
The Reign of the Alpha Warrior.

supernature earth

Book number 2 of the Female Alpha Warrior

Queen Annalease and King Mark have taken the throne Now they rule over the entire Kingdom. With her protectors and family and friends she must face challenges, deceit and heartbreak as she has to deal with threats of hunters, rogues and black witches along with whatever life throws at them while raising the next generation of Royals. But what will happen when her own two jade pups are at risk to be placed in a trafficking ring to be sold to the highest bidder like a lot of the special supernatural creatures with special powers like herself ? Will she give up her crown in order to protect her family and hide the children? Or will she risk her own life to protect all of those within her kingdom even if it means going to war with another Kingdom.

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Queen Annalease
It had been three years since Queen Annalease claimed her throne. A throne she grew up knowing nothing about until the death of her father Alpha Dad. When she had found out about her Royal ties she was already the alpha of the Harvest Moon Pack and The Crescent Moon pack. Harvest moon was her pack that she was in the process of taking over for her father who wished to retire, and the crecent moon pack was one she saved from a selfish hateful alpha who was steadily destroying his own for him to live lavishly. Queen Annalease was now married to her protector and lifetime best friend Mark. She had her hands full raising her children. Prince Timmy, Princess Mary Beth, Princess Kimi she adopted. Then there was here clone, Helena Grace, followed by the litter which included Princess Milani, Who was the next in line for the throne, Prince Little John, Princess Catherine and Prince Austin who were Jade wolves, . Between them all, she definitely had her hands full. Timmy and Mary Beth were protectors of Helena Grace. Annalease was outside with the children playing when a warrior came up to her. "Queen Annalease,it's urgent, you are needed at the southern border. " The warrior said as he bowed. The nannies came running out of the palace knowing that the warrior would only be up there if they needed the queen. Annalease linked Mark, Jake and Cameron. Once the nannies had the children inside, the four of them went to the southern border to see what was happening there. Queen Annalease and King Mark walked up to warriors who had surrounded something. They made a path for the King and Queen. As Annalease walked up she saw a witch that she had met at the island. "What is going on here" Annalease asked. The witch bowed at once. "Queen Annalease, I tried to explain to these idiots that I am not a black witch!" Katelynn said pointing to the warriors who had her by her arms. "Release her immediately" Annalease ordered. The warriors dropped her. Annalease stared daggers at the men. She linked Cameron and Jake a message to handle them for her. "My Queen, I am here to warn you....." as Katelynn began to speak the palace alarm rang loudly. Annalease looked at Mark with sheer terror on her face. That was the alarm fort the children. Moon took charge and as she shifted within the blink of an eye so did Hurricane. Twister and Disaster shifted as well and ran behind Moon along with all of the warriors. Katelyn following as quickly as she could. A wolf scooped her up onto his back as he ran to catch up Katelynn couldn't believe her eyes. She was to late it seemed. The palace was already under attack. Demons, a few warlocks and a few creatures unknown to Katelynn were fighting the warriors. It was becoming the blood bath that she had been told would be happening. She didn't know it would be this soon. She thought she would have time. She saw Moon. She was hard to miss. Katelynn ran over to Moon. Using her magic she spoke to Moon. "We must find Hocus, my brother. He is after the clone" Moon looked at her and almost growled until she remembered that Katelynn was trying to warn Annalease of something before the alarm sounded. Moon took off to the children's locked containment center. Annalease could sense that the children were all in the cell safe for now anyways. Annalease shifted. Katelynn where is Hocus at?" Annalease yelled looking for the witch's twin brother. Katelynn tapped into her senses to find her brother. Since they were twins she could easily find him.Katelynn pointed to the ceiling as she vanished from Annalease's sight. ""Mary Beth,you and Timmy keep the others in there. only open if it is me and only if I am linking you like now. No one else! No other way do you let anyone open that door." Annalease ordered her children. She knew Mary Beth would not sway from her order at all. Annalease then heard barking from upstairs. "Oh know Kiarra and the pups are still out" And they were upstairs.Moon shifted on e again as she leaped to the next floor. Katelynn stood in front of the door to where Kiarra was. Annalease could hear Kiarra growling ready to attack and defend her pups. Annalease saw Hocus. Things were flying around him and the air around him was turning a reddish black color. This was bad. Very bad. He was using blood magic. Katelynn was powerless against it, but not Annalease thanks to the witches she had saved. Annalease reached to her neck to make certain it was there. She used her