
THE POWER OF OPENING UP HELPS TO HEAL (this is book that contain of alot character,life game changes way of living a better life


power of opening up helps to heal it's a story that narrate about a young girl who was jailed for a crime that she didn't commit the suffer she went through in order to hide her pain not having a friend or family to relay on and share her sorrow's with them,it's only indicate how many people are going through pain without exposing their pain or sharing their problem by hiding with a smile on the face,it's hurt to be alone not knowing who or how to share your problem with others**********chapter onelife is indeed complicated we think we are living among people who think positive about us only to find out that the same people we trust are the same who ashame us and let us rot in pain,as they say a problem shared it's half solved but do you think that your problem today might be someone us encouragement tomorrow,let's think of tomorrow that no matter how bad you are also you can still be used as an example all we need it's to believe in ourselves and trust our God. How did I find myself in prison, "Claudia! Claudia!wake up or we might be late again for breakfast I don't want to clean the dining hall and you know how those b***tch behave well eating,oky whatever don't you get tired of complaining Tessa you know come to think of it you should have been called "bee" yes bee it's normally make alot of noise well doing it's business Led the way anyway. How do you explain to everyone how life is or what life is because I don't understand why people live I don't have a purpose to live and tired with the same goal each day all I think of is revenge I don't think I will let my father family go just like that my uncle and cousin have to pay for the death of my parents and siblings they made me become orphan for nothing only because of money like surely what's money,yes I know you think am crazy but I hate money yeah yeah I know I can't survive without money but what's the need to work hard to look for money and get when you die you won't be able to be buried with money,this thing normally driver's me insane thinking of tomorrow it's a day that can't be promised at all,but I have learnt how to survive in prison for 5years playing along with the rude bi***tch and pretending it's my thing it's only the only way to survive without being kick and beaten without caring and nobody will rescue you I normally feel sorry for those who are beaten but their is nothing I can do if the administration can't do anything who am I to get involved with such things I hope they find their way out.All my life honestly I have never been in love yes in highschool I had a boyfriend but my parents were strict around me it's was the worst years of pretending not to be a virgin and watch silly movies in order to have stories to share with my friends but anyway they were still my parents I won't blame them maybe a day shall come I become a parent but I don't think so me and children are way too different,I can't believe I have this thing called "crush" on the cute muscle guy ever since the came it's been 2yrs feeling this way but what can I do those people are powerful and you know power holds everything even money, anytime I see him I will shy and blush like a teenager thanks to God he has never noticed me and I bet he will never do that why will he,a girl like me with nobody a murderer of her own family who will like to associate with someone like me seriously but all in all am not ready for anything. Claudia Melissa roman what are you doing here all alone planning to run away mmmh!!me!!mmmh! "yes you" i ....no..what i mean is...i si...r i swear it's not what you are thinking ooh! seem you know what am thinking "no... i mean" why are you stammering i have seen you couple of times interesting with your friend what's her name yeah Teresa (ooh!my gosh! that means he thinks of me the same way I normally think of him no no Claudia be just said he has seen you couple of times stop overthinking)***nothing sir I was just breathing fresh air and I was not planning to run away have no where to go this now my home. You know your face look innocent not like a murderer but who am I to judge do you normally bite your lips often it's hard to look at you and do nothing about the those sweet lips you need to stop or one of this days I might not be able to control the demon holding me back now not to do something,get it,if you excuse me I need to head back to the office.The moment he left I felt as if my body has frozen I could not move my legs or treble my lips this insane I don't know how to describe this feeling like I was talking to my crush the guy I have been in love with for 2years I could not even bring myself to ask his name,those eyes melted the Gossebump surrounding my body truly they say love doesn't die easily it's take time to overcome it but this is what we call crazy but not being crazy,his cologne left behind a better taste i wish i can hold him just onces how will i feel like those muscles on his arms i bet he goes to gym crazy.

