Chapter 8

1057 Words
"I understand the reason why you're mad at me, Mr. and Mrs. Chivalry and I know Mira's situation," Zach explained. "Then let's talk in private." Winston solemnly said then motioned Salem and Mira to leave the room. He looked at Zach in distinguish manner. "You shifters like trouble, huh?" Mira slowly and quietly walks behind Salem, carefully not to get closer to her. She stopped walking then looked at her. "Do you think I'm crazy?" "For a 16-year-old child? Yes." The older one replied then walked away. She makes her step bigger and faster than usual so Salem can't follow her anymore but a pair of cold hands are placed on her shoulder, enough to give Mira chills. She walked silently so the older one did the same and they ended at the fields where Mattheo and Freddy are. They stood up and put themselves into a fighting stance. Freddy grabbed the bamboo stick on his side and Mattheo growled. She removes her hand from Mira's shoulder then climbed up to the tree and take a nap there. "Why she's with you?" Freddy asked her. "Because she's not with us, Freddy," Mattheo replied while glaring at Salem from the branch and yawning. "I was with that wolf then my parents arrived and they made us leave the room," Mira explained. Mattheo and Freddy looked at me then at Salem. She immediately thinks of a plan to distance herself from her since Mira senses something that she and Mattheo might fight again. "We're going to our classes now," Mira excused then waved her goodbye before dragging Freddy and Mattheo. She knows that can't skip their classes just by that, aside from that, Mr. Jairus might be looking for them since their afternoon break is over. "She might eat one of us this time, it's better to go to our class," She mumbled before running. Mattheo and Freddy followed her and they arrived in their class while chasing their breaths as if they got chased by a wild animal. "Ms. Chivalry, Mr. Leonory, and Mr. Douglass you're 10 minutes late." Mr. Jairus said while looking at his watch. They silently entered their classroom despite the looks that their classmates are giving to the trio. "We deeply apologize, Mr. Jairus," She said and take a bow before following two of them on their seats. Mira looked at Freddy who's sitting beside Mattheo. "Why you're here?" "Of course, this is my class! I'm just injured on your first day so I'm not present!" He half-whisper and half-yell. "Dude, look at that chick, she smelled like..." "I know." "She doesn't smell like shifter nor a vampire. Maybe she's a fairy." "She's not small." "Or maybe a human, you know? Hero from the human world." "Dude, maybe she is." 'What's up with them?' Mira thought while narrowing her eyes at the two males near their seat, causing them to stop talking, and looked away. She snorted before turning the whole attention of hers to the educator discussing his lessons at the front. The girl ignores every gossip about her and lets the whole time pass. The school giant bell rings, causing her classmates to rush outside to our class. She waited for them to leave the classroom before going outside where Mattheo and Freddy are waiting for her. Meanwhile, "We can't just trust our daughter to you, shifter," Winston said, breaking the almost half an hour silence between the three of them. "How can you prove that you're not an enemy, huh? How can you prove that you can protect our daughter?" He added. "Mr. Chivalry, Lady Marionette considers Mira as the greatest threat since she uses time magic, the trickiest of all. Aside from that, I'm not the foe, and I can prove that to you." Zach explained. "Then show us." He took the dagger from the table beside him and handed it to Winston, "You can kill me if I hurt your daughter or betray you." Zachary stared at the blade that shaped like a bird's feather. "That dagger is the feather of the last giant bird-like dragon of this world, you can kill me using that." He said as he kept his head low, polite as possible, "Every knight swear loyalty and know that I know that you can't entrust Mira's life to me but I'm doing my best to help you." "And I respect your decision, Sir." The silence of the atmosphere that can make everyone who entered the room leave got destroyed when Lily giggled and Winston chuckled, leaving Zach confused. "Welcome to the family, my majesty." "Mira, are you sure that your parents will say no to Zach?" Freddy asked her while sitting between her and Mattheo. Mira looked at him before covering her mouth and nose as she sneezes then averted her gaze at the ceiling again, "I'm sure they'll say no and good thing you move here, you'll get more in trouble with other elves as long you stay there." "I'd better isolate myself to those two, they give me nothing but fear." She added. Freddy agreed while Mattheo remained sleeping. "I'm living peace at the human realm but this is fun but what the f**k is wrong with those two shifters?! All I want is to breathe peacefully!" She harshly stood up and slammed the cushion on the carpeted floor. "The first, the knights. The second is Meg. The third is those two. Fourth the vampires! I got no peace! I feel like the whole problem between the two realms is on my shoulders." Mira got interrupted by the three knocks followed by her parents opening the door. The raging Mira turned into a calm one who seems like never hurt a fly. Freddy stood up and greeted them nicely while Mattheo is still in his slumber. "Free to come in, mom and dad." She invited the couple to enter. "They're your friends, honey?" Lily asked as they enter the room and sit on the vacant sofa and observe the whole room. It's not small nor cozy, it's on the right size for the three of them "Yes, Mom." "Well, your boyfriend is nice, honey." Lily said while her father who's clinging his arm on her shoulder, "In fact," they exchanged looks then smiled at Mira who's waiting for their decision. "We accept him."
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