powers to to control objects to lock the room the wolves were in. That is why she kept her special key to lock it down in the same spot in every room in case she ever needed to do this. As she thought about what she needed to do and imagining the key floating to the lock pad, the key lifted and did as she wanted. The room locked down. There was no way now that Hocus could get to Kiarra and the wolf pups. Annalease could breathe a little easier now, but they still had to deal with Hocus. . Hocus stood staring at his sister Katelynn when he heard the steel walls shutting around the room. He knew that someone had to have locked it down somehow. The only one he knew capable of doing such a thing would be Katelynn. "You witch! How dare you lock down that room. I told you that you will not stop me. You are supposed to help me, not try to destroy me " Hocus yelled at his twin sister. Katelynn looked at him confused. She had no idea what he was talking about, because she did not lock the room down. Then Katelynn caught a glimpse of Annalease. That explained it. "I told you that it was a crazy idea Hocus. It won't work. You can't have their powers and you can't sell them " Katelynn yelled back at him trying to keep him distracted. The color around Hocus grew even stronger and darker. Fire began to spark at Hocus' fingertips. This was about to get ugly Katelynn thought. Annalease cane up behind Hocus without him even knowing she was on the floor. he was to busy blaming Katelynn for his failure. Annalease was able to summon up a magical containment cell. It was light as air, Annalease could tell. It didn't drag her down and drain her. like big heavy objects. She brought the cell behind him. Annalease then was able to manipulate the earth to wrap him in vines to pull him into the cell. It wouldn't matter once he was inside the vines would disappear because he would already be trapped. Annalease took a deep breathe before to calm herself down. . Annalease concentrated on the grown behind the cell. she watched amazed as plants sprung to like, growing rapidly then all of the sudden the vines had wrapped around lm Hocus dragging him in the cell as it locked as soon as he was behind the door. Annalease called a couple warriors to take him to the dungeon. Annalease would also need to talk to Katelynn "Katelynn in going to need to speak with you, so plan on staying at least for dinner. You have a few pertinent things to take care of first. The first being my children once I clear the area. Feel free to join in the takedown" Annalease said as she walked down the stairs carefully surveying the scene. . Much to her surprise though the warriors did a fantastic job with taking down the demons and Warlocks. Mark, Jake and Cameron walked over to her to assure themselves she was ok. They list her when Moon took over and she was worried about the children and the pups. "Interrogation time" Cameron asked excited. "You three can go, I need a shopping trip with my girls. Y'all get baby duty" Annalease said smiling. Cameron and Jake all to willing was ready for baby duty if it meant they got to go shopping. Annalease unlocked the safe rooms whole linking the girls to get ready . "I cod have taken care of them mommy" Timmy said about the demons. "How about you help the guys clean up and then you and Mary Beth train some" Annalease told Tim y. "Aww man, I didn't let those things out and they are not even pets. Not any I would want anyways " Timmy said "Do t you have homework or a certain test coming up that you need to study for? Annalease asked. "On mom, I'll help clean up then" Timmy said defeated. "Mom can I go with you shopping PLEASE!;" Mary Beth asked Annalease knew it was time for her new clothes. She was growing way to quick. "Yes Mary Beth, you can go. Why don't you see if the other girls want to go" Annalease asked her. Mary Beth nodded and ran towards the play room. . Alexandria and Marcus walked over towards Annalease with the twins. "Did I hear shopping" Alexandria said smiling. giving Annalease a hug."Did we miss something here?" Marcus said looking around. "Yeah, a warlock named Hocus and his little demon friends." Mark answered shaking his head. "One of the witch's from the island, it was her twin brother. She came to warn us, but the guards of course had to give her a hard time and made us come to the border, and when we went he attacked." Annalease explained. then she added "He was after the pups, all of the pups" She emphasized "all" because that included her two Jade wolf pups Prince Austin and Princess Catherine. "may we go play with Timmy" the twins asked. "Well you can go help him help the warriors clean up first then you may play. How about that?" Annalease asked. "Yes Mam" they yelled excited running off to help Timmy. They all laughed at the boys. "Now what about this shopping I heard?" Alexandria said. "I want to know more about what Hocus had planned first. He said something about the black market,and if they have someone interested in Jade pups or special wolf pups then we need to find them before they find them here." Annalease explained. "Well how about I interrogate him and the others, if there are any others left" Marcus offered as he looked around at the left over mess the warriors were cleaning up. "That would be great. I have Katelynn here as well so she will need to be