caroline. Amelia: Huh? Larry: Yeah, that's Caroline. He's sitting with her. Adam: Oh, Caroline. Why? Larry: Huh? Nothing. Adam: Hmm, maybe I should go talk to her. Adam grabs Larry's hand, but Larry lets go. Larry: What? No, it might make things awkward. Adam: Hmmm, really? Larry: Yeah. While Zack and Caroline chat, she looks at him and waves with a smile. Adam: Look, she's saying hi to you. No need to be shy. Come on, let's go to her. Adam leads Larry over to Caroline. As Adam escorts Larry towards Caroline: Larry: No, please, come on. No... Adam pushes Larry forward. Adam: Good luck. Adam walks away, leaving Larry to face the situation on his own. Larry: No, wait... Zack looks at Larry. Larry: Uh... hi. Caroline: (smiles) Hi. Larry: May I? Caroline: Sure. Larry sits down next to Zack and Caroline. As Caroline engages in conversation with Larry, Zack simply smiles and observes. Meanwhile, Emma and Isabella are discussing their club choices. Isabella: So, what club are you planning to join? Emma: Huh? I'm not sure. What about you? Isabella: I want to join the singing and dancing club. Emma: Oh, so that's what you're interested in? If that's what you want, then count me in too. Isabella: Okay, great. Emma and Isabella head to the sign-up for the Singing and Dancing Club. Upon arriving at the sign-up area, they encounter Jolie and her friends. Jolie: Uh, hello. Can I help you? Emma: Hi, we're here to sign up. Jolie: (laughs) Isabella: Excuse me? Is there a problem? Jolie: Seriously? You two? Jolie and her friends continue laughing until Caroline arrives. Caroline: Is there an issue here with Jolie? Jolie: Um, nothing. We were just helping these two sign up for our club. Caroline: Oh, okay. I'm Caroline, the President of this club. Isabella: Hi, I'm Isabella, and this is my friend Emma. Emma: Nice to meet you. Jolie: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get them signed up. Caroline: Come on. After Emma signs the contract, she shoots an annoyed look at Jolie, who responds with a smirking face. Caroline: Alright, welcome to the club. Caroline shakes Emma's hand. The school bell rings. Caroline: That's the school bell. I'll be seeing you guys here soon. Emma: Okay, thank you. As Isabella and Emma prepare to leave, Jolie adds: Jolie: Good luck, guys. Isabella and Emma ignore her and exit the area. Meanwhile, Zack is approached by club recruiters. Zack: So you want me to join your club? Club Recruiters: Yeah, the Journalism Club. It's a lot of fun. Zack: Fine, okay. I'll sign up. Club Recruiters: Yay! Thanks. Zack: (laughs) No problem. Zack adds his name to the list of sign-ups. Club Recruiters: Thank you. See you soon on club day. Zack: Yeah, thanks. Suddenly, Connor approaches and starts clapping his hands. Connor: Well, well, well. Looks like Zack is joining a loser club. (laughs) Red: (laughs) Zack: What do you want, Connor? Connor: Oh, nothing. Just here to see you. Zack: Whatever. Zack starts to walk away from Connor. Connor: I was thinking, Zack, maybe you'll join the basketball team again? Zack turns around. Zack: Really? Why? Connor: Oh, no reason. Just wondering if the great "Zac attack" is still alive. Oh, wait, he's not because he quit the team due to stress and anger. Zack stops and faces Connor. Zack: Let's get this straight, Connor. First, don't call me that nickname. And second, I didn't leave the team because of stress and anger. Connor: Oh, then what was it? What's it gonna be, Zack? Are you gonna attack? Zack becomes visibly stressed, and it looks like he's about to react when the principal arrives on the scene. The Principal: Hey, what's going on here? And why aren't you in your classroom? Connor: We're not done yet. Connor walks away from the scene, leaving Zack visibly stressed as he walks away from the area. As Zack enters his classroom in a state of anger, he accidentally bumps into Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson: Oh my god, Zack, are you okay? Zack: No, I'm not. Mr. Anderson: Take a deep breath. Zack: (inhales) Mr. Anderson: Deeper. Zack: (exhales) Mr. Anderson: Deep. Zack: (inhales) Zack: (exhales) Mr. Anderson: Okay, are you feeling better now? Zack: Yes, thank you, Sir. Mr. Anderson: Good, now head to your class; you're going to be late. Zack: Thank you so much, Sir. Zack gives Mr. Anderson a hug. Mr. Anderson: Okay, okay, now go. Zack proceeds to his classroom. Mr. Anderson: (laughs) Kids. Meanwhile, Travis