Chapter 7

1590 Words
"Can you please stop dragging me?" Mira asked him in full irritation. She tried to snatch her hand from his grasp and thankfully, he didn't play tag of war with her and immediately let go of her hand. "Alright, boys!" "I'm not going to mess with ----" The girl stopped when she felt a sluggish and crawling thing on her shoulder. She screamed at the top of her lungs and throw the snake away from her shoulder but another snake crawls into Mira's feet. This time, it's not an ordinary snake. It has a flattened neck and hissed fiercely at her. "You played dirty!" She pulled away when the snake leaned on her as if it's about to bite her. 'Me? I'm a wolf, of course, I'll have ways to get what I want.' "No, I'm not." Zach snapped his fingers and the hallways' routes changed. They're standing in front of the familiar mahogany door. He opened the door and motion to the snake to leave. Mira glared at him before entering the place. "Have a seat." He motioned to the sofa yet Mira only did is to stare at him, "Don't worry, only the two of us is in this room." "Then remove your scent on me," Mira demanded while clamping her eyes shut. "Do you know what will happen to you and your family after the mages inside this school know that you're from the fallen kingdom in the land of Mago? I can't get rid of my scent off you." Zach said in a solemn tone then smiled at Mira, "You probably doesn't want to witness me if I'm angry. If Salem can destroy everything I can take everyone's life if I wanted to then feast into their bodies." Intimidated? Of course, she is. Even his gentle smile gives goosebumps to her. Mira wants to use her magic then escape from him in this situation but she knows it's impossible to do that since something is restricting her to that. "But! If you wanted to, I have a deal to perform with you so we can settle in nicely." Mira gulped then looked at him confidently despite how she's shaking is inside. "I wanted it." 'Seriously, what is this bastard doing with Gloucester?' Salem asked herself while watching both of them from the roof where she's sitting at. She's wearing her usual clothes. Her eyes narrowed down to the male walking peacefully at school grounds. "Wow, the lion is healed." She said then grimaced, "That cat tried to inhale my scent when we're on the cafeteria riot. It's very unforgivable." Salem stood up then partnered her index and middle finger from her right hand then her free hand acts like it's stretching something. The imaginary slingshot turned into a real one whose made up of fire then after aiming at Mattheo she let go of the small marble ball of fire that hits Mattheo on his shoulder. That doesn't burn him but after he touched it, the fire turns into a couple of sentences. 'Nice try on challenging me, cat. You haven't learned your lesson, huh? That's a wrong brother, I'm only suspended but that doesn't mean that I can't beat the crap out of you. But anyway, I'm not into beating weaklings like you. Go back to your dorm then sleep.' Mattheo glared in her direction but all Salem did is to look at the sky then yawn. 'Oh s**t, they're watching me. Father can't defend me on Papa.' The girl looked at him then grin mockingly. The wind blows causing Salem to laugh then look at the hawk who landed near her. "Pa! I didn't hurt that cat, okay? Calm down." A black snake hissed on her back. Salem takes the snake from her shoulder then grimaced. Mattheo narrowed his eyes at her as she continued talking to the hawk and the black serpent. He flinched when someone tapped his shoulder, making him turn to that person and glare. "I'm calling you but.." Freddy chased his breath and almost collapse but Mattheo ignores his fall, "You're not listening. Where are you looking at?" Mattheo didn't respond, instead, he remained watching Salem standing on the roof. "She's weird, insanely weird." A man tapped Freddy's shoulder causing him to almost jump and yelp. "Lower your voices, she might hear you." Ifrit hushed both of them with a gentle smile, "You know what my boss can do if she's mad." "Our deal is simple, we should be like how normal mates are but you can have your safe word so I know what's my limit. How does it sound for you?" Mira narrowed her eyes at him while her hands are crossed. "Talk to my parents first." Zach smiled gently then looked at the window, "Is that so? Then, sure." He looked at Salem then smiled in victor. Salem grinned in response. 'Dude, your smile is creepy. How is it by the way?' 'She wants me to meet her parents.' Mira furrowed her brows as she watched Zach fixing himself. How weird is that for her on the scale of 1 to 10? It's surely above 10. It's her first time seeing a guy smiling like crazy after she told him to talk to her parents. On her mind, she's imagining that Zach will change his mind and choose to remove his scent off her but it turns out he's happy. Zach's point of view 'You hound, what the f**k is that?' 'Can you give her some of your unused clothes? She smelled like vampires.' 'Alright, a minute. But don't blame me if it's not the ordinary girl's clothing.' 'Also, bring her parents here.' 'Do you have any errands for me? Tell me now so I can do it at once. I'm not a servant.' 'Yes, talk to Lady Marionette about her and her friends transferring to our class.' 'Then?' 'Socialize.' 'Oh shut up.' "Can you please have a seat for a while? I'm going to lend some new clothes to you." I asked her politely but I only receive is a frown before she slowly sits on the chair next to me. "So--" "Don't talk to me, can you?" "But you already did." "Alright, what is it?" She asked in a pissed tone. I'm the one who should be made here, right? Why it's like the tables have turned? "Do you remember the giant black wolf when Lady Selene recruited you from the human world?" She raised her brow as if she's going to bite my hand again but this time, it seems like she's adding it with a pounce. 'Seriously, who's the wolf between the two of us?' "What? Of course, that wolf is nice." I looked at the chimney then averted my glance at her after an idea flashed through my mind. "Do you want to meet that wolf again, Mira?" It took a minute or two after she responded to me with a serious look in her eyes. "What if I told you I wanted to?" "Then meet Salem tomorrow at the forest behind the dorm where you at. Don't worry, I'll assure you that she won't spread any chaos." Our conversation ended just by that, their silent atmosphere gives awkwardness to her. After a minute or two, a knock from the door disturbed the silence and they got followed by laughter. Salem opened the door and Mira's parents entered along with her. "You're such a funny child, Salem. I hope we can get along sometimes, go to the infirmary if you have spare time, honey." The lady with an innocent face like Mira said before messing with Salem's hair despite how big their height gap is. 'Since when did you become nice?' 'Come on, they're fun but my parents are a hundred ways more fun than them.' "Alright, I do bring my books if I visit you again Mrs. Chivalry." The man tapped her shoulder like their very close friends, "You're so big for a lady, how old are you?" "I'm 16 years old, Mr. Chivalry." I stood up then approached them politely. I earned a judging gaze from her father while a cheery and welcoming gaze from her mother. "I'm Zachary Levine, it's pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Chivalry." I offered my hand to her mother first that she wholeheartedly accept it while it took so long for me when it comes to her father. "I'm Lily Chivalry and he's my husband, Winston Chivalry." "Why Mira is in your place?" He immediately asked me. "Oh yes, I want to meet my girlfriend's parents," I replied confidently despite how I earned a glare from her father. 'Dude, you're pretty stupid. You should go to their place not them going on yours, right?' 'Oh, I forget that.' "Please have a seat, Ma'am and Sir." I glared at Salem when Mira's parents are turning their backs at me. 'How polite hound with deadly rabies.' She mouthed before laughing silently while serving food and beverage to them. 'I'm going to throw you out of this room if you don't stop.' I mouthed back. 'Like sky diving?' I glared once again before facing them, "I deeply apologize for making my cousin bring you here instead of going to your place." "We understand," Lily replied. "What do you mean by girlfriend? What are you?" Winston asked while narrowing his eyes at me. "Mr. Chivalry, I'm a shifter, and I...claimed you daughter." My reply causes him to stand up furiously and grab my collar. "You did what?!"
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