interrogated as well just to be on the safe side. She said she came to warn us but with his attack coinciding with her alarm of threat, I just want to be certain that was not a distraction mechanism." Annalease explained. Then she added. "Treat her as if she was just a witness and see if she slips any. That way we are not accusing her of wrong doing right away." Annalease told him. Marcus nodded in understanding. "Are you going to Mom" Mary Beth came running up to her parents hugging them. "I sure am" Alexandria confirmed. "Ok well do t flip out when I get my ears pierced again and cut my hair." Mary Beth said seriously. Annalease, Marcus and Alexandria looked at her stunned before Annalease and Alexandria both said "I don't think so" . Mary Beth just laughed at them. "GOTCHA!!" She said laughing and then running as Marcus chased her. Annalease and Alexandria just laughed. Then Alexandria asked "You don't think she is serious do you about cutting her hair?" Mary Beth had long jet black hair that was down to her butt. Annalease knew she was getting tired of it being that long but was leaving it between Alexandria and Mary Beth as to when or if she cut her hair. "I'm staying out of that. That's between the two of you. I could care less about either one as long as she isn't eight years old wanting a tattoo. Everything else I can deal with" Annalease said laughing at Alexandria who had a worried look on her face as they walked to her truck. She had Jake to go ahead and hook up a trailer to her jeep Alpha Dad had given her before he died and it was all ready. Annabelle Christy, , Cassie and Zia met Annalease and Alexandria. Mary Beth brought Milani, Helena Grace, Catherine, and Kimi. They all separated into two vehicles and left for their shopping trip. Marcus found Katelynn in the palace lounge area waiting. As he walked in she stood up and bowed. "No need for all of that Katelynn. I just need to ask you a few questions so I know where to start with your brother. Come on into my office" Marcus said showing her the way. They entered his office and he had her to have a seat. "So Hocus is your twin right?" Marcus began asking her a list of questions just to get her comfortable. When he saw that her guard was down, he started his vampire charm easily at first so she would not sense his presence in her thoughts. He continued to ask easy questions with increasing significance as he saw she didn't notice his charm had taken affect. "How did you find out what Hocus had planned" Marcus asked. "Oh he asked me to help him. He said that the pups were worth a lot of money and that they special wolves had a secret power to them that he wanted for himself" Katelynn answered. "Do you know who wanted the Jade pups" Marcus asked her. "A king over seas. King Malcolm" She answered. "And what was your answer to Hocus about helping him" Marcus asked her. "I told him no, but now I think he knew I would warn the Queen and used me for a distraction" She answered honestly. Marcus could not detect anything but that being the truth. He had the answers he needed so he released his charm just as easily and began laughing and joking with her once again. "Well that finishes things here with you Katelynn. You are free to go now. Thank you for your help and thank you for warning the Queen." Marcus told her as he walked her to the door. Marcus linked Mark to tell him about King Malcolm was the one that wanted the Jade pups. Mark was down in the dungeon with Hocus starting the interrogation. Marcus needed to talk to Annalease about the special powers the wolf pups were supposed to have. He didn't know anything about that. He wondered if Annalease did because it was not like her to keep that type of information away from him. Marcus walked down to the dungeon to join Mark and the others so he could get some more information from Hocus before the guys tortured him to death. Queen Annalease and the other girls pulled up to the mall. Right away Annalease knew something was up with Mary Beth and Helena Grace. Those two had become just about inseperable. They were best friends even though they were four years apart. Helena Grace acted much older than what she was. She also knew more than the average four year old. She acted and knew more than even some adults. Henry told Annalease not to worry about it, but Gregory was worried about how fast Helena Grace was mentally aging as well as physically aging. She was the same size as Mary Beth now. The two girls were over beside the jeep giggling about something. "Ok you two, what are you giggling about now? What are you up to now?" Annalease asked staring at them. "Nothing mom" They both said looking at the ground. The girls all needed new clothes as well as the boys. Matter of fact all of the children in the royal family was in need of new clothes. It was also time to redo the room assignments considering all of the children needed their own rooms instead of the nursery and playroom that all of them had taken over. So today Annalease was going to surprise everyone with new rooms. She and Zia went to get new bedroom suites for all of the children along with things for the new playrooms. After all of them were all paid for along with bedding, Annalease paid and had them load everything while she and Zia continued to shop.

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