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Chapter one: CONFUSED. its like looking up in the sky and waiting for a rain drop well it's on summer sadly.
Ever sinces that day with the muscle guy i haven't seen him around i don't know why i feel so empty sometimes i think by seeing him makes me feel alive despite being alive this mind of mine it's driving me crazy but what can i do apart from being strong,you know one of this days Claudia you might be a mad woman at the centre of a market but lucky you are in prison so spill the beans what or who has been bothering your little mind and please don't tell me it's nothing mmh!waiting ... you know sometimes you should mind your own business anyway i know who won't leave me alone so the muscle guy i told you about, you know his name is Damian roman Romania what!what! you mean to tell me his name is roman Mmmh oky so he said alot of compliment towards me about how i bite my lips it's only his statement made me doubt him,so the problem is i haven't seen him around and it's driving me crazy i can't stop myself from thinking about him, ooh!my little Claudia has fallen in love i told you one of this day you will fall in love but who is Claudia ooh!no Tessa it's just a normal crush it will fade away within time now it's been 2 years and yet still think of him ,honestly i haven't seen even darrel around, Darrel!!who is Darrel? Tessa gosh why are you blushing! blushing! blushing.......that not the point here Claudia come let go and investigate why your cute muscle guy is not around don't give me that look i know you want to come so hurry before i change my mind. ****************** Tessa you know one of this days i might fall for your silly games and get in trouble i hope you know what you are doing or i might kill you with my bear teeth and am serious, yeah!yeah! whatever just follow me and keep quiet and learn from me,i had a bad feeling that something might turn to mess but my curiosity won't let my pride take first i wanted to know what Tessa had on her mind i hope we don't get caught i have not work hard 5 years to be detained for more years just because of a silly mistake ah!are we not there yet am starting to get worried please God help me protect us from trouble,ooh! no what are we doing in Damian office Tessa you know they might think we are trying to escape from prison or something else, relax dear nobody is around i did my investigation so am sure what am doing so are you in or out your choice you can still go back you know..... definitely am in so let's get this done what are we looking for you can't be serious anything you are indeed insane,oky i will look around the table you look over their gosh!this office can replace my previous bedroom it was not huge but this is classic and modern so what am i looking for,i was busy searching till i came across a letter but it's seem familiar with i pulled out the letter from a dairy book to my surprise it's my letter i can't believe he has this, how! ...how ooh no i had place it on the suggestion box and how comes it's here this crazy am confused before i could open the second drawer we heard a click on the door that means someone was here i gave her the look what they hell you said we were safe this girl is crazy she responded with the face i don't know bit***tch like seriously they only thing we could have done it's freeze waiting for the worse,i was still holding the letter i hide it behind my back also waiting for my death and the worse came Damian with two handsome gentlemen came in they were busy talking seem they haven't seen us that when one of the guy turn his eyes on Tessa it's seem their was something fishy the way he was looking at her searching for something i could not get and then he turn towards where i was standing that how he attracted the attention of the two they were as surprise as him i tried to smile,sad,worry but my face was empty nothing came out of my mouth. look what we have here fresh ladies to have on supper truly God has answered my pray what! please tell me you two don't know this beautiful ladies indeed i guess you know them, Tessa mother Teresa it's been while sinces i saw you and today it's happen am seeing you at the wrong place care to explain why both of you are doing here,you are the murderer i saw on the magazine the lady who killed her parents and siblings, i could not move my legs,my body it's like i was stack i waited for the muscle guy to explain that am not a murderer but nothing he was busy looking at his phone maybe chatting with his girlfriend yeah whatever i don't care, Tessa am still waiting has a cat cut your mouth oky now talk,still waiting..oky seem you don't want to talk let me help you out (kissing) honestly i was shock i waited for Tessa to slap the guy or say all mean words but she was kissing him back as if her life depends on him yuck!yuck! i feel like vomiting ah! nobody was talking not even the first guy, they were busy on their phone like nothing was happening i guess i got your smile, attention pretty lady care to explain, what do you think Damian should we punish them detention to the black room for two weeks but Tessa i will spear you only for one day your friend can take over the rest of the days sash!!ssh i know you want to defend her but that my final word you can dismiss don't think of doing such kind of thing get it. I was confused neither did Damian or the other guy look on my direction probably Damian not even a word i was hurt i felt pain in my heart but what could i have done he has a girlfriend or a wife but why would he have my letter i could not control my mouth i had to ask,why do you have this letter?it's been 2 years why do you have this letter am talking to you Damian not onces did he look at me i had to take action on my hands and took his phone away from him, now i have gotten your attention why do you have this letter answer me, hah! my attention trust me woman you can't have my attention not today or tomorrow and the so called letter i don't know what is written in you can drop it in the dustbin on your way out am kind busy and give me back my phone immediately, i..i.. why was i stammering i could not bring myself to talk i was angry ,hurt broken i don't know what i was feeling but the next thing i did shock my nerves i captured his lips and started kissing him hard,with pain ,regrets till i felt him giving a way for me to eat his lips i didn't waste time and deep my lips on his lips hard till i felt his hands coming towards my waste i pulled away and look at him direct to his eyes,a fool is someone who doesn't see what is in front of him about my parents death i don't care whoever judge me at all i don't care get it. ******************* Angry was the word written on my face who the hell do they think they are i hate when people judge others based on a hit or anything foolish,i left the office after what happened between me and Damian i can't believe i had the nerve to do something as stupid as that but don't blame me i normally control my anger but what took over in me it's what i can't describe i knew Tessa wanted for explanation but i was also angry with her i wish i didn't listen to her that feeling of you might get caught up in a mess was roaming around me but who is Claudia i could not let my curiosity get over me i had to do something to cure the curiosity of wanting to know where Damian was,that man stole apart of my heart he stole my whole body and mind i can't forget about him no matter what i do it's not easy to let him go no matter how i try my best i can't seem to let him go i do love him so much but the thought of telling him that got me scared,i fear rejection what if he says he is not interested in me aah i won't think again.

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