Story By Elizabeth Wairimu

Elizabeth Wairimu

THE POWER OF OPENING UP HELPS TO HEAL (this is book that contain of alot character,life game changes way of living a better life
Updated at May 31, 2024, 12:27
power of opening up helps to heal it's a story that narrate about a young girl who was jailed for a crime that she didn't commit the suffer she went through in order to hide her pain not having a friend or family to relay on and share her sorrow's with them,it's only indicate how many people are going through pain without exposing their pain or sharing their problem by hiding with a smile on the face,it's hurt to be alone not knowing who or how to share your problem with others**********chapter onelife is indeed complicated we think we are living among people who think positive about us only to find out that the same people we trust are the same who ashame us and let us rot in pain,as they say a problem shared it's half solved but do you think that your problem today might be someone us encouragement tomorrow,let's think of tomorrow that no matter how bad you are also you can still be used as an example all we need it's to believe in ourselves and trust our God. How did I find myself in prison, "Claudia! Claudia!wake up or we might be late again for breakfast I don't want to clean the dining hall and you know how those b***tch behave well eating,oky whatever don't you get tired of complaining Tessa you know come to think of it you should have been called "bee" yes bee it's normally make alot of noise well doing it's business Led the way anyway. How do you explain to everyone how life is or what life is because I don't understand why people live I don't have a purpose to live and tired with the same goal each day all I think of is revenge I don't think I will let my father family go just like that my uncle and cousin have to pay for the death of my parents and siblings they made me become orphan for nothing only because of money like surely what's money,yes I know you think am crazy but I hate money yeah yeah I know I can't survive without money but what's the need to work hard to look for money and get when you die you won't be able to be buried with money,this thing normally driver's me insane thinking of tomorrow it's a day that can't be promised at all,but I have learnt how to survive in prison for 5years playing along with the rude bi***tch and pretending it's my thing it's only the only way to survive without being kick and beaten without caring and nobody will rescue you I normally feel sorry for those who are beaten but their is nothing I can do if the administration can't do anything who am I to get involved with such things I hope they find their way out.All my life honestly I have never been in love yes in highschool I had a boyfriend but my parents were strict around me it's was the worst years of pretending not to be a virgin and watch silly movies in order to have stories to share with my friends but anyway they were still my parents I won't blame them maybe a day shall come I become a parent but I don't think so me and children are way too different,I can't believe I have this thing called "crush" on the cute muscle guy ever since the came it's been 2yrs feeling this way but what can I do those people are powerful and you know power holds everything even money, anytime I see him I will shy and blush like a teenager thanks to God he has never noticed me and I bet he will never do that why will he,a girl like me with nobody a murderer of her own family who will like to associate with someone like me seriously but all in all am not ready for anything. Claudia Melissa roman what are you doing here all alone planning to run away mmmh!!me!!mmmh! "yes you" i i mean is...i si...r i swear it's not what you are thinking ooh! seem you know what am thinking "no... i mean" why are you stammering i have seen you couple of times interesting with your friend what's her name yeah Teresa (ooh!my gosh! that means he thinks of me the same way I normally think of him no no Claudia be just said he has seen you couple of times stop overthinking)***nothing sir I was just breathing fresh air and I was not planning to run away have no where to go this now my home. You know your face look innocent not like a murderer but who am I to judge do you normally bite your lips often it's hard to look at you and do nothing about the those sweet lips you need to stop or one of this days I might not be able to control the demon holding me back now not to do something,get it,if you excuse me I need to head back to the office.The moment he left I felt as if my body has frozen I could not move my legs or treble my lips this insane I don't know how to describe this feeling like I was talking to my crush the guy I have been in love with for 2years I could not even bring myself to ask his name,those eyes melted the Gossebump surrounding my body truly they say love doesn't die easily it's take time to overcome it but this is what we call crazy but not being crazy,his cologne left behind a better taste i wish i can hold him just onces how will i feel like those muscles on his arms i bet he goes to gym crazy.