Chapter 2

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Carmen Pov I awoke to my alarm clock going off at 8 am I was always a morning person but yesterday only I shifted to New York. I spend some time in bed and then made my way to the bathroom. I open my shower tab and spend some time to enjoy the cold water on my body. After I washed up I grab new clothes for office. A few weeks ago I got an offer from Lower Manhattan Hospital so I left everything behind and shifted her. My parents live in Rome but due to 100 hours weeks’ job make my schedule so tight I didn’t visit them from last 3 years. I decided to grab a coffee but I was so tired I decide to go out. There is Starbucks nearby to my building maybe I can spend some time there and then left for the office from there directly. When I finally made it to Starbucks I notice it’s not crowded actually. In fact, there is no queue so I walk to counter to order my coffee. There was a girl preparing someone order so I called her. “Excuse me; can you please take my order?” I said When she turns to me I notice she looks very elegant and sweet. She starts fumbling while taking my order. I know I look quite beautiful and people usually react like this but somehow she looks cute. She was blushing so hard it gives me giggling. I notice her properly she has green eyes with ponytail looks quite simple but very decent. I saw her name is Betty on her ID card, once pay my bill I search for a table to settle and got a seat near a window so I settled down there. I like watching birds chirping on the tree from the window while having coffee usually. Suddenly I hear a voice “Excuse me, your order Carmen,” I turn my head to see it was Betty with smiling face. I raised my hand to grab coffee when accidentally my fingers touch Betty's fingers and my heart starts jumping fast. Our eyes meet for the movement but then she realized we are staring at each other so she said sorry & turn back to leave but got stumble to chair also. Till the time I finished my coffee, I notice several times that Betty was glancing at me & somehow I like this attention a lot. It’s been a long time since anyone notices me, neither had I felt an instant connection with someone. I check the time I was already 10 am so I left the coffee shop and for the last time I look towards Betty and left for the hospital. Betty Pov When I come back to counter I couldn’t stop thinking about this new girl. She was looking out with a slight sweet smile on her face. She looks so delicate that my heart was skipping heartbeats every time she looks at me. The whole time I was staring at her, I was not able to concentrate on my work. She catches me several times but whenever she looks at me, she gave me smile. There is definitely some connection between both of us. Once she walks towards the door I notice she glances at me and then left it. Carmen Pov I reach hospital nearby 10:45 am and directly go to the reception. They inform me to wait to Mr. Smith cabin; he is my superior also my head to whom I need to report daily. After one hour he came to the cabin, he looks very messy due to surgery he was operating. Once he settled in the seat he asked for my documents. He read all my documents and I wait patiently for another seat. They ask me few questions about my professional life and about the medical field, I give him answers politely. Once he gets satisfied he told me I can assist him from now. The whole day I take notes and meet everyone in the hospital and see all the labs and departments. I check some patients also and read their cases too. Later I left for my home in the evening to come tomorrow. It’s kind of dream come true to me, from school days I want to become a doctor and help people. I voluntarily spend 15 hours daily in my studies to become topper in my high school. Even in college, I spend most of my time in several activities and studies only that’s the reason I never get lucky in relationships. I date several people but due to lack of time given in relationship, everybody moves out from my life. When I start doing my internship in hospitals I was aware that now also I am not able to get lucky much but now I am well stable in my life. Sometimes I feel lonely but no one ever gives me that comfort which I always want it from my relationship. I got into apartment nearby 11 pm and I was so tired to make anything for me so I order food from the restaurant. Later I make coffee for me when suddenly I remember that coffee shop girl. She was sweet and innocent, she is quite younger than from me. Maybe I can go to the coffee shop tomorrow again and meet her too.
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