and his friends are busy signing up for the club they're interested in. Travis: Hey, there's sign-ups for the Basketball Club. Dale: Are you sure about this? Travis: Yeah, what are you worried about? Will: Yeah, Dale, what's your worry? Getting knocked out? (laughs) Travis: (laughs) Dale: Sorry. Travis: Come on, let's go. Travis heads to the sign-up area. Baldwin: Hey, welcome to the sign-ups. You're signing up for this club? Travis: Yup, and my friends too. Baldwin: Okay. By the way, I'm Coach Baldwin, the coach of this team. Bale: Team? Baldwin: Yes, this club has a team called the Dalton Tigers. Travis: Dalton Tigers? Baldwin: Yeah, we have a rich history with this team. Many students have played their best, and Zack used to be a part of this team. Travis: Wait, Zack, as in Zack Angelo Cooper? Baldwin: Wait, I'll show you something. Baldwin takes Travis and his friends to the Trophy Display. Baldwin switches on the lights. Bale: Whoa, I've never seen any of this. Baldwin: Yeah, come here. Baldwin shows them a picture of Zack dunking. Bale: Whoa, he can dunk too. Baldwin: (laughs) Yes, he could. Back when we faced off against the Oak Frost. Baldwin then points out a picture of Zack holding an MVP trophy. Bale looks around and sees a picture of a man with championship, MVP, and Finals MVP awards. Bale: Coach. Baldwin: Yeah? Bale: Who's this guy? He's got a lot of awards, MVP and Finals MVP. Baldwin: Yeah, that's Zack's father. Bale: What? Baldwin: Yeah, he always dreamed of being like his dad. Bale: Wow. So, what happened? Baldwin: I don't know. He quit. He just quit. He didn't want to play basketball anymore. Bale: Okay, I feel bad for him. Baldwin: Yeah, me too. Well, that's enough nostalgia for you guys. Let's get back to your classes. Come on, chop chop. Bale: Thanks for showing us. Baldwin: No problem. Now, go. Bale rushes away. Baldwin: (laughs) Meanwhile, Zack is seated in his chair, lying down, while other students in the class throw paper airplanes and goof around. Amelia: Man, this class is really annoying. Adam: Yeah, I know. Zack steps outside, and Larry notices. Larry: Hey, guys, look, Zack's going outside. Adam: So? Larry: So, we could have a quieter time out here with him. Amelia: Hey, that's a great idea. Larry and Amelia join Zack outside, and Adam follows suit. As Larry, Amelia, and Adam approach Zack: Amelia: Hey, how's it going? Zack turns around. Zack: (smirks) Look, I don't know what you guys want. Amelia: Oh, nothing much. Since it's chaotic inside, we thought we'd find a quieter spot to sit. Zack: (smirks) Whatever. Amelia: (laughs) So, did you join any club? Zack: Why do you want to know? Amelia: (smirks) Well, unlike those troublemakers in there, I'm genuinely curious. Okay? Zack: Yeah, I did. (inhales, exhales) A bunch of girls recruited me earlier for their club. Amelia: What club? Zack: Journalism club. Amelia: Wow, I used to be in that club. Zack: Really? Was it fun? Amelia: Yes, I had a lot of friends there. Zack: Really? Amelia: Yeah. Look, why don't you try making new friends? Zack: Friends? Amelia: Yeah, like us. Why don't you hang out with us after lunch? Larry: Yeah, maybe you could join us, right, Adam? Adam: Yeah, that'd be great. Wonderful. Zack: Fine, okay. What's your name again? Amelia: Amelia, and that's Larry and Adam. Zack: Okay, nice to meet you. And you too, Larry. I like your nose. Larry: Oh, uh, thanks. Zack: Well, see you guys at lunch. Zack walks back into the classroom. Adam: How come someone likes your nose? Larry: Hmph, I don't know. Larry, Amelia, and Adam head back to the classroom. Meanwhile, Coach Baldwin is in the Trophy Display, examining the trophies, when Bob Zack's father arrives. Bob: Hey, Baldwin. Baldwin: Oh, Bob. Hey. Baldwin shakes his hand. Baldwin: It's been a long time. How have you been? Bob: Oh, nothing much. Police business, lots of files to take care of. Baldwin: I see. Same old. Bob: How about you? Baldwin: Same here, lots of new students to recruit. Bob: That's great. Baldwin: Yeah, I was thinking we could go for coffee sometime, talk about basketball stuff. Bob: Sure, why not? But not now. Baldwin: Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Later, a lot of students will come here to sign up for the team. Bob: Oh, okay. Well, good luck then. Baldwin: Thanks. You too. The school bell rings. Bob: Well, I gotta go. See you later. Baldwin: Bye, Bob. Bob leaves the