
on the streets


Angela bailey's recently moves from her glamorous lifestyle in the Beverly hills, to the slum streets of Detroit, due to her dad having to move home to care for his sick parents, they were stubborn and wouldnt leave that place. besides her parents being wealthy, there actually wasn't much things to do with glamorous. she was the fat girl of the school. the freak. which is why she kept her head in the books. when she heard she was relocating to Detroit she couldn't have been happier. but after a year of being there, it was worse than being in the hills. people were actually hitting her. until...she came across Tyrell Moses. the baddest on all blocks. he wasn't to be reckoned with. can Angela keep up with his sort of lifestyle?

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Angela Baileys
"what's wrong fatty? you hungry? hahaha" another boy in my class taunted at me. I just kept my head in my book trying to concentrate on the teacher ahead of me. I felt him throw a scrunched up paper at me. "didn't you hear me? or are you so fat it's seeping into your ears?" he fist pumped his mate next to him as they all laughed at me. his name was Jake price. the high school jock and the biggest pain in my ass since I started this s**t school. once I learned we were moving I was more than excited. anywhere but here was good for me. 2 more days in this hell hole and we were off to Detroit. I heard it was kind of like a hood place. gangs, violence etc but I was soon to find out. my grandparents were really old and my dad wanted to care for them. they didn't wanna leave their home and I don't blame them. this place wasn't as great either. beautiful, but the people were s**t. I didn't fit in here at all so I was glad to leave. I sighed and leant back in my seat ignoring all the taunts I could hear. I had no friends here at all. clicking my pen watching the clock waiting for bell. 1 more minute, I repeated to myself. then the bell rang and I was out of there soon and as far as my chubby little legs would take me. I must admit, I was fat, so I didn't blame them for all the mean things they would say. it was true. I reached home and walked up to my room, boxes all around me letting out a few loose tears. I dobt like school or these people but this room was everything I knew I sure was gonna miss it. my last days at that place flew quickly. I don't even think anyone would notice that I was even gone. I said good bye to all my favorite teachers. and my mom was waiting for me out front all set to leave. "did you get those papers signed baby? for the transfer?" my mom asked me. her name is Christina. she's...how do I say this...white...like real white "yeah mom" I said waving the papers at her "let's get it then baby girl" my dad, Raymond, patted me on the head and opened the car door...he's....black - ish as we drove off I looked back at the place I'll no longer have to deal with again and I felt content. 1 year later "f**k outta the way white girl" a girl said bumping into my shoulder. I've been here just over a year and this school was worse than that fancy place I use to call home. Crenshaw heights. they had a mixture of all kids here. white, black, Hispanic, Asian...all sorts, it was much bigger than my last school and the people here were much more ruthless. I've had my lunch tipped on my head, my head slammed in my locker, beaten up..you name it, they've done it. I don't like to tell anyone cause last time I told my mom, I got hijacked in the toilets. so now I just deal with it. I've managed to make 2 friends since being here. Ethan, he was one of the popular kids, but has always been kind to me...and barb, she was like me, but people never physically hurt her like they did to me. but atleast she wasn't fat. that's what they say anyway. I walked to my locker when I heard Ethan call out "hey Ang!" he smiled at me a soft smile. he was fair skinned, sharp jaw and blue eyes with thick wavy blonde hair. I silently had a crush on him but kept it to myself "hi Ethan" I squealed out making him chuckle and Mt cheeks went red. "so, we're having a party tonight, it's my brother's birthday and he's invited me and my friends to his frat house, you wanna come?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me as his excitement took over "me and parties?? ummm I'm not sure that's a good idea Ethan" I said shaking my head looking at the ground. "hey hey" he lifted my head so that I was looking at him making me melt "it'll be algood, I'll look after you, come yeah?" he nodded and so did I "okay, but just cause you want me too okay?" I looked back to my feet feeling myself blush once again and I heard him chuckle "yeah okay, 7pm tonight ang, I'll pick you up" he yelled out running over to his mates. I sighed and walked to class. the rest of the day went by as usual. smart remarks and harsh words. chanting in my head "sticks n stones, sticks n stones" barb was sick so she was away. so I was alone today. I walked home and plopped myself on my bed almost outta breath. some days walking home was a mission trying to avoid everyone. no matter where I went, I was Angela baileys, the fat white girl. I started to get ready for the party. I pulled out some jeans and a classic rock shirt. I tied my hair up in a pony tail and slipped on my white chuck Taylor's. I grabbed my phone and heard a toot. looking out the window I saw Ethan by his car. I walked downstairs kissing my mom on the cheek "bye mom love you" I called out "11 o'clock Angela!" she replied "yeah yeah" I said walking out the door closing it behind me. Ethan banged on his car roof "let's go ang! we got some alcohol to drink!" he laughed and jumped in the driver's side. I slipped in the passengers and off we went. we sang to a couple good songs on the radio on the way there and I was feeling good. we parked out front of the frat house and it was packed. people were flooding outside the house. Ethan saw me panic . "it's fine ang, loosen up" he pat my shoulder and I looked at him nodding "you only live once right?" I said shyly and he laughed "that's the spirit, let's go" he opened his door and I took a deep breath opening my door. he took my hand dragging me into the house. the music was insanely loud, people dancing everywhere, red cups in the air, girls on tables. so much was going on. Ethan let go of my hand "I'll be right back, I'll get us a drink" he was almost shouting and I just nodded. I was left alone. I didn't see anyone from my school here. Ethan came back and handed me a cup "here, drink this" he took a gulp from his cup and I did the same. the contents was so strong it made my throat burn. and the next thing I knew, I was drunk. I was in the middle of a mosh pit, letting loose, my