
The Gamer

game player
another world

Its about guy who got into a game and was trapped there and he become one of the game characters to get the crystal that was in the hand of the most powerful game character Because of his Determition he became strong in life with in his journey in the game world he met his new friends

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The First Chapter
In the modern world there was a highschool student named Ando his dream is to be an Engineer so that he can help his parents in life and to give his siblings a good life and make the whole family a house so that they don't have to live with other people anymore and because of his dream of helping his family He worked hard so much ,He Studied in the morning and at night he worked in a Restaurant as a Waiter. One night on his way home he passed by a computer shop and he thought of researching his lessons for his upcoming exam, so he went in and for a moment the electricity went out in the whole city and Ando immediately turned on the flashlight and he looked outside the shop and suddenly he noticed that the computer he used is open and he saw a sentence that said "The Mystery" and immediately the computer was turned off and the electricity went back and has restored to the whole city.Due to the shock of what he saw Ando was about to tell the guard the Computer shop, But he realized that maybe he was just tired from work so he just went home. While he was walking Down the street there were Fire trucks and Ambulance Passing by and people were Rioting and Ando was so confused so he asked a the man on the street Ando:Excuse me sir, Can l ask What's Going on? The man: It is said that there was a fire, because of a candle that fell on the curtain... Ando:Where did the. fire Occur? The man:On East Street! Ando:What?? Did you say East Street !!!! Ando Immediately ran to the location of the fire because their house was there and when Ando arrived at the place where the fire occurred, the fire was thick and flowing throughout the building and he saw his father,mother and siblings were brought into the ambulance so Ando immediately went to the Ambulance,for While Ando was in the Hospital waiting for the Doctor what is the situation of his family and the Doctor came out of the emergency room and said that his parents and siblings was all dead and as Ando's World Crumbled upon Hearing the news,He couldn't believe that his family was dead so he ask the Doctor again if what he heard was true.. Ando:Doc are kidding me?tell me,Doc tell me my family isn't dead yet right? Doctor:Sorry, Kid but we don't have the power to make them not to die but we do all our best to save your family sorry there's nothing we can do now it happen I'm really sorry Ando Cried for the Loss of his family .The next morning,Ando woke up in the front of the hospital door and was surprised to see his father sister,Aunt Lora Aunt Lora:Ando What are Doing here?.... Ando:What are you Doing here? ah.... Maybe you heard about what happened in..... Aunt Lora:Yes,I heard about it you know i didn't really want to come here but my son force me to help you so i will help you this time, I will take care of treating them and Don't think too much and by the way im curious what did you feed to my son, why does he tolerate you and im the one who become evil in his eyes Ando:I don't know! and i almost forgot i don't need your help, I'll take care of everything for burying them.. Aunt Lora:Whom to bury??? Ando:My beloved Family,Thank you Aunt for the help that i just now heard from your mouths even though you were only forced, for the length of time that we asked for help from you, Now you really listened, but Don't worry this is the last time you will hear from me the word "help us" Aunt Lora:What did you say? Ando Im sorry I hurt your feelings I don't know if my brother will ever forgive me to all i have done to him You know i didn't help him because he feel in love with a poor woman and to all my nephews, I didn't even get to know them all and Ando your Aunt Apologizes to you , I hope you forgive me! Ando:The saying that regret comes last is really true, if I can't Forgive you maybe the people around me will won't forgive me ,So I will forgive you Despite the hurtful words you said to us ,but the fact that we are blood related it still won't go away ..... On the Day of Ando's Family Funeral , His Parents Friends came and Aunt Lora also come with his family after a few hours, those who attended the funeral went to their homes and Only Ando was left standing in front of his family funeral his tears falling as he said the word "I love you all " ------------------------------- ( The Rain is Falling From the Sky as if it were Crying because of the sadness of the heart at the loss of the one who makes him happy)

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