Chapter 3

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Present Eirina was sitting next to John in her office’s dining table. He wasn’t going anywhere and Eirina knew it! He came here to take what he wanted the most. Once the catering service went off, she spoke “Alright, but why your grandfather chose me as your wife?” “He knew everything kitty. He always knew everything about you. I told him about the baby too.... and the trick you used back then”. He said with anger. Eirina closed her punch down the table in order John not to see her. “You bast@@@@@rd” she thought but she didn’t say anything. “So, he tries to do what now? I mean... ok, I tried to trick you but you didn’t bite it. I left, we didn’t see each other again. But, why did he try to bring us together after so many years and especially after his death?” “Maybe he wanted to give me a lesson... maybe he wanted to see if i can do anything for the company.” He looked at her and he looked at her dish. “Eat” he commanded “you are very thin.” Eirina could not eat. She was having a nightmare! The man who she loved so much, whose child was once in her belly, was here in her office demanding her to marry him. She let down her cutlery and spoke to him “John this is madness. You know that I will not marry you, right? Ever. I am not going to be with you again. You want to marry me because you want your company, but I don’t have anything to win from this marriage.” He stopped eating and said “Indeed honey, you have something to gain from this wedding.” “What is that?” “Your home.” Eirina looked at him confused. “What do you mean John?” “Here is an envelope. It contains details about you father’s financial debt. The bank is going to take all your estates and your brothers company. All you need is 7 million, kitty. What I need is you for one year to be my wife.” Eirina was shocked. What was he telling her? No way. Her father did not have financial issues, she would have known it. She could help. What the hell? “I will give you 7 million as soon as you signed the wedding papers. I want only a year with you Eirina. I will have my lawyers make an premarital contract. Call me when you have an answer.” John looked at her and without a rash, he left the room. Eirina stood in shock. She ordered her secretary to cancel all her today’s appointments, in order to see her father’s envelope. Many hours later Eirina had a terrible headache. She studied for hours the financial statistics and she couldn’t believe in her eyes. No way her father would do such a thing. She took a moment to relax and she looked outside of her window. She saw the sunset and she thought how her life changed in just a day... John He went off her office with a big smile in his face. He knew that he had won the chess game. He knew that she would agree to his proposal. He had already studied Mr. Black financial status and he knew that his company had serious problems. That fool had given free access to his company to his son, who was less capable than himself. He only had to wait Eirina to call him. He had to give her space and time to realize that she couldn’t do anything else than to marry him. And then... his company would be his and not Lizz’s. Oh my God, he was going to marry Eirina. He thought it for a minute.... she had known her for so many years... she had loved her and once he had believed that he could be her husband. And then she ruined everything!! She said that she left her pregnant, when they had already known that they used protection. Holy crab! Why she did this to him? He wanted the child to be his, but no... no... she had tried to trick him with someone else’s child... a year with her under the same roof. Thank god he had a big house. We would be a married couple but he could avoid her. He would sleep in his own bedroom, without her - probably with some girl who could pick in a club -, he would travel for his business. Ok, he had a plan. He could make it. He was so close to success! He just had to wait her to call him. Eirina She just came inside her parents house. She waited to the sitting room, waiting her father to come. She looked outside the window. She loved the view from the sitting room. She always thought that she would come here with her husband and her children. That they would all have barbecue together in the gardens. That the children would play hide and seek in this house.... she thought wrong.... cause her father had done it all wrong! She sighed desperately... her father just came in and hugged her. Eirina hadn’t seen her father for days. He looked stressed, tired... older.... “Hi sweetheart, how are you?” He asked her “Good dad, how are you?” “Fine. Just have a lot of work to do.” “Yeah, I can imagine that.”.... “look dad, I had some information about the company and I had to ask you about that...” “What about the company?” “Have we bankrupted?” “What???? Who told you that?” Her father was furious “Dad is doesn’t matter who told me... just tell me... is it true?” “Eirina..... yes... I tried to solve the problem but I can anymore... banks won’t loan us and we can’t afford so many employees..” “But... why? What went wrong dad?” “We investigated in some companies that had no profits for a long time...” he signed “they gave us the reassurance that they would pay us off but that never happened.... I am sorry honey...” “Why didn’t tell me dad? Maybe I could help...” “I couldn’t let you know how bad the situation was, baby. I couldn’t be the poor one in your eyes...” “So you prefer to loose it all? Aw, dad...” Eirina hugged him... “How much money do we need?” She already knew the answer to her question. She had studied the statistics and she knew... “7.... million....” her dad said She gasped and looked out off the window. They hadn’t much time... she hadn’t much time... she knew she could save the company, her father, the house that she loved soooo much.... but with what cost? Her freedom.... she placed her hand in her belly... “Aw, baby... I wish you were here with me now... How can I marry your dad, when he abandoned us 6 years ago?” She thought and turned around to face her father. “I will find the money... in a week dad.” She said and went off. John “Oh, come on Gas! You know that you can not win!” John said and served. “f**k you! Nothing has come to an end yet!” He shot the ball to Johns side. John laughed out loud and hit the ball. Gas tried to stop the ball but couldn’t make it. “Yes!!!! Another win for Mr. Hertz!” John said They picked their staff and went to the restroom. “How are you mate? Has she called yet?” Asked Gas “No, but she will. I know she will.” “How can you be so sure?” “I know her. She has no other choice buddy. Is the contract ready?” “Yeap, ready to be signed.” “Good, will talk again. I am heading to my car. See you.” John said and left his friend in the restroom. He started the engine and left the tennis club. His phone started ringing. “Hertz.” He said via Bluetooth. “Hi, honey.” “Lizz.” He said and he already knew that this was bad... he was sure that Lizz didn’t call him just to see if he was alright... “So.... three days have passed and I haven’t received any wedding invitation.... are you sure that you are going to be married?” She tossed him “Don’t worry Lizz. The bride has already chosen her dress. Anything else?” He said angrily “Hahahaha, no honey! Have a nice day” she closed the phone... What a bi@@@@ she was! He starred in the sky and he said out loud “see???? She didn’t love you old man! She just messes up with my life!” His phone once again rang. He turned on his car Bluetooth. “What do you want again Lizz?” After a moment of silence he heard: “It’s Eirina, no Lizz...”
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