
Game Overwrite

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Year 5091 a year where a new game going to overwrite a old game. Godtoh is a VMMORPG( Virtual Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) whose been famous around the world, Godtoh are popular enough to that's why people in different country playing it, spending their whole lives. As Godtoh continue it's reign The Developer of Godtoh created a New and Advance Godtoh Game called Dungeon Online. D-O or Dungeon Online are just like other normal dungeon game that can be played at Android and IOS. 20 years Later, Year 5111 The Dungeon Online Overwrited the Godtoh And now Feb 18 5111 the official release of Dungeon Online.

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Game Overwrite
Year 5091 a year where a new game going to overwrite a old game. Godtoh is a VMMORPG( Virtual Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game). Godtoh is a game where player are going and play as their Avatar, they're going to login via ODC ( Online Dive Capsule). Godtoh is game owned by a Rich Unpopular Man that he didn't exposed himself on public. Players can convert their Godtoh coins into Real World Money, if you are Rich Inside Godtoh you are Rich in RealWorld. But Godtoh is ended because there's a new game that going to be the Godtoh 2.0. the Dungeon Online. *Intro Noises Intensifies* |Feb 18 5111| The bell of school rang sign that the school is over now. The Student,Teachers,Guards, Driver are all rushing to get home. All of them are players of Godtoh and they're going to start to play Dungeon Online. On a certain Classroom there's one male student left Izumi Hiragana he is a Inborn Gamer , his father is a Computer Programer and his Mother is a IT Prof. Yet he's alone his mother and father died cause of a car accident he saw the whole thing. His parents died before his two eyes. He is now leaving alone he's is making a living just playing Godtoh, players can convert their ingame currency to Real life currency. The breeze of the wind flows directly at the window of the room Making the window noise. The sleeping Inside the classroom named "Izumi Hiragana". Wind blows throughout the window, as it make noises causing the man sleeping inside classroom awaken from his slumber. Izumi opened his eyes gently as he saw there's nobody around. "Shi-, I overslept again." He yawn and stretched his 2 slender arms, he then stood up from his position and grabbed his bag. By the time he grabbed his bag he looked at the window and saw wonderful view. "The Sunset is Beautiful as ever, i wish mom and dad was Still here" After staring at the view he left and goes to his apartment. After a half hour walking he arrived at the entrance, he saw a large billboard an advertisement from Dungeon Online. Izumi thinks that if he play and grind 24/7 he's going to survive for a year of life. Izumi walked at the entrance and saw the new delivery of ODC. "I wish I can afford new one, my money is not enough to afford one I only have the old ODC from Godtoh." He walked fast and take elevator, as he arrived at the floor where his room to be found someone bumped into him. A long-haired girl with glasses bumped over him. "Oh fu-" Izumi just released a random word. Before the 2 of then fell on the ground. Izumi stood up furiously as he saw that a girl bumped into him. Izumi loses his anger and helped the girl to stood up. He offered his hand. "Here let me help you." The girl grabbed the hand of Izumi as she stood up from his position. "T-thank you Mr." She bowed and bowed so many times. She then quickly left. Izumi Wonder why that girl is so weird he then just continue walking. Izumi arrived inside his room, he then unbuttoned his polo and dropped his bag. He didn't eat nor feast because due to disappearance of Godtoh now he's poor. He quickly goes where his old ODC placed, he sat inside wore the helmet and switched the On button, and says "Online Drive Start." |Start| |Login| |Reading Save Data| Unknown girl voice Appeared saying. "Would you like to login as your current savedata? Pick Start to continue." Izumi confused because his data must been erased because it's a new game. Without hesitation Izumi picked start and the game load. The data loaded and Izumi teleported *Teleport noises intensifies* "What. Where are the players why I am at the middle of wasteland." From the bug Izumi realized that he is at the middle of sand wasteland. "I am supposed to be at the center town" he shouted. By his loud voice Monster would seen walking towards him and it's all max lvl. Izumi thinks that if he get killed by one of those he's going to respawn at the Starter town. One of the monster rushes a Dark death worm, the mob would seen rushing towards to the position where Izumi standing, the body of the worm is enormous all things stand to its way flew away. The worm got closer it revealed itself, the head of the worm is 10x larger than the body of Izumi it's Teeth are sharp as hawk talon. The saliva of the worm is like acid. Then it strikes, Izumi didn't do a move he just stand , his body got crushed into pieces as a gui appeared. |Would you like to respawn| |Yes| |No| Izumi picked yes. Hence he got teleported where he died. "Oh my God, why I'm here again" Izumi do the same again and again, his body crushed into pieces many times. But when Izumi dies he always got tons of EXP so every death of Izumi equivalent of 1 level. He is now Level 58 |Avatar Stats| Name: Izumi Hiragana Battle Class: All Rounder Level: 58 Magical Affinity: Dark Weapon Used: N/A |Stats| Strength: 0 (58) Endurance: 0 (58) Wisdom: 0 (58) Agility: 0 (58) Attributes Points: 174 Izumi saw his stats and he was shocked. He's level 58 and earned bunch of Attributes points. He puts 50 of Attributes points on health and the rest at Endurance. By the times he's done setting his inner stats The worn again rushes towards him, the experience of Izumi is beyond Newbie he's a professional hunter on Godtoh, quickly dashes side wards as he dodged the attack. Without a sec Izumi Summoned a dual dagger on his hand and another gui appeared. |Would you like to set this weapon as your main?| |Yes| |No| Izumi picked the yes fast as he can as he strikes. He quickly create a solidify dark thingy using his magical Affinity. Using it he then quickly manage to take a great momentum as he dashes towards the worm body. He draw his daggers he then quickly stab the body of the worm and slice throughout it's outer body. The Monster died and another gui appeared. |Congratulations you killed the boss would you like to teleport at the Starter Town?| |Yes| This time it's only yes. Izumi picked yes and a door appeared in front of him, he then quickly goes in as he teleported at the Center of Starter town.

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