school. Meanwhile, Zack, Amelia, Adam, and Larry: Zack: So, where are we going? Amelia: We're heading to Island Grill. Larry: Island Grill? Amelia: Yeah, it's where me and Adam used to eat, and also where my parents and I go. Adam: Yeah, it's her favorite restaurant. Larry: Okay... Zack, Amelia, Larry, and Adam take a taxi and head to Island Grill. Meanwhile, in the canteen: Isabella and Emma grab their lunches and search for a table. Jolie calls them over: Jolie: Hey, guys, over here. Caroline sits there. Caroline: Oh, hey, guys. Free seats? As Isabella is about to sit: Emma: (whispering) Are you sure this is a good idea? Isabella: (whispering) Just trust me. Besides, Caroline's here. Isabella sits next to Caroline. Emma: Fine. Emma takes a seat next to Jolie. Jolie: So, shall we talk about the club? Caroline: Yeah, Isabella, what are you guys talented at? While Emma eats, she suddenly drops her fork. Isabella: Well, I love to sing. Caroline: Hmm, who do you consider your idol? Isabella: Um, Liam Payne. Caroline: Liam Payne from One Direction? Oh, we're the same—I idolized him too. Jolie: Yeah, me too. Well, at least until they disbanded. I hope they'll get back together soon. Emma: Sorry, Caroline, but I can't help but agree with your friend here. Caroline: (laughs) Don't worry about her. She's just bluffing. Jolie: Yeah. (Takes a bite of an apple) It's not like you're going to be the best singer. Emma: What did you say? Emma stands up. Isabella: (calming her down) Calm down, Emma. She just wants some friendly competition. If she wants it, she can have it. Jolie: Okay, deal. Isabella and Jolie firmly shake hands, locking eyes. Meanwhile, at Island Grill Restaurant: Zack, Larry, Amelia, and Adam walk in, and Larry's amazed: Larry: Whoa. Adam: Pretty cool, right? Larry: Yeah, definitely. Zack: Honestly, I've never been to a place like this. Adam: Well, now you have. Amelia: Let's find a seat, guys. They settle down and place their orders : Waiter: Hello, welcome to Island Grill Restaurant. May I take your order? Larry: Um, I think I'll have the Grilled Steak. Amelia: Wait, guys. I'll treat you. Larry: Wait, really? Zack: Wow. (smirks) I'm surprised. Adam: (laughs) Yeah, she's always excited to hang out with you guys. Larry: (laughs) Zack: (laughs) Amelia: We'll have some Korean BBQ. Waiter: Okay, 4 orders of Korean BBQ. And any drinks? Zack: I'll have water. Adam: I'll go with iced tea. Larry: I'll have a Coke. Waiter: Got it. And for you? Amelia: Just water for me. Waiter: Alright, your order will be ready soon. The waiter leaves, and Adam teases: Adam: Really? Amelia: What? Just trying to watch my diet. Zack: (laughs) You know what? You guys are perfect for each other. Larry: (laughs) I agree with you. Amelia: What! No, I don't even like him since I met him. Adam: Yeah, she's been a brat ever since I met her. Zack: (laughs) Yeah, whatever. Larry: Oh, here comes our food. The waiter brings their food. Adam: Alright, let's dig in. Amelia slaps his hand playfully: Amelia: Shouldn't we say grace first? Adam: Hm, okay. Larry: Okay. Amelia says a prayer: Amelia: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Adam continues the prayer: Adam: Lord, we want to thank you for this beautiful and wonderful day that we get to spend some time with this food and with our new friends Zack and Larry. And Lord, please don't ever abandon us; always guide us no matter where we go. Please, always guide us. Amen. Amelia: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amelia: Alright, let's dig in. Adam: I was supposed to say that. Zack, Larry, Amelia, and Adam all laugh: Adam: (laughs) Let's eat. They all start enjoying their meal. Back at school, Mr. Positive and Mr. Anderson are in the canteen having a coffee conversation. Mr. Anderson: So, what are you going to do about the Singing and Dancing Club later? Mr. Positive: I don't know. I told Caroline to get all the students to sign up. She's the president. Mr. Anderson: That's great. So, did someone sign up? Mr. Positive: Yeah, about 4 boys and 5 girls signed up today. Especially that shy girl, Marian. Also, those two students you have? Mr. Anderson: Two students? Mr. Positive: Isabella and Emma. Mr. Anderson: Oh, okay. Mr. Positive: What about you? Did somebody sign up for your Journalism Club? Mr. Anderson: Oh, I never told them, but Zack signed up for the club. Mr. Positive: Really? Mr. Anderson: Yeah. Mr. Positive: How did you convince him to join? Mr. Anderson: Well, it's simple. I told one of the members to recruit him, and I also told him that the Journalism Club is the best club he can ever witness. If he joins, it'll change his life, and he started to think about it. Mr. Positive: Wow, that's genius. Mr. Anderson: Thanks. Cheers. