Chapter Thirty-Two

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I took out the key and showed it to them, “this is the key to a storage room somewhere in town. There's a number on it, most likely the storage room’s number. I'll go check the place out tomorrow” I passed the key around for them to see. I can't wait for this whole issue to be over so we can all move on and continue with our lives and hopefully away from my Dad’s family. Carrie passed the key back to me and I was about to put it back in the box when the lights went out. I thought it was a power outage until Carrie pointed out there was light everywhere else in the house. “The bulb must be bad, I'll check it” I pulled a chair underneath the bulb and climbed on it. Before I touched it, it came on, I noticed it was brighter this time. It went back off after buzzing a little. I nudged it a little and it came on as the door flung wide open. The lights were flickering on and off this time. A shadow appeared and a deafening screech came with it. “RUN” I shouted as we all fled upstairs, we ran to my Mom’s room and locked the door. I dragged her wardrobe behind the door. I stood in the middle of the room extremely confused and terrified, we all were. “What the heck was that?” I asked no one in particular. Seconds passed, then minutes, we didn't hear a single sound. After a few minutes it hit me, what if the door was open. “We have to go back downstairs” I sighed. “HUH! What For?” Carrie screamed, I told her to be quiet and she put her hand over her mouth. “The door could be open, we don't know who or what can get in and we don't want that” I explained. They all agreed so I dragged the wardrobe away from the door and we stepped out slowly. We went downstairs to the living room slowly, huddled together. The door was closed and the light in the living room was back on. The chair I used to check the lights was back in its original position. It was very creepy. I peeped into the kitchen, “Anyone else finds that weird, or is it just me?”. They all nodded in agreement. “We really need to go to that storage room. First thing tomorrow, hopefully, it helps make sense of what is going on”. “I agree, we go there first thing tomorrow” Carrie pulled a chair in the kitchen as we sat down and got ready for dinner. None of us could eat anything during dinner, I couldn't wait to go to the storage room. We needed answers, and what happened tonight was far too creepy and scary to just ignore. We were all silent, thinking about what happened tonight when Carrie shouted out of nowhere, “I felt something at the parking lot before I entered the car,”. Everyone turned to look at her, “something how?” I and my Mom asked at the same time. “I felt a hand on my shoulder, and a shiver down my spine. I also felt it when the door opened and the screech after.” She explained. The silent grew louder. I couldn't make any sense of what was going on, noises, chills, hands.. It was all just so creepy. Those were things you watched in movies or read in books. Witnessing things like that first hand, it was messed up. I looked up at her, “let's just hope that storage room has answers to all our questions” ********** The next morning I had a slight headache, I didn't sleep all through the night so I sort of expected it. I went downstairs to pour myself a cup of coffee. My Mom was in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand. “Morning Mom” I greeted her as I entered the kitchen. “Hey baby how're you doing? Want some coffee?” She asked. “Yes please” I sighed as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped it almost immediately. “Looks like you had a rough night? Are you okay?” my Mom asked as she handed me the cup of coffee. “Yeah I don't think I slept at all, I have a slight headache.. Thank you” I sat down at the table as she packed her bags, getting ready for work. I heard Carrie’s door open upstairs. Wow she is up early, that's a first. She and Leah came downstairs and walked into the kitchen. “Never thought I'd see the day where you'd be up early” I teased. “I mean, you look like you're still asleep, you're only half awake but I'll let that slide” Mom laughed and Carrie gave me a playful slap. My Mom was all packed and ready for work minutes later, “keep me updated guys, and be safe” She added as she left. I went upstairs to get my laptop and the key to the storage room. We had to get started on it early if we wanted to find out about anything. I came downstairs with the box in my hand and both Carrie and Leah jumped. “Calm down, I just need the key in it, I promise”, they calmed down shortly after and I sat down. I grabbed the key and looked at the name on it, “Sachmans Storage on the other side of town. Got the address”. I got a piece of paper and a pen then wrote down the address. We have to check this place out as fast as possible, but first we have to eat, we definitely can't fight evil on an empty stomach. "Let's eat breakfast first then go check out the place" I looked at Carrie and Leah. They looked like they were relieved to hear me say that, we were all starving. After breakfast, we grabbed our jackets and I suggested taking caps along too. "Just in case we have to conceal our identities or we see someone we recognize" I explained to both of them. They both agreed so we took three caps along. I went to the car with Leah while Carrie locked up. "We might need that bat again, why don't you take it along?" Leah suggested as we both entered the car. "You're right, it might come in handy" I got back down to get it from the porch. Carrie was already in the car when I got back, "you guys ready?" I asked as I got in and started the car. "Alright then, let's go" I pulled out of the driveway and onto the street.
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