
Making You MINE : Stealing My Enemy's Possession

love after marriage
male lead
small town
enimies to lovers


SHE IS MINE : Where Love can't bear hatred, Hatred can't bear Love

When an innocent, young, orphan Hoor ran away from her toxic, over possessive Fiance, she thought this was the end of her problems but her happiness and freedom is short lived when she is kidnapped by his rival, A Mafia Boss.

Being related to him, costs her a heavy price as they think she knows all his secrets which she does not.

Meanwhile her possessive Fiance is not someone who would give up on her so easily.


Hoor was shivering with fear. Her heart pounding against her chest.

The door knob moved and he entered the room. His eyes were the witness of the storm burning inside him. "Zeeshan I-"

He pinned her wrists to the wall her body went numb. She didn't want it. Not now. Not this way. Not when he was blinded by rage and not in his senses at least. She stood there speechless with her eyes shut until he pulled away. “What are you doing?” She asked panicked and out of breath as he left her with a jerk.

“Making you realise that you’re married.” He spoke in an angry, venomous tone holding her shoulders and pinning her back to the wall as she tried to walk away.

“Zeeshan please leave me! It’s hurting.” She let tears flow.

“Oh really? Didn’t it hurt when that man had his hand on your back?”

“What are you talking? Please trust me.  He did it purposely when he saw you-“

“And you let him? Or after seeing your old lover, you just forgot that you're my wife?"

She just looking down hurt and broken. “Okay Zeeshan. If you still believe it’s my fault, you can punish me.”

“Really…" His hand traced down her  arm and folds over hers, Entwining their fingers in a tight grip. She couldn't help but feel the effect  he had on her. The way her heart raced, her eyes closed, her cheeks flushed by merely his single touch. His closeness. 'No. No. No. I can't give in now. That way I will never be able to make him realize his mistake.'

"You’re not in your senses Zeeshan.  Leave me! We’ll talk later." She said weakly in a pleading voice. 'Please don't ruin me. I would never be able to forgive you.' Her heart prayed silently.

Seeing her tears, his heart softened a bit but not enough to make him guilty. He brought his face inches closer and said, “I am your husband Hoor. Say that you're mine." He ordered.

"I'm yours." She choked through her tears.

"Again!" He demanded in a dark voice.

"I'm yours." She cried harder


"I am yours."

"Good. now remember it cause you won't like the way I remind you again and again. Remember, if I ever see someone else touching your body like today-”

“Then what?” she snapped angrily but instantly regretted it when she saw the fire in his eyes returning and his grip on her wrist going more hurtful than before. 'Don’t provoke him Hoor. He’s dangerous, he's a man and he is stronger than you in every way.’ Her sensible self screamed. 

“I promise I will make you regret it. Don’t push me to the point where I forget all my morals and to be a human being. I don’t want to show you what helplessness really is. I don’t want to kill your innocence and break and shatter your heart to pieces. I don’t want to leave marks of my brutality on your body and soul forever. I don’t want to hurt you in a way you can never be healed. And trust me Hoor you don't want to see that side of me.” he warned in his deep dark voice. His face inches away from hers.