eyes drifted to a corner of the house where I saw Ethan wrapped up in another girl and I felt a pang. I shook away the thought and carried on jumping drinking everything in sight. I was smashed taking everyone's drinks. I heard the mic tap. it was Ethan brother, Byron. "thank you everyone for coming. and I hope your all having a good time!" the crowd went wild and so did I "well tonight, isn't just my birthday, it's also the night of my baby brother's pledge to the mighty house of zeek" he mimicked a sad tone and wiped away a fake tear making everyone laugh. I looked over at Ethan and it was like he was avoiding eye contact with me. "he has passed his last mission tonight...to bring a freak to the frat house, and he succeeded, everyone, this years 2022 freak award goes to.....ANGELA BAILEYS" I swear I felt all the blood leave my face and heart dropped. my breathing got heavy as everyone laughed at pointed at me "hey fatty? need some help??" "why don't you go to the gym?" "ahhh my eyes your so fat" my head was spinning and my head snapped at Ethan who wore a guilty look. I ran, I ran wherever my feet carried me to. I ran out the front door out onto the road, looking around, my eyes wouldn't stop crying. I saw another place having a party, must be another frat house, this was a college after all. I ran behind there, not really knowing why, I was drunk as hell. I saw a garage type block out the back and thought that was a good place to die. I ran in there slamming the door behind me and sliding down the door with tears streaming from my eyes. I pulled my legs to my chest and let it all out. all of a sudden I knew I wasn't alone. I looked up and seen someone under a dim light sitting back in a couch. with what smelt like a blunt, in his fingers. my breathing hitched. he had dark skin, with piercing blue eyes. his hair was in tight corn rolls, and his face chiseled. his face was perfect. his eyes I was getting lost in. as I was staring drunkly at Mr perfect he raised an eyebrow at me making me realize and I quickly looked away, my cheeks going bright red. someone else walked in from another door "ayo check, is she bothering you? the boys said they saw some white girl run out back here" the other guy said Mr perfect just nodded. signaling him to leave and he did I was happy kind of. that's the first time no one's ever said fat white girl. "you wanna hit?" he asked me and my eyes widened making him roll his pretty eyes. "not like that" he held out his blunt. I had never tried it before, so I thought why not, I've seen people do it on movies n stuff. I took a puff and chocked straight away, even gagging and I heard him chuckle "not for you huh?" he dabbed it out and left it in the ashtray leaning back into his chair. he was scrolling through his phone. "what's your name?" I asked him "check" he said dryly "no what's your government name?" why the hell did I ask like that. he looked at me and raised an eyebrow "my government name?" he started laughing but I knew he knew what I meant. "tyrell" he looked back at his phone and kept scrolling. "my names Angela, but everyone calls me the fat white girl" I said laughing and he just looked at me. making me stop laughing. I could feel his gaze on me and it was making me blush "I'd probably have a new name after tonight, something like fat white --" he cut me off "no" he said firmly "no?? look at me, I'm fa--" he cut me off again "no" he said staring his blue eyes into mine. I dunno where this confidence came from. probably the alcohol. I needed fresh air "I'm just gonna take a walk" I nodded and walked out, I saw a bench seat under a tree and I sat there staring the stars. it was a clear night. I was still mad at Ethan but I knew I'd forgive him. next thing I knew I was asleep. I woke up a few hours later hearing laughing and cameras clicking. I opened my eyes and seen everyone from Byron's party taking photos and teasing me "haha look her fat legs didn't make it that far" tears came on again and I just sat there. amongst all the taunts we heard someone clear their throat. and every turned their heads. it's was Tyrell. he stood on the pavement with his eyebrow raised. "oh s**t its check" I heard one mumble "hey...check, what's going on man?" the frat guy said, and it was obvious he was sitting himself. tyrell rolled his eyes and signaled for me to go to him. I got up and followed him to his car. he opened the door for me (something no one has ever done) and tilting his head for me to get in. I slid in the seat and he got in the driver's. "thanks tyrell" I managed to say "it's algood" he kept his eyes on the road. I didn't know where we were going but I fell asleep. I was still drunk. and getting hungry. so I was thankful I fell asleep. I woke up and I was out front of a lake, still in tyrells car. it was daylight. my mom is gonna freak. tyrell was leaning in the bonnet smoking a joint. I could smell it. he looked back and seen me awake. he flicked his joint away and walked back to the car getting in. "sorry, I didn't wanna wake you last night" he said nonchalantly "I'll take you home" he started up the car. on the way back I fiddled with my fingers, my head hurt and I was starving. we turned into town and to the drive through... "what do you want?" he asked as if reading my mind. "nothing I'm fine thanks" I was lying. he rolled his eyes and ordered some food. we got the food and he handed me a bag "just eat it, you'll feel better" I shook my head "thanks" my cheeks a bright red and I saw a small smile tug at his lips. we sat in comfortable silence eating. then we drove off as I was showing directions to my home. we pulled up out the front and he got out opening the door for me again. I stood in front of my house. "well, this is me...thanks again, for everything" I smiled shyly "so I'll see you around yeah?" he smirked making me blush again. damn these cheeks. "yeah, okay, bye tyrell" "laters, baileys" he got back in his car and zoomed off. I got inside knowing what was coming "ANGELA BAILEYS WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL NIGHT!" my mom was furious "I'm so sorry mom, I fell asleep where I was " my mom stopped and gave me a big hug. cause she knew, if I was asleep, nothing would wake me. "I was worried, next time call me or text" she stroked my hair and sniffed the air "go and shower you stink" smacking my arm and I laughed. she was where I got my forgiving nature from. "I told your dad you stayed with barb" she whispered and I gave her a thumbs up "your the best" I mouthed at her blowing her kiss while she shook her head. I showered and laid on my bed. tyrell was so kind, and I hope I cross paths with him again...

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