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Positive clink their coffee cups. The school bell suddenly rings, and Zack, Amelia, Larry, and Adam return to the school. Larry: (burps) Man, that Korean BBQ was really good. Zack: Yeah, but can you please not burp here? Larry: Sorry. Amelia: (laughs) The Principal makes an announcement: Principal: Hello, students. Good afternoon. I hope you had a great lunch. Just a reminder to please go to the auditorium. All students must go, as we have a meeting for club introductions. Thank you. All of the students rush to the auditorium in excitement. When they arrive at the auditorium, they quickly find seats, eagerly anticipating the upcoming club introductions. Zack, Amelia, Larry, and Adam find seats in the front row. Amelia: Where should we sit? Adam: Over there, in the front. They rush to the front and sit down. Amelia: Oh, I'm so excited! Zack smirks. Principal Steven walks onto the stage. Principal: Good afternoon, class. I haven't introduced myself yet. Students: (laughs) A student shouts: "We know who you are!" Principal: My name is Principal Steven Cardon, and welcome to the first-ever Club Introduction. Students: (cheering) (clapping) Principal Steven: So, are you ready for some theater? Students: (cheering) Principal Steven: Who's ready to dance it off? Students: (cheering) Principal Steven: How about some science? Students: (cheering) Principal Steven: (laughs) That's right. I know you're all ready for something exciting and surprising. Most of all, we want this year to have the best clubs for you. Principal Steven: Okay, let's get this party started. First, let me introduce a club that helps recognize curricular environmental organization in basic education. This club serves as a venue for students' actions and movements toward safeguarding, protecting, and conserving the environment for future generations. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you the Youth for Environment in School Organization. Students: (cheering) A pair of students enters with a small shovel. Principal Steven: This club serves as a venue for students' actions and movements toward safeguarding, protecting, and conserving the environment for future generations. They engage in activities like planting and helping people. If you want to make a positive impact, sign up for this group. It's going to be fun! Principal Steven: Next up is the Film Club. Adam speaks while Principal Steven is introducing: Adam: Huh, I always wanted to join this club. Zack: Really? Adam: Yeah, I've always wanted to be a filmmaker. Zack: (laughs) Principal Steven: If you're interested in filmmaking, join this club. It will be a lot of fun! Adam: Yeah! Principal Steven continues introducing various clubs for about an hour. After the introductions, all the students leave the auditorium. Adam: Man, what a day. Amelia: Yeah. Zack: So, what clubs are you guys interested in? Amelia: I think I'm going to join the Science Club. How about you? Zack: I think I'll go for Journalism. Amelia: What about you, Larry? Larry: I don't know. I'm not really into clubs. Amelia: Oh, come on. It's going to be fun. Tell you what, why don't you join the Science Club with me? Zack: (smirks) Adam: Two nerds in the Science Club. (laughs) Just kidding. Larry: Sure, yeah. Amelia: Well, I've got to go home. My mom's calling me. Zack: Alright. Well, it was nice meeting and getting to know you, Amelia. Amelia: You too, Zack. Zack: And you too, Larry. You know, the first time I met you, you reminded me of parts of my story. Ever since preschool, I was just like you, getting bullied all the time, called mean names. Larry: Wait, really? Zack: Yeah. Adam and Amelia smile, glad to have made a new connection. Adam: Well, we better get going. Zack and Larry: See ya. Bye, guys. Adam and Amelia leave. Zack: Wanna ride home with me? Larry: Like in a taxi? Zack: (laughs) No, my dad picks me up every afternoon when I go home. Larry: Oh, okay. Zack: So, is it a yes? Larry: Sure. Zack: (laughs) Come on. Zack and Larry leave the auditorium. To Be Continued.
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