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#1 – If Angels Are Real...
Dec 1995 *** "Nafisa, Zoheb, I'm ready." Zeeshan, the leader of Ronins gang summoned loading a small Pistol and placing it in the case of the leather belt on his waist and another in the sock of right leg. This time, he wore a baggy blue shirt with metal strips at various places and the name of some imaginary security firm embedded on the shirt's chest. His rough, masculine appearance and deep, strong voice made him scary. Today they were going to meet the Client and every time Zeeshan Ahmad Khan has to disguise completely because nobody has ever seen 'Hero', the name he opted in their dark business world. And it was better and safer that way. Zeeshan was anticipating Zoheb's request to come out and was angrily touching door knob again and again when he saw them walking towards his car calmly, through the window of his room. He was angry as this deal was very important to him and these love birds were delaying it. Nafisa is the 'brain' for Ronins and no one would ever expect that because she had look of an innocent Angel but actually she was trained to kill. The security, safety and planning of the team lay in her hands. She was chosen for this because she is a practical person and cleverer than any other who cared merely about her husband Zoheb and their Chief, Zeeshan. Zoheb checks Zeeshan's attire and only thing which he replaces was his heavy Pistol which was visible in his belt with a smaller, lighter and more efficient German pistol and said "This will do" as he is a trained engineer and the weapons expert of their squad. If not for their former chief, who had the talent of carving diamonds from coal, Zoheb is too sweet and soft hearted to be here. He is the legal veil behind which the Ronins carried out their illicit activities. The owner of a massive estate business and Fisheries export ruling the sea. "Let's go." said Zoheb to both of them. Unfortunately, Nafisa was the reason why he is here. The only people Zoheb can ever care are Nafisa his wife, and Zeeshan whom he regards his brother comprised his entire family. Zoheb walked with a confident smile on his face wearing a formal white shirt and trousers. And Nafisa... to look at her, anyone would get mistaken that she's some Angel fallen from heaven, such were her innocent and heart melting looks. Dressed in a simple yellow knee-length top and white Jeggings no one could ever suspect that she worked with them. She caught the sight of her silhouette in the rear view mirror of the car and began driveling over her own perfection. "Masha'allah! I look so perfect." She says to herself and Zeeshan rolled his eyes. "Ready?" Zoheb asked. "Hm." Zeeshan said adjusting that stupid dress. "OK then. Drive the car." Nafisa said throwing the keys at Zeeshan. 'The nerve she had. I am the boss here.' "What?" Zeeshan asks unbelievably faking a smile. "Bodyguards drive the car right?" She declared arrogantly with a smirk. Zeeshan sighed and quietly sat in the driver's seat. He just can't get angry on anything they do as they are the only family he has after all. And they started their journey towards meeting point. Zeeshan had an obsession with spacious, family cars and this one black Tata Estate was his favorite; also he owned three of them white, black and red. "Zoheb everything set?" Zeeshan started the enquiry like always. "Yes Bhai. Well... I don't think they'll allow us to keep the gυns in the meeting. So I've taken tranquilizer in case if everything doesn't go as planned. You want our shooters at location?" "No. I don't want to give them a chance to turn against us. We are known for our word and code of conduct. You checked the order again?" "Yes. I did. Power balls, shotshells all okay. The main package will be delivered in another truck. Didn't risk them together. Nafisa's order." "Hm. And Nafisa... Have you come up with anything shocking regarding their case history?" Zeeshan asked maintaining his eyes on the road. "Yeah. The party coming today is sent by 'the SERPENTS'." She said calmly. Serpents? Our Sworn Enemies? "What?" he asked completely shocked. How could she be so calm? "The 'Serpents', that brutal gang operating from the Capital city who have a crime record in Drυg pedaling, flesh trade, human trαfficκing and every other crime ever listed. Why didn't you inform about this to any of us before? They are our worst enemies and we don't do business with them. You know that." "Calm down Zeeshan, Zoheb. And listen to me. They think we don't know that they are pawns of the Serpents which gives us a plus point. Second thing, this time they're ready to pay an extra half of the payment and in return they want us to abduct a girl who is a big threat to them. And they want her 'alive'. That means the girl has some connection with the Serpents and they desperately need her back. So they have hired the best to find her, which is us. Therefore you boys don't mess it up. We go there and pretend like we don't know them, get every possible information about the girl, find her and use her against the Serpents. Got it?" 'That's why she's the brain of Ronins. Only she can think like this.' Zeeshan admired in mind. Serpents, the other gang from Capital city who had no principles. They could do anything to get their way. If the girl has betrayed them then Zeeshan couldn't fathom what they'll do with her. Delhi, their base and this place Bombay, the seaside was Zeeshan's where even their shadow was impermissible. A vicious and brutal Rehaan Ali controlled all such activities of Serpents along with his naive younger brother, Rehman. "Start the car Zeeshan. We're getting late." Nafisa said irked. That's when he realized he had applied brakes in shock. Zeeshan just nodded and they had to shake Zoheb a little to see whether the information sunk in. He was compassionate, forgiving and gentle especially when it came to women and children. "Bhai before taking a decision just remember it's not our protocol to kill women, senior citizens and children. Well on senior citizens, conditions apply." Zoheb reminded Zeeshan. "We'll see Zoheb. I don't promise anything." It was an answer contenting enough for Zoheb. He knew Zeeshan never betrayed his work, word and family. ••• They reached an empty old ruined site full of stone pillars everywhere. "Looks like hardly anyone ever visits this place." Zoheb said. "That's exactly why they have chosen this place Zoheb." Nafisa said obvious. They moved forward and as expected the men waiting there asked them for their guns and other weapons as they wanted the deal without any treachery or violence. As Zeeshan was about to go behind them, one of their men stopped him with his hand. "Only the main party is allowed. No bodyguards." 'Not again.' Zeeshan mumbled. "He'll come with us." Nafisa said rather ordered. Even as a woman, her voice was more dominating and authoritative than Zoheb's. "But-" "Oh come on. You have taken our weapons right. And we can't trust your Boss." Zoheb reminded them and all three walked inside. "Assalamualaikum I think we were here to do business with Hero. Where is he?" the man waiting there in mid-forties asked puffing a fat cigar. "WalaikumAssalam, Hero couldn't come because of an injury." Nafisa said looking at Zoheb. "We are his team. I am Mrs. Nafisa Khan and Mr. Zoheb Khan. We are here to handover the shipment to you. Zoheb?" She turned to Zoheb. "Ah yes." Zoheb scanned his pockets and took out an envelope. "This is the address of where the truck is parked. We appreciate transparency so you can pay half of the amount after you check the truck and confirm the stuff. And what were you talking about the girl on the phone?" Mr. Sheikh nodded straightening his glasses and gestured a man who brought an envelope. "This is the girl's photo who has brought you so much fortune. We want her. 'Alive'." He said emphasizing the word, 'Alive' more than necessary. "We've sent our men to fetch her but she's in Hero's territory, where all other gangs are incapable except his." He said making Zeeshan smile wide in pride. "OK. Mr. Sheikh. Your work will be done. By the end of this month. And don't forget, we want the remaining payment in gold bars. And this is the first and last time we're agreeing for this. We don't do dirty business. You never put your hands on anyone in our area again." Nafisa cleared. "I am aware of that Mrs. Khan. Nice doing business with you." Mr. Sheikh said forwarding his hands for a handshake. "OK then. Everything done. We take a leave." Zoheb said shaking his hand and they turned to leave. "Good bye." They were leaving when Zeeshan murmured to Zoheb, "These people didn't ask the main question which I was waiting for. Well and good." "Wait." Mr. Sheikh called out and slowly walked to them. "Not only we... But no other gang has ever seen 'Hero'. I doubt if any Hero exists or not." He said talking another puff of his thick cigar. Nafisa turned around to face Mr. Sheikh. "Mr. Sheikh, Have you ever seen death?" Nafisa asked curtly. "No." He replied obvious. "But you believe it exists and sucks the life out of every being. Right?" "Yes." "Have you ever seen Wind?" "No." "But for sure, it exists. Same way, nobody has ever seen Hero but he evidently exists. He's our leader, mentor and the present Chief of the Ronins. Now Good bye." She said wearing her shades and they left. ••• "Bhai half of the money later?" Zoheb asked. "Yes. First thing, they wouldn't dare double cross me and second, we like it or not but we have to maintain a trust relationship with our clients." Zeeshan reminded. All the way while driving, Zeeshan kept staring at the envelope planning to open it once they reach home. "Now I'm sure about what you said Nafisa. She's definitely valuable to them. The amount they are spending to find her is way too much for just a Kidnap. What do you people think?" Zeeshan asked them. "Zeeshan, I think she was a member of the serpents and she betrayed them so they want her... But the question remains... Why alive? They could ask us to kill her straightway. This would secure and seal their secrets, wouldn't it?" Nafisa said and most of the times she is right. "What if she belongs to some rich, reputed family who is creating problems for the gang and they want her so that they can blackmail them." Zoheb's innocent guess. "But they could have done it themselves. Why us?" the question in Zeeshan's mind remained. "Like they said, they're sure she's in Bombay and in here, only we can." Zoheb said proudly. Zeeshan sighed. There are endless possibilities. Both of them could be right, both of them could be wrong. Only this girl could solve this mystery. And won't be easy to find her with nothing but a photograph. No address, phone no., not even her name. ••• They reached home too tired. "Shab bakhair (Good night) Bhai. We'll talk about this tomorrow and next time please avoid evening meetings. It's December for God sake. The cold kills." Zoheb complained and left. "Shab bakhair (Good night) Zoheb". Zeeshan said and retired to his room. ••• Zeeshan sat there in darkness for a while and then finally fetched the envelope. He switched on the lamp and slowly opened it and his breathing hitched at the sight. He sees the photo and gets lost in it. If Angels are real, they must look like this. That fair heart shaped face, Hazel eyes, pink lips, long shiny hairs, like an angel just sprung up from an ancient Leonardo painting. Such a beauty. 'Only if her heart would have been as beautiful as her face.' Zeeshan's mind mocked as he remembered that she works for a gang. But every time he looked at the photo, his heart denied her being wrong. Maybe some misunderstanding, maybe she doesn't... And many other silly replies. With those thoughts, he dozed of still staring at the photo.

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